Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

September 16th, 2011

@hayles Did you say “things”? Because I happen to be one of the internet’s foremost purveyors of “things”! RT TO WIN A THING!

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@hayles I am on the last dregs of wine. I have no cake.

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At some point tonight, I must stop having dinner. *munches on contents of Graze box* *drinks more wine*.

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@stillawake Both of them, in fact. And yes, she did! Though I still have very fond memories of Maddie Magellan, too.

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@stillawake For some reason, my Two Pints hot spot is for @Sheridansmith1 rather than Johnny. Can’t think why :)

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@ViolaMaths I’m going to go live in a cave until January.

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@stillawake Yes. It did go right downhill when Jonny left. But that still leaves something like six series…

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@stillawake I need to get the box set. I think I missed the first couple of series.

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@andybeebristol I should demand £50 off *you*. This whole “six months’ sabbatical” thing is partly your fault, after all… :)

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@nineweeks Oooh. Well, I like both rooibos and Earl Grey, so that could work. But for now: wine :)

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Drinkin’ wine.

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@stillawake I have just now got around to watching this. Forgotten how damn funny it was. Ta :) Now watching random Two Pints YouTube clips.

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Short and sweet: Jedi Kittens Strike Back…

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@hayles I think it would have got a little wearing during the second or third year of my daily commuting.

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@the3rdgirl This is as it should be. At least the drunks stand a chance of seeming like normal humans when sober.

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Home. At. Last. It has been a long day, Twitter.

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@bbedit @arlinelyons Ah, fab. Must remember to check for updates! Thanks.

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@DrHairbear I have Monday off, so just next Tuesday & Wednesday :D

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Someone just emailed me by mistake, asking me to look after my own leaving collection and card. He is now suitably embarrassed :)

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@mattgemmell Really think you should be able to *remove* words from the spellcheck dictionary.

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@arlinelyons Always here to help :) For good free Windows text editor, get Notepad++.

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@arlinelyons Finally (bet you wished you’d not asked!) if you do lots of CSS, Espresso comes with CSSEdit free atm. CSSEdit is teh awesomes.

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@arlinelyons …and they can all edit utf-8 and be configured to create files in utf-8 by default.

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@arlinelyons …in descending order of price, at the moment. This is good time to buy BBEdit; get 9 cheap on App Store w/free upgrade to 10.

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@arlinelyons Virtually anything should handle utf-8 these days. For HTML/CSS on a Mac, I use Coda. Also consider BBEdit, Textwrangler…

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@51bits @sazzy And if not, check for duplicate fonts installed, especially duplicates of the font that’s meant to be.

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@hayles I love that man. And I know he’d love me right back. Even if he did call me girls’ names and hit me a lot.

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codinghorror “People are bastard coated bastards with bastard filling.”…

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I’ve not read the next blog entry I’m about to retweet (yet). I just love the pull quote so much I have to share it.

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@hayles I stumbled across that at the time. Was quite nasty. Using talk of his kids’ death, etc.

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@danfairs @frstep Lots of places where I have to fiddle with a window just to see if there’s any more content, where before I just *looked*.

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@frstep @danfairs I had reasons for trying to stick with new features. Resume’s stayed. May have to turn visible scrollbars back on, though!

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@frstep @danfairs …although I’m guessing what you’re *meant* to do is quit with Cmd-Opt-Q instead.

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@frstep @danfairs Yup. Been using it in Finder for a good long while. With advent of Resume, guess it might get a bit more use.

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