@hayles Mmm. It’s nice. Said a PJ-clad slob :D
Why are Time Lords always in such a hurry these days?
@lizzclare Yes, all is good in an overabundance-of-food, overindulgence-in-TV kinda way ;)
@lizzclare Now _that_ tweet was easy to misinterpret!
@hannahnicklin I don’t think anyone ever has. Even the staunch royalists are passed out at the table or watching White Christmas.
@rabidbee Nah. You’ve probably missed more rubbish on TV than normal, but nothing apart from that :)
Interesting how it’s only marketing specialists who’ve started following me today. Clearly marketeers are easily bored at Christmas.
Christmas breakfast, step 1: Grinding Taylor’s of Harrogate’s “World’s Best” coffee.
Merry Christmas, all!