Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

August 2013

@Dru_Marland @guriben I had to google porron. Can you tell I’ve not traveled much…

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@guriben Yeah, I’ve had one before. Oddly, two places I’ve been in sell salt sachets made for them but not the pots…

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Hrm. Wonder if I can buy a neti pot somewhere in Bristol…

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adamhillscomedy It would be truly ironic if Benny Hill turned out to be the only 70s entertainer that wasn’t a sex offender.

via Echofon (retweeted on 2:06 PM, Aug 31st, 2013 via Echofon)

@guriben Well, as a hack it sounds intriguing, but I should probably just practise more.

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Ow. One day I’ll learn to play guitar regularly, rather than neglecting it for months and then cheesewiring my fingertips for 3 days solid.

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@ahnlak @tsunimee Again, just laziness combined with my service being good enough and not wanting to sign up to new stuff before I move.

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So, signing up to the TPS though BT’s website *triggers BT spam and you have to call them to stop it*!?

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@ahnlak @tsunimee Yeah, looks like it does. Not that I’d ever have asked for that. It’s probably just some remnant of whatever was cheap…

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@ahnlak @tsunimee Oh, yeah, that’s a point, that £18 might include some calls. But not many.

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@ahnlak @tsunimee I’ve got a couple of add-ons, I think. It’s been years since I set it up.

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@ahnlak @tsunimee Yeah, that’s the other thing, I’m not on any kind of contract. Could drop them both next month with no penalty.

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@tsunimee @ahnlak That’s more than twice the highest I’ve ever had at home :(

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@ahnlak Yeah, you see, if your ADSL had never topped 4Mbps, you might be more tempted by fibre.

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@tsunimee @ahnlak Apparently I’m paying £18/m BT line rental, £25/m for internet. I really need to review that…

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@ahnlak Yeah, but what speed ADSL are you getting?

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@ahnlak My current grrr: Just as I’m thinking of moving house, they’ve finally rolled fibre out here.

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@tsunimee I rent the phone line from BT but get internet through Demon.

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@ahnlak I had a feeling it might be that question ;)

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@anna_debenham Don’t curse it. I’ve been stuck within sight of my destination station for a half hour in the past…

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@ahnlak Have you checked under Q for “Queen’s English (The)”?

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@babyshamblesuk Loving Minefield the best so far. Fab song to exit on.

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@booglebollocks Yeah. *La la la…BANG* *Song turns left down one-way-street, starts dodging traffic*

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Something reminiscent of _For Lovers_ in _Penguins_…

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20 PAUSE 4E4

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@hughpearman “It’s much like the shipping figures: you draw a line above the Titanic and go from there.”

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@Phooto Well, the ASA generally only rule when they’ve received complaints. Doesn’t look like they’ve received one for Maltesers yet…

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@UrsulaWJ Standing down search & rescue.

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Flashing LEDs/
No errors, but no output/
Every printer sucks

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@amberanima If you missed it, I thought R4’s _Beyond Belief_ was good.…

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@paulahillier No, but they think they know what’s wrong, and I have an estimate for getting it sorted. Hrm.

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Morning all.

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Supplies of the erudite ferry crew.

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@paulahillier I needed a new one last year. Ow. Oh well, just got to sit here with my fingers crossed now…

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Taking the slightly poorly car to the garage today. Hoping it won’t bankrupt me.

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@mhoulden Well, I run and meditate. Slightly scared of that UI, though…

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So, this is the App Store’s #1 Genius recommendation for me. Thanks, Genius.

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@Peculiar Cool, thanks; just tracked down the column :)

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@charlie_cat_esq Nothing too thrilling. Just took on a few jobs at once on top of other stuff. Still learning how to plan as a freelancer.

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@charlie_cat_esq Well, I’m meant to be working on that, just stupidly short of time at the mo.

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@charlie_cat_esq I have bacon. Is this how one goes about getting a GF? I knew I was doing something wrong.

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@BlackDogDays @chubbybannister What am I, the Kevin Bacon of Bristol Twitter?

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Back home. This was this morning’s farewell from Looe, which was nice.

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AsmaKhanCooks I have a Jalebi making question-really want it to work-it’s my 1st time-should I cheat and buy a Gits mix or look for a recipe & which one?

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 8:00 AM, Aug 24th, 2013 via Tweetbot for iOS)

This is just a Tribute. Or rather it will be, once it’s fermented.

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Mission to walk from the mainland to St George’s Island: successful.

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Today I plan to walk to an island. Should be interesting…

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Looe, from above. 66 second exposure.

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@Peculiar It certainly seems like Arthur Bryant’s kind of

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@psidnell Seems designed to blast a child into orbit, too.

