@davidpatrick There’s only one solution. I’m going to set the house on fire on the way out.
Great. Some piece of tech in my flat is making an anguished beep every five minutes.
Right. More Beechams. Then more sofa. My energy disappeared a few hours ago; I just hadn’t noticed.
@waugaman “Geordie? Will you run a level three diagnostic on me? I have an illogical desire to call you ‘my chocolate star-bear’…”
@paulahillier heya gorgeous! My favourite pressie was a non-Christmas pressie, my new gorilla slippers :). You?
Odd. Bob Kelso is guest starring in Star Trek:TNG. Keep expecting Dr. Cox to materialise and fire photon torpedoes at him.
#whenIwerealad “three nine nine five” was a phone number, not a price.
@MitchBenn And the day before mine! And Wendy James’s. Damn. I think you win on the “sharing a birthday” front.
@gary8345 “Down and safe”.
@zinziii Nice bum! Oh, and [obligatory arty comment] very well-lit it is, too.
Have tidied up a bit. And worn myself out. Going for second cup of coffee. Cover me.
Desire: play guitar. Duty: clean flat. *sigh*
@shezza_t Have now had coffee. Which is a relief, as that could have been an endless loop…
@caffeinebomb Last time that happened to someone I know, bank _said_ card would be sent home, but sent it to their branch. Worth checking!
So far today, I’ve got up and made a coffee that went all over the kitchen counter because I forgot to put the jug under the machine. Yay.
Right. Having prepared warm clothes and gorilla slippers for my return, I’m off for my first jog in ages.
Wastelets (n): The leaflets that you shake from between the pages of your newly-arrived glossy magazine directly into the recycling box.
Oh, it _is_ Josie Lawrence! But given the ominous build-up, I’m guessing she’s about to be murdered, so won’t have much of a part…
@fluffybex Sorry; it’s a recording from yesterday. But TV seems remarkably Poirot-heavy this week; sure it’ll be on again soon…
Started watching _Poirot_ to take my mind off my cold. Yup, it’s the story where Poirot has a stinking cold.
@fluffybex It’s just possible that you’re right about that.
@KaveyF Have just slept for 11 hours. Probably should do something with the few hours of daylight left…
Hmm. And already I find a problem with “Lord Byron: The Major Works”. It’s too big to read in the bath.
Ugh. I was going to try to get out for a run today, wasn’t I? It was bound to be raining…
@fluffybex One of each!
Ugh. Just woke up. Now want to go back to bed.
@Narshada Don’t you know the old wives’ tale? “If a stinky cold has gone straight to your head/Wrap yourself up in a fine rug of red”
@hayles One person’s lame is another person’s constant entertainment, dear.
@bertpalmer I was actually looking to buy a red-ish rug. Kinda earth-toney, though, not looking for bright red.
@bertpalmer Pic!
@hayles Bloody hell.
So. Have cold. Don’t know whether I should just potter around tidying or venture out to John Lewis and buy a rug.
Hahaha! This is a photo to save up and show little Fred’s friends when he’s a cool teenager: http://flic.kr/p/7qVDtm
Jesus. Maybe I should just go to bed. If I get up late enough in the morning, this advert break may be over.
@mistymaria But the new one’s way too fast; it made the characters/relationships unbelievable for me. Thought Eddie was good, though, yes.
Hmm. Should’ve just re-watched the 1981 Day of the #Triffids, shouldn’t I? This one appears to be emotion-free Triffid Lite.
@benjohnbarnes Well, I guess so. But nothing like as quickly. And the hardware’s a lot cheaper.
This afternoon, I have mostly been playing with my new Lensbaby http://flic.kr/p/7rcoJW
@lizzclare of course, now I’ve bought all these layers, it’ll be sunny and warm tomorrow!
Pretty clouds. Bloody freezing, though! http://twitpic.com/vlbn3
@lizzclare Just bought some jogging bottoms. Have a feeling it might be a teensy bit chilly in my usual shorts :)
@lizzclare Respect. I’m going to try to get out tomorrow, despite (a) the cold, and (b) my cold…
@bertpalmer Thanks, but I try to make sure that the only guitar-shaped things in my flat are the guitars…
@Narshada Does this mean it’s a bugger to get to Cribbs? Only this John Lewis voucher is actually burning a hole in my pocket.
@shezza_t I can’t complain too hard. Haven’t had so much as a cold since February, and this seems mild so far.
I haz snifflez. Ughz.
Ooh. Resonator uke. Want. http://twitpic.com/vg7vt
So, posh, expensive furniture shop next to Waitrose has been replaced… by posh, expensive furniture shop. Hmm.
