@r0bb1eh Good luck! You’ll have a half-hour head-start on me :D
@t_pk I’m sure I’ll manage. *sets off in wrong direction*.
@t_pk Actually, I’m not certain if my number’s red or pink, so I might end up in the wrong place. *squints at shirt*.
It’s nice to see my running skills improving with every race. Specifically, I’m now really good at pinning my race number onto my shirt.
Sewing on a button. Bet you’re glad you followed me now. #excitement
@redlegoman Wonder if the rotation of the earth would drive you into the wall first, though… Hrmm.
@redlegoman Would you? Surely you’d overshoot — there’s no gravity in the middle, so why would you stop?
@oxfamcothambook Awww, thanks :D
@stillawake Likewise! :D
@stillawake Given the calorific value, I recommend running 13 miles first.
@TheChapblog Good luck to you too! Sure it’ll go fine; just don’t race off too fast at the start!
@TheChapblog Tomorrow. I’m starting in the second wave, sometime around 10am :)
@guriben Handily, duckduckgo is ready pre-configured as one of the search engine options in @alfredapp. Noice.
@TheChapblog Bristol Half Marathon. Slowly, mind, but hopefully jogging all the way.
@guriben Ta. I shall set that as the default engine for Alfred for a while and see how it goes.
I have had my head shaved and trimmed my beard in my usual vain pre-race attempts at streamlining myself :)
I’m increasingly having to resort to Google’s advanced search syntax to make it search for THE EXACT THING I TYPED IN THE FIRST DAMN PLACE.
@r0bb1eh Me too! ‘Tillos for me on my way home :)
You see a lot of people driving past the ROAD AHEAD CLOSED sign, then reversing, surprisedly. instagr.am/p/MrjkO/
Just bought a bath bomb for after the half marathon tomorrow. Runners: buy your post-race treat while you’re still happy to walk about :)
@Crackerwax You’re a bad man. Not that I’m saying you’re *wrong*, mind…
#torchwood #mildspoiler Would any physics teachers who are up to date with #torchwood tell me what would happen if I fell into that hole?
The Queen Mum appears to be handing out leaflets in Clifton Village. Odd.
Nursing my apathy in BTP.
@BlackDogDays Well, indeed. Naturally, he assured me he was only going because he really likes chicken wings.
@BlackDogDays No Mr. Brown. The IT boys were at… No I’m not sure I can actually bring myself to say it. #okaythen #hooters #sigh
@tsunimee Yur. That’s my kind of thing, too.
@asic69 O.
@BlackDogDays Non-pervy bosom-clutching? It’ll never catch on. Yes, the Lanes. May’ve been foolish. #freebeer #oops #hopeifeelbettertomorrow
@BlackDogDays Oh, hello. *Waves*. Doing not-too-bad, then, gorgeous?
My weight: 17:10.8 stlb. 0:10.8 stlb to go. Weighin’ in. withings.com