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I don’t know what this is but it scares me.

via Instagram

@tsunimee Yes, especially with cotton tops. Tech fabric helps. For long distances I use plasters, or Lanocane.…

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@guriben @Mouse_House Cheese fondue? Can I come to Mousefest please?

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My small friend is eating mussels she gathered herself earlier on.

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@boagworld @boagworld There’s a list now? Thought the UK Netflix didn’t have one…

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@psidnell Kewl. We are apparently in Dawn French’s old place…

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@wood5y Ah! I just assumed it was broken. The rest of the site is so terrifying…

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@tsunimee Kewl. I shall follow you back as soon as you appear in my dashboard :)

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@wood5y That just redirects me to the mobile homepage, of

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mdcounselling An update to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs!

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 10:36 PM, Aug 16th, 2013 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@2718281828459 After you’ve sat through the advert and been redirected to the homepage of the mobile site, yes.

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Updating my website to the latest web standards.

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Lord Coe of the Rings

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oliviasolon Unremarkable men walk 40 miles for no particular reason…

via Twitter for Websites (retweeted on 8:32 AM, Aug 16th, 2013 via Tweetbot for iOS)


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@sgucukoglu This is true. And I’m elderly enough to have written files by hand.

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@sgucukoglu I had heard rumours to that effect.

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@sgucukoglu Ah, I’ve not had much experience of the GUI.

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@sgucukoglu It’s a note advising not to receive mail as root, and a template line for sending it all to a non-root account.

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@ahnlak @tsunimee Just not worth doing it that way for the quantity you get. This’ll do 250g at a time. Also, it was free from a friend ;)

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@tsunimee @ahnlak Did I mention the newest addition to my household, by the way?

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@sgucukoglu @AthanSpod To be fair, though, they also come with this hint in /etc/postfix/aliases:

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BristolBites Fire closes The Olive Shed until further notice

via NetworkedBlogs (retweeted on 11:55 AM, Aug 15th, 2013 via Echofon)

RT @patrickrhone: Habit Forming <— on getting out of, and back into, the habit of running.

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benhammersley Back off, son. I’ve got spacer gifs older than you.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 11:24 AM, Aug 15th, 2013 via Echofon)

@shezza_t \VJDX34\proj\2013\people\matt\hatreds\xref\projectcode\stage\pointless\depth\never\find\anything\34773489437_i_hate_that_34J2.doc

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@givesyouHel @StiffPigeon I’m not sure whether that makes us Instant Internet Friends or Deadly Internet Enemies.

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@logopetria @hayles Oh yes. Plenty of practice at that.

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richardosman We should call the period between waking up and actually getting up ‘buffering’.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:58 AM, Aug 15th, 2013 via Echofon)

@givesyouHel No need to get on your Higher horse.

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@archidave That sucks. But thanks for a little burst of nostalgia. Can’t believe I once had time to model my lounge.

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@bexxi [1] She thought “chairwoman” and “chairperson” cumbersome, and firmly believed that “chair” was exclusively something one sat in.

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@bexxi Fund raiser for Action Research into Multiple Sclerosis. My mum was chairman[1].

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@hayles Although, oddly, I have worked with actual special paper since.

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@hayles …rather than the normal local one. The local one didn’t offer the S-level paper.

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@hayles Yup. S-level. Part of the requirements for my Cambridge offer. Also the reason I sat the Cambridge board version of the exam…

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While digging through Boxes of Stuff for that certificate, found random photo of my late mother with Maureen Lipman.

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BBCSurrey TRAVEL: Police still rounding up 25 loose ducks on the A3 northbound at Milford. Delays.

via Hootsuite (retweeted on 9:10 AM, Aug 15th, 2013 via Echofon)

@anna_debenham Depends how you commute once in London. Isn’t black snot mostly associated with Tube travel?

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And it’s all been downhill since then.

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@wood5y @Bristol52 But I have some sympathy for the general article. Hotwells’ parking problems seem mostly to be in the evenings, too…

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@wood5y @Bristol52 Does seem odd. I’d think it would be faster to walk.

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About to watch Shallow Grave, in my ongoing quest to watch the films that nobody can believe I’ve never seen.

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BoobsRadley “When someone unsubscribes from our email list, they’ll definitely want another email confirming that.” - someone’s insane ex-boyfriend.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 8:34 PM, Aug 14th, 2013 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@chubbybannister I hope you’re doing a recap of that at the beginning of your next tweet.

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@chris_j_hughes Maybe. Might only work on some videos. I’m using…

via Echofon in reply to chris_coys

@chris_j_hughes (On YouTube, the number keys seem to jump to points in the video, e.g. 3 jumps to 3/10 position. I type 1980 there.)

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@chris_j_hughes Works fine on my iMac (Safari). Don’t have to type anywhere particular, from what I can work out.

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@chris_j_hughes Launch year of Missile Command, I’m assuming.

