Sandbach Services. I have rarely seen a more wretched hive of Muzak and villainy. I must be cautious.
@hayles (a) Hard to play guitar at same time. (b) You seem to be assuming that there’s something wrong with being a tart. #irejectthepremise
@hayles It’s ICE CREAM. What’s a boy meant to do?
Ooookay. Different sofa, different woman, more spoon-feeding of ice cream. This time with cherries. I could get used to this. *reclines*
@benjohnbarnes V. Good; seems quite flexible. Will refuse if you’re too far off. Someone ran round behind to get in photo twice yesterday :)
@benjohnbarnes Yup.
@nyssapod Not with the new cheap one. But that’s why it’s cheap, I guess.
@hayles But it’s ONE HUNDERED QUIDS.
Little fishies from this morning.…
Oooh, new cheap Kindle, then? Glad I didn’t buy one _before_ the holiday…
Still playing with the TX1’s sweep panorama setting.…
So far today I have mostly been for a walk.
On t’lake with t’lads.
@hayles Just exactly far enough, I feel :)
Sitting on sofa in Lake District, playing guitar while being spoon-fed Ben & Jerry’s Caramel Chew Chew ice cream. :D
@ilovetypography I can’t do it if the music has words. It works with music I wouldn’t normally listen to, oddly; ambient instrumental stuff.
And this, at @KaveyF’s insistence, is a from-a-more-flattering angle photo of a tweeting @KaveyF :)
This is a tweeting @KaveyF ;)
@kayliemansfield Lucky guess.
#Sherlock not bad. Beautiful dialogue, looked & sounded good. Laboured points seeming to assume the viewer was quite dense let it down a bit
@hayles MOAR PONY…
@hayles Sorry, but really, I _can’t_ fit one in the back of the Mini. Not even the donkey that was with them.
@Cartblanch I use a few different cameras & things. That one was Hipstamatic on an iPhone.
What are you lookin’ at?
@rabidbee Orrest Head.
I am here :)
@RellyAB Will do!
Supermarket microcopy. Saw this and thought of @boagworld and @RellyAB :)
Great things are afoot.
How much nicer the world would be if GSM phone interference sounded like wind chimes, rather than an impatient wasp trapped in a snare drum.
@Dichohecho How remarkably odd.
@benjohnbarnes The actual on-site versions aren’t enormously useful in a lot of cases, though. Can be good for big sites.
@benjohnbarnes Seen the Google results with named sub-links below the main hit (e.g. google “Evernote”)? Generated from the XML sitemap.

jbrownridge Perfect name for your iPod…
@KaveyF Last time I was on a motorbike was riding pillion around the campus ring-road with Pervy Jase!
@twitttles Possibly because I only post the edited highlights! I should do a “noir” version at some point.
Considering making a random meeting name generator so I can cordon off my lunchtimes with something more plausibly official than “Lunch”.
@KaveyF No. I have never stood on the seats. I’m a GOOD BOY.
@paulahillier See Tuesday (I think!) nights chatter and my YouTube ;)
@paulahillier It is. @tsunimee and @hayles’ fault, and relates to my new #CHEEZCAM. Erm.
Morning all!
@majicDave “Released July 2010”?
Hurrah! Found the nice motorway services again!
Right. Setting off.
An email concerning @hotdogsladies’ A/V setup: http://www.kungfugrippe….
@Jorence @hayles Yay! #fridayoff Although I have Lots of Stuff to Do, at least I can do it at home with good music on :)
Aah, it has a name! I knew it would have a name. Dru tells me that what I shot yesterday is “orographic” cloud.
@gruber Amen.
TheDollSays So apparently Lambeth police won’t do anything about the menacing presence outside my door because it’s ‘only a spider’. Fascists.
Today’s weather continued being weird during my jog, too. Here’s Sea Wall at about half past seven:
@rabidbee The word “standing” is longer than the word “seats”. The extra £3 must be for the printer ink.
@hayles Hush, child, lest I throw this handy ear-trumpet at you.
@hayles I’m not convinced it’s possible to be both emo and 37. Normally I smile in pics, but the muscles are worn out from the #cheezcam 8D
I should be Doing Important Stuff. Which is why I’m fiddling with Hipstamatic self-portraits on the sofa.
@Jorence What? Oh, heck, did someone call the Twitter register?
@nickdonnelly Dunno, but Meteo Group’s Weather Pro iPhone app reports rain chance percentages, so they _may_ have a service.
@tweeny4 I think that is perfectly acceptable on a day with thunder loud enough to break windows.
@EyOki Yup :) Now training for Bristol Half Marathon!
@hayles I’m not sure I ever looked quite that odd. Close, but not quite.
@hayles Wow. Who do you think he is in his head?
Right. I’m off for a jog. Today is the first anniversary of me starting jogging!
@Jorence I iz not a celebrity. Merely expanding my takeover of the British media to include the television, init.
@DrHairbear And there’s a name for an album, right there. “Post-Matinee Hippodrome Traffic”.
Cramped #commutergraphy today. This boat’s covered section is tiny!
