Hmm. Should’ve just re-watched the 1981 Day of the #Triffids, shouldn’t I? This one appears to be emotion-free Triffid Lite.
@Narshada Does this mean it’s a bugger to get to Cribbs? Only this John Lewis voucher is actually burning a hole in my pocket.
@bertpalmer Thanks, but I try to make sure that the only guitar-shaped things in my flat are the guitars…
@lizzclare Respect. I’m going to try to get out tomorrow, despite (a) the cold, and (b) my cold…
@lizzclare Just bought some jogging bottoms. Have a feeling it might be a teensy bit chilly in my usual shorts :)
Pretty clouds. Bloody freezing, though!
@lizzclare of course, now I’ve bought all these layers, it’ll be sunny and warm tomorrow!
This afternoon, I have mostly been playing with my new Lensbaby
@benjohnbarnes Well, I guess so. But nothing like as quickly. And the hardware’s a lot cheaper.
@Narshada Don’t you know the old wives’ tale? “If a stinky cold has gone straight to your head/Wrap yourself up in a fine rug of red”
@mistymaria But the new one’s way too fast; it made the characters/relationships unbelievable for me. Thought Eddie was good, though, yes.
Jesus. Maybe I should just go to bed. If I get up late enough in the morning, this advert break may be over.
Hahaha! This is a photo to save up and show little Fred’s friends when he’s a cool teenager:
So. Have cold. Don’t know whether I should just potter around tidying or venture out to John Lewis and buy a rug.
@hayles Bloody hell.
@bertpalmer Pic!
@bertpalmer I was actually looking to buy a red-ish rug. Kinda earth-toney, though, not looking for bright red.
@hayles One person’s lame is another person’s constant entertainment, dear.