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p7r Desktop only, but brilliant: RT @mypoorbrain:
1. Go to YouTube.
2. Find a video, any video.
3. Pause it.
4. Type 1980.
5. Press play.

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 2:22 PM, Aug 14th, 2013 via Echofon)

@Mouse_House @guriben I’ll invite you to the next one, assuming I have one…

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@Mouse_House @guriben There are people on Twitter who came to my 40th birthday party in January. Would be quite elaborate set-up for a jape.

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Nostalgia for us elderly Brits…—M…

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@Mouse_House Clearly my Twitter persona is more energetic than I am.

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@Mouse_House S’true. I can give you first-hand accounts of Space Hoppers, football violence and the launch of Channel 4 and breakfast TV…

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nfkadam It seems that @redbull truly are a shit of a company.…

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 12:36 PM, Aug 14th, 2013 via Echofon)

@shezza_t Hush, or I’ll lose count of my paperclips.

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Going through old art stuff, found one of my very first practice sketches.

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It’s uncanny! They’re just like peas in a pod.

via Instagram

Something tells me this elderly iPhone is suffering from an expanding battery.

via Instagram

Clearing my desk a bit first. Here, have a picture of a balloon.

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Today I shall mostly be trying to do some long-term planning. I am not very good at long-term planning. There may be procrastination.

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@stephenfry I think my day would be Middle Aged Child Day.

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@sharmanedit @foxc Morning! Yup, sorry, I’m busy for the foreseeable. (And I’m more codey than designy most of the time…)

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Oversensitive profanity filter stops deviantART loading after developer swears in a CSS comment… /* Fuck! */

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claireellent Bristol people - be warned about leaving your bike chained to stands behind @No1Harbourside someone tried to steal mine on Friday.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 5:29 PM, Aug 13th, 2013 via Echofon)

Loving the street portrait of twins by @teacherdude…

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@PhotographyWeek Does it count if he noticed at the moment I took it, then chased me down the road demanding a pound?…

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Starting to wonder how far you can walk in Bristol *without* seeing a Gromit.

via Instagram

DelilahSDawson Interesting article on how much sleep you *really* need to be a productive creator:… I… need more.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:06 PM, Aug 13th, 2013 via Echofon)

@Bristol52 @guriben Make sure it’s grilled or toasted. Rubicon on Cotham Hill do a good things with halloumi.

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anna_debenham Watching what looks like my postman scale the kids’ bouldering wall. Most adorable thing ever!

via Camera on iOS (retweeted on 12:23 PM, Aug 13th, 2013 via Echofon)

@Bristol52 I have consoled myself with fried halloumi on toast.

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@Bristol52 I’ve been desirous of a @SourdoughCafe breakfast since I got there just too late for one last week…

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@Phooto He’s pretty damn busy at the moment, but you could always ask.

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@BinkysBoudoir I’d throw your chairs away, and possibly start sleeping in a tent on your bedroom floor.

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@stevenchapple More like their ex-photographers were busy filling in Jobseeker’s Allowance forms…

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Morning all.

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iamdanw Elon Musk using the Usborne Book of the Future as a checklist

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Snappity: I have a temporary lodger, who’s been raiding my art supplies.…

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(Lush Indelicates puppet video here…)…

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digitalspymusic The Indelicates unveil puppet music video, podcast, tease new material

via The Sound Blog (retweeted on 5:42 PM, Aug 12th, 2013 via Echofon)

Excuse me if my Twitter avatar changes briefly. I’m just testing how something looks.

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@simoncroberts Hi! Submitting a photo to BRInspire, I get this page as a result. Does that mean it didn’t work? Ta!

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@Bristol_Culture (Similar feel to this larger one I spotted at Sea Mills once…)

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@Bristol_Culture Odd. Looks like a (converted?) lifeboat to me.

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@wood5y Might resort to that later. I’m trying a second Aeropressing for now.

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@iamashley They can’t hear you. They’re behind a corporate firewall that blocks Twitter.

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scarynetworkguy If there’s ever a wrong time to post this I don’t wanna be right.…


via Tweetbot for iOS (retweeted on 6:09 AM, Aug 12th, 2013 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@guriben If I’d known which one was Michelle, or got your reply at the time… Ah well.

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Consolation beer at the Pump House.

via Vine - Make a Scene

Chillin’. @ Greville Smyth Park

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@Mouse_House I just had soft-boiled eggs with soldiers for lunch.

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@guriben Why are you talking to your XBox about the council?

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ToM_BaL RAF Typhoon ZK344 departing BRS

via Flickr (retweeted on 1:57 PM, Aug 11th, 2013 via Echofon)

@firedupjo Eurofighter Typhoon. Bit loud, yes.

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That Typhoon doesn’t half make a racket.

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