What _is_ it with magazine publication dates? Realised I’ve just put _Februrary’s_ .net mag in my bag…
Appear to be stuck in a time-loop that’s preventing me leaving the house. Will someone wiggle K9’s tail, please?
Now, I love him dearly, but is it a coincidence that Billy Bragg and Roland Rat have never been seen singing in the same room?
@hayles Have heard the traffic’s bad, though. Was thinking of nipping up there myself to buy a rug with work’s Christmas bonus voucher…
@hayles John Lewis - “Never Knowingly Undersold”. Won’t match internet, but will match physical shop prices.
When they ban all electronics on planes, it’ll be boring. But the boredom will only last until they decide we have to fly naked, too.
May actually venture out of the house today and play with my new LensBaby before it gets dark.
@hayles I’d like Windows 7 on a netbook just so I can play with Windows 7. Not a good enough excuse to spend the money, though :)
@hayles John Lewis had a nice little range last time I was in there.
@hayles Also, narrow it down to a couple, then go try the keyboards in person; might change your mind.
Bear in mind the tutorial may be outdated — seem to remember recent OS X releases killing off netbook support…
Toast and loganberry jam #nomnomnom
Bugger. Completely forgot I was meant to go see Sherlock Holmes today.
@shezza_t Luckily, the coffee (and hence reality) kicked in before I could try it.
@nickdonnelly For me, one of the major metrics of credibility is not giving a fuck whether people think you’re credible.
You know you’re in the spirit of Christmas when you wonder if it’s possible to make scrambled eggs with brandy butter.
Ugh. What day is it now?
@hayles Mmm. It’s nice. Said a PJ-clad slob :D
Why are Time Lords always in such a hurry these days?
@lizzclare Yes, all is good in an overabundance-of-food, overindulgence-in-TV kinda way ;)
@lizzclare Now _that_ tweet was easy to misinterpret!
@hannahnicklin I don’t think anyone ever has. Even the staunch royalists are passed out at the table or watching White Christmas.
@rabidbee Nah. You’ve probably missed more rubbish on TV than normal, but nothing apart from that :)
Interesting how it’s only marketing specialists who’ve started following me today. Clearly marketeers are easily bored at Christmas.
Christmas breakfast, step 1: Grinding Taylor’s of Harrogate’s “World’s Best” coffee.
Merry Christmas, all!
@chris_j_hughes Oh! Sorry; thought I remembered a conversation with you that I must’ve had with someone else!
@chris_j_hughes Heh. That was a funny tweet; you must have a really good keyboard :)
@ms_mitch Have you considered the possibility that it’s cheap pubs that cause hangovers?
Saw my postcards on sale for the first last night. Yay! http://bit.ly/4LwKkA
Oh, thank fuck. Last day of work.
Mmmmmm. Crystallised ginger. Mmm.
@TheLloydClan *kiss*
@TheLloydClan Am actually watching Jonathan Creek on DVD and eating a mince pie. Works for me :)
@TheLloydClan Ah, no, that was actually a suggestion to @MizzWorthy that I managed not to tag properly :)
Get drunk and listen to Fairytale of New York?
Goodness, I am hungry.
@KaveyF *Christmas kiss*
@chris_j_hughes Heh. Just don’t blame me if you end up with too much gear to ever bother carrying it around :)
@chris_j_hughes Worth considering the middle ground, e.g. Lumix LX3. Good combination of portability, practicality and quality.
@chris_j_hughes You don’t need a big pricey camera and lenses to get good results, mind. http://bit.ly/6Bdce5
Home. And singing along to @theindelicates’ “The Last SIgnificant Statement to be Made in Rock and Roll”…
Oh, yes. Out of work, on way home. May just sleep until January.
@chris_j_hughes Canon 400D, mostly with Canon 17-85mm, 50mm prime, and Sigma 10-20mm lenses
RT @penelopeelse: Oooh, Spooks finale now on BBC1 <— Oooh! Ta!
This morning’s sunrise again, this time from the slightly better camera: http://flic.kr/p/7pVMgz
Just moved car from bottom of hill likely to turn into icy car-slide by morning. What’s the betting new spot will attract meteorite strike?
@hayles *hug*. And happy to buy tea. You’ll be glad to know you’re on your own for the bath, though.
And we have the electricity back! Yay! Now we just need the servers, and… it’ll be hometime.
@simonindelicate <paperclip>I see you’re freaking the fuck out. Would you like some help with that?</paperclip>
Ceiling lights still dead. Give it an hour and I’ll be programming lit solely by the Christmas tree lights.
