@Mouse_House Night, Mouse.
@guriben If I’d known which one was Michelle, or got your reply at the time… Ah well.
Dirty pleasures. instagram.com/p/c4lBu7pC3x/
Consolation beer at the Pump House. vine.co/v/hh2Eb297FBI

Airwave transmitter. pic.twitter.com/PWte30gKRG
Chillin’. @ Greville Smyth Park instagram.com/p/c4GUBNJC3F/
@charlie_cat_esq Your cat is French?
@Mouse_House I just had soft-boiled eggs with soldiers for lunch.
@guriben Why are you talking to your XBox about the council?
ToM_BaL RAF Typhoon ZK344 departing BRS flic.kr/p/fsi4Pu
@firedupjo Eurofighter Typhoon. Bit loud, yes.
That Typhoon doesn’t half make a racket.
@MandinaM Everybody needs a Lucozade & crisps buddy for hangover mornings.
adamgasson It’s the last day of the @bristolballoon Fiesta today, make the most of it! Here’s photos from the last two days - bristolphotoblog.com/bristol-intern…
@run_bristol (I’ve done both Bristol and Bath for last three years, just haven’t trained enough these last few months :( )
@run_bristol I signed up not long after I ran the last one…
fanf dotat.at/:/ZEYT8 - Hamlet is banned at the British Library.
@Seej500 That is someone who prefers radio to TV, I’d say. Looks like a Galaxie 14 variant. #geek ronsmithaerials.com/catalogue/G14.…
TechnicallyRon Ten, Twenty, Thirty, fourty, fifty, sixty, sixtyten, “what?” four twenties, “France, stop it” four twenties and ten. “France you’re drunk”
Might just stay in.
I’ve had Balloon Fiesta photos hit Explore on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. No pressure for today, then… #flickr
Photographically-speaking, I’m sad to have missed this morning’s blue-sky balloon launch. Me-speaking, I feel better for some sleep.