These are my new slippers. They are fantastic. That is all.
@ianmcshane I don’t find it embarrassing. We like a good moan, and we don’t want to spend for stuff that only happens once a year.
#uksnow BS1 4/10
@philmonger yeah, but you’re a Capricorn; you would say that.
Mmmmm. Cake. I would post a pic, but - too late :D
@vero What was your first tweet? People should post them on their “birthday” ;)
@Swishrelic Can’t you step in and deal with the lower classes, Lord Swish?
@laurashav But how will you tell the sad old men apart from the Now Show followers? Oh.
Some of those pavements are now deadly, Bristol peeps. So remember: let’s be careful out there. #parkstreetblues
@archidave Clearly all peace negotiations should start with the prelude “For fux sake”.
Went for a style change with my morning photography today:
@KellyJanner Oook?
RT @Swishrelic: Into The Sun - through the fog on the way into work. <— Oooh, lush!
@tweeny4 My old ones wore out :(
@hayles How can one _fail_ to be excited by fabulous gorilla slippers!?
@hayles They’re fabulous, right, _and_ they’re gorillas, _and_ they’re slippers! I might pass out with the excitement.
…or at least go to bed for a nice early night with some cocoa.
@bertpalmer @tweeny4 So, what is it with photographers and slippers, then?
@hayles *thrrrbt*