Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

September 13th, 2011

@siracusa Yeah, because *that* track record’s so good. Was just considering buying a Filofax as a backup system in anticipation of launch.

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@R2UK Good, isn’t it? Just re-enabled my account now they’ve got a beta of multi-site-supporting plugin :)

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@hellybellybutt @hayles Obviously, everything around me is the mattosphere.

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@MizzWorthy Well-reminded! But who’s going to do the angry shouty stuff in this new series?

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2MuchApplePie WH Smith now stock a magazine called ‘Katie’, all about Katie Price. Just in case you thought western civilization wasn’t entirely fucked.

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@moonbeatle Oh, gawd. I’ve heard they can be as bad as ParcelFarce. Good luck.

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Victoria St/Temple Quay: Police warning that area is currently bike “crime hot spot”; 3 thefts per week last 2 months. Watch out!

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@PomegranateEB Good good. *adopt further air of mystery*

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@Jorence @StJamesPT Whereas I have a deep-tissue massage tonight. Might be ready for a run by Thursday

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@StJamesPT Ahhh, yes, I’d forgotten you’d told me that. Clearly running is bad for memory as well as thighs :D

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@Easybourne Personal best for me ;) Really need to lose some weight to speed myself up, though.

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@Easybourne Pretty good thanks! Non-stop jog all the way, finished in 2:48:15. Legs sore but have massage booked!

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@Hicksdesign A locksmith should be able to sort that fast with a key puller.

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@StJamesPT Christ, are you running again already? I can still barely walk. @Jorence

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@tsunimee Well, the day feels a bit faint, too :)

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*Rainy days, even. Bloody autocorrect.

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People are a lot more likely to use the commuter ferry on faint days.

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@paulahillier And it is here, now! Just got on the boat in time. Ephemeral moment of calm…

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A calm morning on the harbour. @ The Pump House

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@callumchapman Also, I used to “retire” old PCs into server roles; old iMacs are more difficult to stick in a cupboard!

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@callumchapman They are rather nice. Annoyingly expensive if you want something relatively simple like HD upgrade, though.

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