Chunks of the electric supply have died at work. No lights, no phones, no servers. Ho hum.
@wshed I would send you some cheer, but it’s been hard to find you these last few days! http://flic.kr/p/7pJZHp
@Swishrelic Put the “delete” button down, and back away from the Flickr, slowly.
Temple Meads ferry not running because wooden boats don’t beak ice so well ;) Hotwells boat now crunching towards the Centre!
Attention, Bristol! Amazing sunrise. Outside, right now! http://twitpic.com/urnbi
Right. Shower, ferry, pub, work.
@johnfbraun Thanks! What’s beyond the haze is probably left beyond the haze in this case :)
Bad: Up early, no breakfast. Good: this is because I’m going to the pub for a team breakfast :)
@nickdonnelly Yes. :)
Went for a style change with my morning photography today: http://flic.kr/p/7pJYqB
@hayles *thrrrbt*
@bertpalmer @tweeny4 So, what is it with photographers and slippers, then?
…or at least go to bed for a nice early night with some cocoa.
@hayles They’re fabulous, right, _and_ they’re gorillas, _and_ they’re slippers! I might pass out with the excitement.
@hayles How can one _fail_ to be excited by fabulous gorilla slippers!?
@tweeny4 My old ones wore out :( http://flic.kr/p/4h94t9
RT @Swishrelic: Into The Sun - through the fog on the way into work. http://flic.kr/p/7pJ9WM <— Oooh, lush!
@KellyJanner Oook?
These are my new slippers. They are fantastic. That is all. http://bit.ly/8dDG9C
@archidave Clearly all peace negotiations should start with the prelude “For fux sake”.
Some of those pavements are now deadly, Bristol peeps. So remember: let’s be careful out there. #parkstreetblues
@laurashav But how will you tell the sad old men apart from the Now Show followers? Oh.
@Swishrelic Can’t you step in and deal with the lower classes, Lord Swish?
@vero What was your first tweet? People should post them on their “birthday” ;)
Mmmmm. Cake. I would post a pic, but - too late :D
@philmonger yeah, but you’re a Capricorn; you would say that.
#uksnow BS1 4/10
@ianmcshane I don’t find it embarrassing. We like a good moan, and we don’t want to spend for stuff that only happens once a year.
Considering buying myself a lensbaby for Christmas.
@talkie_tim Just makes me a bit worried that I left my car parked halfway up Granby Hill.
RT @kate_day: Well done Olivier RT @1854: BJP’s Special Report - FoIA requests show extent of Section 44 use: http://bit.ly/8ddTLB
@nigellegg depends how rude the name of the list is :)
If driving in #Bristol, avoid hills in Hotwells/Cliftonwood. Mostly impassible icy slides.
@Whatleydude It appears to be a controversial choice, but I thought he was stunning in The Doors. Really believed him as Morrison.
@archidave Well, I’d probably invest in Macedonia before I invested in Pantene Pro-V.
Hmph. Latest version of Lightroom 2 just froze on me while spewing errors to the console. Never happened with the old one…
@penelopeelse Aha. Ta. Video set.
Yow. Just walked from the Triangle back home to Hotwells, carrying shopping. Averaged about a mile an hour.
End of an era. http://twitpic.com/uitlz
@penelopeelse Huh?
@jacrats XSLT it from orbit! it’s the only way to be sure!
Handing out popping candy at work! Instant return to childhood ;)
@Swishrelic Have just ordered one. I have no problems with more kit :)
@hayles I’ve bought supplies for Christmas and now they stare at me every time I go into the kitchen. “Eat me,” they whisper, “eat me!”
@Playleimagery Well, let’s compromise: I wish all the snow that would otherwise fall on your airport & route instead falls on Hotwells :)
The closer you have to get to a shopfront to figure out what the hell it sells, the more likely it is to be a hair salon.
Have spent morning tidying. Now going out for a run. This us an unusually virtuous day so far.
@asic69 I hate that. Last time it happened to me, the RAC bloke turned up, and started the car first time! D’oh.
@alexlindsay You should probably make sure all the Virgin flights actually arrive before you note this information :)
Honestly. I look outside at Bristol and it could be July. Which is all very nice, but #wheresmysnow, damn it?
Damn it, huge swathes of the UK are getting snow, but not Bristol. So near, and yet so far…
Astounding how quickly I recognise James Mason by his voice, based entirely on @eddieizzard’s impression being deeply imprinted on my brain.
@Narshada Yeah, Emmeline said. Missed you at the store on Thursday evening, too!
