@emotionalpedant You have my sympathy. Might read the book again this winter :)
@stillawake That would explain quite a lot.
@stillawake I’m hoping that won’t actually turn out to be a useful skill.
@_han I have a Humax (PVR 9300-T.) Had it the best part of a year now, and it seems fine. Easy, reliable.
Right. I need an early night tonight. Been going to bed far too late this week…
@daycoder Yeah. But it’s the same with me and an iPad; I know I don’t have a use-case, but that doesn’t stop me wanting to buy one :)
@daycoder 1920x1080, but *also* 1440x900. So I don’t bother hiding the dock :)
@daycoder …and it feels less cramped than it did. But yeah, I’m way more productive on a couple of big monitors.
@daycoder I wouldn’t want it to be my only machine. But I’ve gradually set it up to be better — Dock auto-hide, using Full Screen, etc.
@Narshada Sounds like it should be the German name for some kind of flying arse.
#Lion Mail tip: If you hide your folder list in Full Screen, you can still drag mail to it. Hold dragged mail over left-hand edge — pop!
@zinziii Hope you figure everything out. Good luck dealing with stuff.
RT @BodyofBreen: By request, #prdonewrong in long form on Google+ plus.google.com/10901550415251…
TashP351 WARNING: If you receive a tweet with a link to a clip of Jedward’s new single, DO NOT OPEN. It’s a link to a clip of Jedward’s new single.
RT @ckh2oman: <div id=”hacked_by_chinese”> that’s a bad sign. “@smashingmag: Javelin:- javelinjs.com” <- Good use of the ID “snipe”.
@Narshada Will do. But only if you’re not needing the money for a new battery.
@emotionalpedant Oh, gawd. Yes, I loved the books too, which is why I’m never ever watching that. Let me know if I was right.
@Narshada :( Sucky. *sympathy*
@hayles *Hurriedly registers wikipedial.org*
@hayles What?
@Mandlebrot I have a standalone cardreader, and I’m not going to be experimenting with the iMac SD slot again!
@Mandlebrot Rest assured, therefore, that you are not alone: google.co.uk/search?client=…
@Mandlebrot When I nearly did that, I found a couple of articles and at least one YouTube video about getting them back out.
In other news, how on *earth* have I missed sco.wikipeida.org before noo? sco.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gloamin
@mattgemmell It’s glebbenin’ in the gloamin’? Goodness.
AndrewGirdwood Loony Letters » M&S (Sandwichloonyletters.com/ms-sandwiches/7m2y This is the best thing Marks and Spencer have ever done.
RT @petapixel: Cameras sculpted using found paper: j.mp/mVBID6 <— Pretty!
Good timing, there; the power came back on at work just as I finished the boss’s Telegraph cryptic crossword :)
Chookooloonks My kid is ALWAYS so eager to learn! For example, this morning? She’s learning the meaning of the term “THIN ICE.”
Oh! Apparently, if you have many photographer friends on FB & Twitter, the “new friend” suggestions sometimes include *real* bikini models.
Email from Amazon telling me I might be interested in a TouchPad for £249.00. Er… No.
@nineweeks “Be wary of men whose jobs naturally surround them with viciously-sharp tools.” — Well, it *should* be an old burglar’s proverb.
@meemalee Thanks!
Whoo-hoo! Halfway to my fundraising target already. Thanks! *dances* justgiving.com/matthalf2011
@jukesie Well, to be fair, since I moved in round the corner in 1999 it’s been open a lot more than it’s been closed…
Two weeks to go :) Related: I should come up with a consistent and quick answer to “why did you resign?” before I start feeling like No. 6.
Phooto Who lives in a house with three foot high ceilings? canvasbuddy.co.uk/default.asp
hayles My pet giraffe didn’t believe that people on Twitter will retweet any old shit, so for every RT I get, he’ll give me 52p.