@emmafurious Yes, indeedy. Good luck, @BlackDogDays. Will be thinking of you.
@arlinelyons Thanks!
@r0bb1eh Excellent! A good slow plod all the way round, that’s my plan :D
Roughly halfway through Sunday’s half marathon, I will pass 1,000km of recording running on RunKeeper :) runkeeper.com/user/gothick/p…
Andr3wSmith Smiling at Katy Manning’s quip at yesterday’s screening: “Tom Baker is only person I know who as he gets older is slowly going sane.” #DrWho
@RamonYouseph I should’ve worn my larger anorak, to facilitate tacking.
Bristol folks: consider allowing an extra half-hour for your journey home if you’re walking *into* the wind.
@MrGreenGus @wood5y @amberanima Good or bad, hope they call it the Oystal Card. Also, machine should say “Cheers, drive” when Oystaling out.
@amberanima @MrGreenGus @wood5y I’ve just been walking everywhere since I worked out it averaged faster than the bus most of the time!
@amberanima @MrGreenGus @wood5y I use buses rarely so cost doesn’t bother much. Just want to avoid scowly drivers snarling about exact fare!
@guriben @MrGreenGus @amberanima With a real oyster, you always get a seat to yourself. #greatadvertisingcopy
@paulahillier Good choice. I am never using irritating-opera-singer-company. #annoying #votingwithmywallet
@MrGreenGus Something tells me this is going to end up “a bit like Oyster, only crapper.”
@MrGreenGus Hrm. “ITSO smartcard” says article. “Oyster is not compatible with the ITSO specification” says Wikipedia. Bah.
@stillawake Thanks! :)
@amberanima Thanks :)
On Sunday I’ll be running the Bristol Half Marathon for St. Peter’s Hospice. All donations gratefully received! Thanks! bit.ly/matthalf2011
@MrGreenGus Ta!
@MrGreenGus (Also, I’d quite like it just to work with my existing actual Oyster card, but I suppose that’s too much to hope for…)
@MrGreenGus Oh, at last. When’s that coming, then?
@Phooto Doesn’t that also make it your 60th, though? #octalhurts
@archidave Really? I haven’t!
@talkie_tim I buy you a pint in advance, will you do something awesome for me later?
@hayles GRRRRR.
@codepo8 Well, it’s not like tiny screens make the best dev environments. I guess they’ll target more as tablets take off.
@codepo8 The layout breaks a bit when the size of the result pane expands, but the animation works fine on iPhone. lockerz.com/s/136018498
@codepo8 Oooh. And I’m almost as impressed with jsfiddle working well enough to see it on the phone as I am with the effect :)
On the boat heading for the first day back at work since Thursday before last. *sigh*. Still, in a few weeks will be a free agent!
All Yesterday’s Parties instagr.am/p/MOVJb/
@arlinelyons oops! Ta!