@bertpalmer *belated wave*
Hanging out at my friend’s cafe in St Nicholas Market :)
And I thought I was last-minute. Waiting behind a woman wrapping her parcels in the Post Office. http://twitpic.com/u5x23
There’s a man walking down Hotwell Road wearing a sombrero. I think he may be lost.
@nja Sadly, these are fake dials with buttons :(
Incidentally, I didn’t know Trimphones had made a comeback. They are cute. http://twitpic.com/u2j10
@chrismarquardt Hmm. “Do not throw life-rings” “Do not allow your baby to play with radioactive material” “Or sleep on a pillow”.
@KaveyF I would remove stuff like that, personally. It’s your space; don’t let some moron crap in it. Ignore them and they’ll get bored.
Brrrr! I repeat, Brrrr! That is all.
Right. Anyway. Can’t put it off any longer. Have added hat & gloves to normal gear, now m#getrunningning
@hayles Why on earth would you whore yourself if you _already had_ cake?
RIght. Now to psych myself up for a run. Hey, it’s a whole zero degrees out there… If it’s too icy, I’ll be back in a minute.
@philsherry Well, I like the site design, but our SEO guru says it should have some keywords set up?
@asic69 Fnar! In that case, I’m glad I didn’t hug you ;D
@MizzWorthy well, it’s a nomal symptom of your hand being cold… Tell you what, why don’t I shut up now?
@adamficek See someone’s stolen the Arbeit Macht Frei sign. Remind me, where was PD on Friday? #howlongbeforeatabloidmakesthisup
@KellyJanner Sweet. Mincemeat is oddly-named, now, although it always used to contain actual meat. Has always been fruit-based, though.
Yay! Mini mince pie! http://twitpic.com/u04q2
@talkie_tim In retrospect, I should have just gone inside, for all the photography I did. Looking out my snowboarding jacket tonight :)
I wouldn’t say the ferry was cold this morning, but I think we passed a brass monkey in a rowing boat.
Todo: find handwarmers.
@hayles What, you want _another_ family? Because I reckon they’re all as nuts as each other.
Saw another billboard ad for Google Chrome on the way to work. Still seems odd.
Morning all! Dragged myself out of bed far too early to get my car in for service. Now drinking coffee while I wait for a lift back to town.
@tweeny4 Go as a pot of Actimel!
@tweeny4 I feel intimidated. Wait. Right. I have now put on my Blake’s 7 teleport bracelet and feel slightly better.
@MitchBenn Surely someone his size could simply use a mince pie?
@MRSMITCH Is it a pirate story?
Goodness, I’m cold. Where’s my cardi?
@shezza_t I decided the other day that it couldn’t be “slow”, so it must be “sneet”.
@hayles Wrap the family and don’t let them out until Christmas day.
@bananza I’m actually quite unhappy that I got that joke.
@bertpalmer I didn’t go in. To my uneducated eye, it looks just like an Apple Store, only on a single floor.
In other news, Dick Lovett’s Christmas tree is bigger and nicer than Bristol’s one on the Centre. Sad. http://twitpic.com/twiwi
In Cribbs Causeway a week before Christmas, and it’s only about as annoying as usual.
Hurrah! Finally off freezing bus stop and in front seat of top deck, watching world go by. http://twitpic.com/tw2ak
@talkie_tim Ah, yeah. Just odd to see the normally shiny virtual Google image on tatty, run-down hoarding with tags & litter around it.
Ugh. Should plough through a ton of email, and think about Christmas some more. But need to be up early and am dog-tired. Bleh.
@tweeny4 I know exactly what you mean. *Yawn*
@voyce Looking at the headers, I’d say inept phishing. Unless @lovefilm have started sending their marketing mail from a PC in Mexico.
@pjakobs Ta! Glad it’s working :) I normally put spaces around URLs when I post to avoid that sort of mangling. Ah well.
Hmm. Have @lovefilm just sent me an email consisting of the word “$MESSAGE_BODY”, or is this an inept phishing attempt?
@KaveyF Oh, sorry. Love. Can’t think of anything I hate. Don’t like nuts much.
@pjakobs You could try the whole longwinded thing: http://www.flickr.com/ph…
@pjakobs Odd. It’s definitely public. And 139 other people have seen it. Is your twitter client getting the link highlighting wrong, maybe?
Cool. That swans photo of mine from the other day (http://flic.kr/p/7n7rL2) made it to Explore.
Ugh. Back from a wet, cold plod that I shall call a 5K jog. Now to wring my socks out and change into something warm.
@KaveyF Hmm. Pickled onions. Chocolate. Brandy sauce.