In a move that’s odd even for #Bristol, someone appears to have tagged this banana peel.
@Mouse_House I think rage is probably better than listless don’t-know-what-to-do-with-myselfness. Go for it.
@Mouse_House I hate those moods. Hope you feel better, Mouse.
@Mouse_House That sounds like a plan. Although, now I think about it, I might add a couple of aims: 1) coffee; 2) cake.
@archidave Nope, just in time, thanks! Will postpone to later in the week.
Well, that was good timing. My parcel arrived just as @archidave told me that the M Shed is closed on Mondays. (Bugger!)
@MrGreenGus Yes.
@Mouse_House It is traditional, I believe.
@Mouse_House Arse. Do you have any getting-un-fed-up tricks? I find forcing myself out for a walk sometimes works.
@MissEmmeline YES!!!!1!!!1!eleventy!!!1!!!
@MissEmmeline No, boring AppleCare agreement and battery for new camera.
@Mouse_House Poor Mouse. That was my Saturday. Luckily I have had enough sleep since then. Feeling okay now.
@Mouse_House Luckily I did that first thing, so I can at least wait here feeling clean.
Hurry up parcels. I want to go check out the M Shed. Or at least have lunch.
@Mouse_House No. Of course, I could easily *make* it arrive by popping out for five minutes.
@thekarleighshow Ah. The only force on earth known to collect technology at a faster rate than the down-the-back-of-the-sofa monster.
@Mouse_House I can’t even take *me* out for breakfast. #waitinginforparcel
@asic69 Looks pretty evil. But I’d hoped to have a break with tradition and use an evil squirrel, actually.
@thekarleighshow Do you have a particularly big back-of-the-sofa?
@asic69 I’ve no idea. *strokes cat*
@stitchbitch Yes. Yes, it does.
Playing with Live View for self portraits. #moodyselfportrait
I am catching up with @stitchbitch’s Whocaps. I think *ladybarf* may be my Word of the Week.… #drwho
@Mouse_House Actually, as a bloke, I think I have to accept that as a valid defence for perving. Carry on.
@Mouse_House Perving by deception. Bad Mouse!
@Mouse_House Bad Mouse!
@MissEmmeline Doodlydoo… No doodling for me, but I like the coffee idea.
MizzWorthy Weather report says cloudy with showers. Frankly I’m shocked. (is not shocked)
@MizzWorthy @tsunimee Mormon all!