Right. Off to Swindonia, then.
@hayles @stillawake It may be time to deploy the hashtag. #allhaylesfault
@Mandlebrot Oop! Am always bit oblivious when walking around! Next time…
Putting on my flat cap to try to extend the holiday mood as long as I can.
@MrGreenGus Turned out to be a clematis in the end, sorry!
hayles Um…I think this needs some work…. bit.ly/phnaQt
@guriben Aha. Clematis Perle D’Azur, I believe. google.co.uk/search?q=perleā¦
@guriben Hang on a mo, I’ll look up passiflora and see if I spot any names I recognise. I did know what it was when I planted it!
@guriben Embarrassed to admit I don’t know, even though I planted it! Not passion; some kind of climber. Maybe a honeysuckle?
Yay! Prettiness happened in my little courtyard while I was away. instagr.am/p/MAnkr/
‘Kay. Up. Caffeinated. Probably time to unpack and start doing laundry…
@hayles That’s just a sign that you’ve yet to buy enough tech. lockerz.com/s/135367908
@Mouse_House You probably needed it, though. #listentoyourinnermouse
@Phooto The website tweets once a week with the last-recorded weight. And yeah, doing several smaller targets so I don’t get dispirited!
@Phooto In fact, I seem to have managed to lose a couple of pounds while on holiday. Yay for long walks!
@BlackDogDays I worked that out after my brain kicked in and I checked Wikipedia :)
@BlackDogDays JDB?
@Phooto no, just been on holiday away from the scales for a week!
My weight: 17:12.7 stlb. 0:12.7 stlb to go. Weighin’ in. withings.com
Bah. #insomnia