Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

September 18th, 2011

I think it’s probably bedtime. After all, I’ve got an important day of doing not very much tomorrow :)

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@Nose_in_a_book I thought Wotsits and Lucozade _was_ voodoo.

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badbanana I’m participating in a 0.25K run to raise awareness for people with attention deficit disorder.

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@penelopeelse Hmmm. I might well try. But if there’s too much annoying technobabble I might turn off in disgust.

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@kshack22 Yes, it only took about a half hour before it was safe to emerge from our shelter!

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On the Flickr photo walk. Waiting at Blaise estate cafe to see if the torrential downpour lightens up. Ah well.

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Lazy Sunday morning moment.

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@chrisphin Me too; any relatively clueful person would be able to find me. Just thinking the option might reassure people into geotagging.

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@MediaBen Put a cuff-link through your nose and you’ll be fine.

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@chrisphin Would more people geotag if there was a “don’t tag if I’m in my home” option?

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mattleys Right, hivemind. Good, basic sourdough bread recipe online somewhere - anyone?

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Photo: Scary things to find bearing down on you while dusting the mantelpiece #482.…

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Up. Showered. Listening to @theindelicates. Bring on the day.

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@Jorence Wait until spring :) Unless you’re spending loads of money, long lenses aren’t so useful during the darker days!

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@Phooto Yes, not sure how much I’ll use it, but video was yet another of my temptations for the upgrade.

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@Phooto I went for 60D in the end. Enjoying the low-light performance, auto-ISO and solid *clunk* of snapping a lot so far :)

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@Jorence I’ve moved from 400D to 60D.

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@Jorence Though *every damn control* apart from shutter button seems to have been moved compared with old camera.

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@Jorence It’s not too late! Flickr walk starts at noon… New camera seems awesome so far, though have only tried indoors.

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@jacrats Morning! Avoid skiing, and you should be fine.

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Roight. Finish coffee, jump in shower, spend morning pottering, then take new camera out on Flickr photo walk.

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@thomasvenables I still find each series has a couple of gems. That and the nostalgia value keep me watching.

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@mjh53 Probably not! Just reverting to something known and comfortable for the last stressy couple of job-weeks…

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