@Jorence I was using Mozy, but they upped their prices. Lightroom photo folder currently 364GB, too :) And now an 18 megapixel camera *sigh*
@Jorence Mostly because, if my house burned down, that would be the only thing left.
@Jorence I keep my originals on three separate hard disks and upload the best “originals” to Flickr.
@Jorence Never bothered before. Flickr’s a kind of backup of my best stuff, so I just throw the originals up.
@BlackDogDays Hope you like ‘em. Have a cuppa for me :)
@technex There’s certainly a lot of munchies involved, too.
@Juggzy Mmmm. Proper good heat, too. I liked it very much.
@Mouse_House Yes. But they’re also pretty damn spectacular when they’re at their best, so we probably shouldn’t shoot them all.
@Mouse_House *_connect_ cause and effect, I meant.
@Mouse_House Yes. It’d be nice if we could cause and effect a bit more often when it comes to grumpiness. Odd, innit? Bah.
It seems… optimistic. Let’s say optimistic.
@Mouse_House Excellent. Let’s be grumpy and unamused with the world. GRRR.
@Mouse_House I know that feeling. I’ve been tired and headachey all day because I went to bed too late. And *now*, I’m awake.
@Mouse_House I think I’d probably fall asleep in any evening meeting. I can fall asleep in 10am meetings after coffee and coke.
@ChinaShopBull Yes; I’ve just never had to think about it before. I don’t generally throw data away if there’s no pressing need.
@rbrwr Either I’m doing something wrong, or that’s not true. Seems to be 10MB based on my current experimentation.
@ChinaShopBull But this strategy may change now my photos are hitting 10MB+ with the new camera. Previously average probably < 4MB.
@ChinaShopBull I treat Flickr as a semi-backup of my best photos, so generally upload original sizes.
Anyway. All up there now. Here are my snaps from the Bristol Flickr Group’s (Slightly Wet) Autumn Walk on Sunday :D flickr.com/photos/matt_gi…
@KaveyF 60D :D
Hrm. Odd. Flickr claims to have a limit of 20MB, but the three photos it didn’t like were all between 10 and 13MB. Something odd going on.
@MandinaM Pro all the way. I suspect my files might have been Really Quite Big.
Well, that’s an unexpected drawback of the new camera. Three photos from that batch were too big for Flickr. What’s the limit, I wonder?
@chrisphin Yet again, I invent a shiny new idea only to find it’s so well-established it’s got a cute name already. #geofencing #damnit
@LouisTrapani It didn’t need to be any simpler, damn it!
@LouisTrapani What do you think? Technical reasons, or they were sued by a movie studio? :/
@chrisphin Further to our talk of geotagging and “don’t tag my home”, just seen a new feature in Flickr… lockerz.com/s/140495587
@PeteWilliams Twenty for me. I believe the answer to your rhetorical question is “with grim inevitability.”
Gah! New @instagram much faster to use, but the Gotham filter seems to be gone?
“Good SEO is a by-product of not being a dick on the internet.” This is very true. @mattgemmell on SEO: mattgemmell.com/2011/09/20/seo…
@Ninja_lynneja You were aiming for the right?
@Juggzy Given what I’ve just eaten, pretty sure you could sell it to me. lockerz.com/s/140475088
MisterWilliams Students! Announce your return by bellowing every fleeting idiotic thought & walking down the pavement like you’re the fucking Monkees.
@KaveyF “Thank you,” he said, towelling himself vigorously.
“Home at last,” he said, damply.
That embarrassing moment when a wheel falls off your bike while you’re pushing it down the street. instagr.am/p/NoVRr/
ironicsans A big push from Apple to bring professional editors back into the FCPX fold: macw.us/pJMjhC Now with XML support, free trial version…
@HilaryCarden Thank you. Not wishing to leave things too much to chance, I have taken pills and drunk coffee :)
umairh Call me a utopian, but If bankers banked, reporters reported, and representatives represented, things would probably be a little better.
Tired, headachey, and at work. Bah.
@richardjfoster I hadn’t even clocked that. Hmm…
@emmafurious @nigellegg That is one of the strangest things anyone’s ever said to me.
@BlackDogDays It was on Redcliffe Back, just down from Totos.
@m1ke_ellis Still, assuming incompetence rather than choice seems like the best way to apply social pressure here…
@jbirdiebird I read that as Don Keynote #slideshowfilms
Just posted a photo @ Baristas Coffee instagr.am/p/NmvPc/