@tweeny4 For about a minute, of a half-hour programme, maybe. ;)
@DrHairbear You appear to be living in a Half Man Half Biscuit album.
@hayles Did not! Would’ve been a real shame, this close to 30,000 tweets :)
What kind of weather? Oh, _that_ kind of weather.
@hayles Hurrah! You’re still alive!
@ahnlak I could actually believe that. Seriously; Bristol _shook_.
@gary8345 Sadly, I’m at work.
This may be a good day to mention that I was at the BBC last week, filming tips on photographing lightning:
@psidnell I am not surprised. Bloody hell.
hayles Storm is right above the tower. Lovely!
While I hope @hayles is okay, those would be some good last words.
Now. THAT. Was. IMPRESSIVE. #Bristol #thunder #lightning #endoftheworld
@jacrats Good, isn’t it? :)
@hayles “Oh my god! He’s foaming at the mouth!”
“Actually, I think you’ll find that’s Boursin.”
bertpalmer The glass coffin.
Will it be a success?
Remains to be seen.
@mightymur Three, maybe four months.
@asic69 no, I never had him down as _that_ respectable.
@seengee That’s because the global workaround for that problem is that Ballmer fires the employee for showing up at work with an iPhone.
@KaveyF Yes, actually that’s probably a nicer thing to wish on someone.
@Dichohecho @archidave I’d not thought of making it that apposite. Hmmm. *ponders*
@KaveyF Last time I saw him he’d got into some multi-level marketing thing. Probably a scientologist by now.
@Dichohecho @tweeny4 There is a reason for my new Twitter profile pic ;)
@tweeny4 Really!
@tweeny4 It has a setting where it will fire two shots in succession when it detects a smile, and keep the one where they didn’t blink.
@tweeny4 Also: Smile Shutter!… It is now the CHEEZCAM according to @hayles.
@tweeny4 (a) gold, and (b) yes, seems really good, but haven’t had much chance to play during daylight hours yet! Software awesome.
@Dichohecho All sleek and futuristic, it’s a Sony Cybershot TX1.
@Dichohecho I hear high-end DSLRs make quite good projectiles.
@Dichohecho Guessing I was on my way to or from buying a camera :)
@Dichohecho Oh, goodness! Sorry, often wander oblivious past people right in the street, let alone at windows!
@KaveyF But even then, I’m not sure it was worth it.
@KaveyF Well, my reason for watching it the other day was “because it’ll distract me while I do this boring scanning.”
Oh, bloody hell. Groove Salad radio is playing Bark Psychosis. Thought I recognised it. I was at school with their original keyboard player.
The second Rothko-esque shot I’ve taken in two days, this one completely by accident…
I just put the PDF manual for my new camera into iBooks. Now let’s hope I remember it’s there when I need to know something…
@hayles I know what you mean. I’m quite lucky to work a reasonable distance from anywhere quite that dangerous.
@hayles Hooray INDEED!
@tweeny4 And how is it now? Because it’s changing every five minutes here…
@hayles Indeed. As a reward for losing more than a stone since I started jogging, which was the excuse I used, anyway. #CHEEZCAM
@hayles The FP3 that I got to replace the FP8 that I washed was rubbish. Which annoyed me.
@hayles most of my tech purchases are powered by hatred of what I’m currently using, rather than desire for the next big thing :)
Got to give ‘em credit for a topical sales attempt!
@hayles Indeed. It was the rubbishness of most WiFi on Park Street that made me storm off in a fit of pique and buy a 3 3G dongle last year.
@archidave Be the trail-blazer!
On the bus to go pick my car up from the garage. It’s raining a tad.
@tyronem @trojanchad01 Although a Wednesday skeptic, I celebrate it anyway, just to fit in.
@Cartblanch “A bit rubbish, really, but I enjoyed Sly McCoy’s bit at the beginning. Some later parts made me want to vomit.”
@nyssapod Has your postman started wearing designer suits?
MitchBenn Steve Jobs; while preparing the next iOS4 tweaks, how about one which recognises that “its” with no apostrophe is a real f***ing word?
RT @fotofacade: Stunning timelapse: Sun moon and stars (to gently rouse the soul) <— oooh. Lovely.
@gary8345 Just be grateful she forgot her vuvuzela.
Why is there no _infrequent_ flyer reward programme? Will _nobody_ pay me to sit on my arse, gently exhaling tree-friendly CO2? #unfair
@tsunimee Morning!
Time to shower. Then off to see how much a BMW dealer charges to fit a new side repeater to a MINI. Listen for fainting in north Bristol.
@hayles I’m with you.
@pzizz Just a quickie — has a divide by zero error on it!…
@theagilmore You and Margo Timmins in the same country? Isn’t there some kind of international limit on Female Vocal Awesomeness?
@tsunimee Aww, thanks!
@tsunimee With apologies for the scary still smiles 8D)
@tsunimee Just for you, sweetie:… :)
@ahnlak You should see this thing’s panorama mode. You just sweep it across the view, and bam! It’s done. Sexy.
@MGBS4 Kewl! Also loving the sweep panorama on mine. Oi loves moi gimmicks.
@tsunimee Okay okay okay! Video on its way to YouTube :)
Hah! New camera has smile detection. Cheese-tastic!
@EyOki We’re not sure. Is it something to do with these hairs on the palms of our hands?
@davidpatrick Yeah, but this means you can pin up a spookily accurate cartoon every single day, based on whatever happened yesterday :)
Dear me: Please to be getting on with things. Love, me.
If any Dilbert fans hadn’t noticed, there’s now a full-text search of pretty much every Dilbert ever right on (above the strip.)
Well, that was a nice jog. Oh, wait. No it wasn’t. Still, it’s done.
On t’way home.
@talkie_tim Indeed. And having just walked from town up to Jacobs, I am now a molten mess. *steams*
Walking up towards Whiteladies.
I thought the Great Fire of Bristol was yesterday? What’s today’s fresh smoky stench about?
Just been doing some lunchtime photo processing at work. This is this morning’s rain on the harbour.
The Big Picture on Iraq:… <- Warning: heavy stuff.
Excellent Coding Horror today, equating A/B testing with Groundhog Day :)
Hurray! Free fruit day at work. Of course, we may have to finish off the donuts first…
@ScubaScorpion Nope, straight from Hipstamatic on the iPhone.
Morning gulls.
@hayles I hope you shouted “Ta-da!” at the end.
BinaryBad Guten Morgen has been trending. I wonder who he is?
Morning all. Bit brooding out, innit?
@martingoode That’s all right; we’ll just revert you to the last known good version.
Goodness, I think it must be bedtime. Let’s hope that stuff about cheese giving you nightmares is just a myth.
@hayles Yes miss!
@ceriselleorg @tsunimee (And what were the chances of me actually having a slice of Leerdammer in my hand when you tweeted that?!)
@ceriselleorg @tsunimee Not as cheesy as this one.
@hayles *sympathy*
@meyerweb Yeah, but we can’t kill _all_ the clowns.
@Catreia Heh. Half of those will be from my “innocuous writing music” playlist, though, so you have to be careful :)
@chrsgrrtt Whereas to a smallish end-user who just runs some blogs, it seems better every release. Is it maybe changing its target audience?
@chrsgrrtt Really? Because the _product_ seems pretty good…
@SplashMan @GMcKeithChegwin Will there be a new series of Cheggers Plays Poop soon?
And that makes it the seventh day in a row that someone has talked about Christmas. #ITISONLYJULYSHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUP
@parryphernalia It would be great. Sadly, though, I’ll be out of town.
A triptych of ferry pics I made late last night:
@bexxi Glad to hear it’s on the mend!
A common problem with online “to-do” services is that they’re created and maintained by someone who’s really bad at getting things done.
@bexxi What? What did you do?
#commutergraphy Two for the price of one.
@benjohnbarnes So did I, but it turns out that was about five months ago. http://mattgetsrunning.c…
…and if you write on a Mac, and haven’t tried @ScrivenerApp, go give it a blast.
ScrivenerApp 24-hour, 24% Scrivener discount celebrating Hunter S. Thompson’s birthday! Enter THOMPSON as a coupon code when purchasing regular licence.
@johnmcg Did you mean to send that to everyone in your Gmail address book through Wave?
@talkie_tim See? Fun!
@talkie_tim Where’s the fun in that, though?
@becksldrt FX: tumbleweeds
@talkie_tim Ooh, erk. Will have to check that. Mine were at least using a standard format compatible with iBank before. Hrm.
Yowzer. It’s the kind of day where walking up the hill to Clifton makes me want to walk back down again and have a cool shower.
@talkie_tim It’s possible we share a bank. Does it seem like all they’ve changed is the presentation, leaving the crap underlying usability?
Right. Off to Moti to buy some new Mizunos. Might as well get them now so I can wear them in before the half-marathon.
@benparkatbjs And, from what I remember, may count as one of the highest-calorie breakfast cereals ever :)
@benparkatbjs Ooooh, that stuff is lovely. Really.
I suppose I should do something.
Fixing a WordPress theme so its title attributes don’t break wp-typography. It’s the little things that suck up your time.
Well done @scottejames on finishing the #trailwalker. You crazy fool.
scottejames #trailwalker finished 27.5 hours beat last years time (just) did cp 9 at 12 hour pace. Go drugs.
@Jorence Sometimes you can have a shite run without any obvious reasons, either. Don’t blame yourself too much! Well done on getting out!
@Jorence Indeed. And I often find that a bad run comes just before some progress. It’s odd.
@IreneB9 @stillawake @ScubaScorpion @benjohnbarnes Thanks all :)
@djelibeybi_meg My pleasure! It was a particularly lovely sky last night.
But in the meantime, MOAR COFFEE!
Good Thing, even.
I have now lost 16lbs since I started running. This is a Good Think. I think I may buy myself a reward :D
@Jorence Have a good one. Looks like pretty good running weather out there.
Slowly gaining consciousness. #coffee
@amandapalmer You must have one of the world’s weirdest “to-do” lists.