Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

July 23rd, 2010

hayles Storm is right above the tower. Lovely!

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:00 AM, Jul 23rd, 2010 via Twitter for iPhone)

Right. I’m off for a jog. Today is the first anniversary of me starting jogging!

via Echofon

@Jorence I iz not a celebrity. Merely expanding my takeover of the British media to include the television, init.

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@DrHairbear And there’s a name for an album, right there. “Post-Matinee Hippodrome Traffic”.

via Echofon in reply to DrHairbear

Cramped today. This boat’s covered section is tiny!

via Twitter for iPhone

@tweeny4 For about a minute, of a half-hour programme, maybe. ;)

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@DrHairbear You appear to be living in a Half Man Half Biscuit album.

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@hayles Did not! Would’ve been a real shame, this close to 30,000 tweets :)

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What kind of weather? Oh, _that_ kind of weather.

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@ahnlak I could actually believe that. Seriously; Bristol _shook_.

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This may be a good day to mention that I was at the BBC last week, filming tips on photographing lightning:

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@hayles Wow. Who do you think he is in his head?

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While I hope @hayles is okay, those would be some good last words.

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@hayles “Oh my god! He’s foaming at the mouth!”
“Actually, I think you’ll find that’s Boursin.”

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to hayles

bertpalmer The glass coffin.
Will it be a success?
Remains to be seen.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 1:00 AM, Jul 23rd, 2010 via Twitter for iPhone)

@hayles @tsunimee I’M RIGHT HERE YOU KNOW. Grr. *blush*

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to hayles

@asic69 no, I never had him down as _that_ respectable.

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@seengee That’s because the global workaround for that problem is that Ballmer fires the employee for showing up at work with an iPhone.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to robjmills

@KaveyF Yes, actually that’s probably a nicer thing to wish on someone.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to Kavey

@Dichohecho @archidave I’d not thought of making it that apposite. Hmmm. *ponders*

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@KaveyF Last time I saw him he’d got into some multi-level marketing thing. Probably a scientologist by now.

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@twitttles Possibly because I only post the edited highlights! I should do a “noir” version at some point.

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Considering making a random meeting name generator so I can cordon off my lunchtimes with something more plausibly official than “Lunch”.

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@KaveyF No. I have never stood on the seats. I’m a GOOD BOY.

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@paulahillier See Tuesday (I think!) nights chatter and my YouTube ;)

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Hurrah! Found the nice motorway services again!

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@Jorence @hayles Yay! Although I have Lots of Stuff to Do, at least I can do it at home with good music on :)

via Echofon

Aah, it has a name! I knew it would have a name. Dru tells me that what I shot yesterday is “orographic” cloud.

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@KaveyF Last time I was on a motorbike was riding pillion around the campus ring-road with Pervy Jase!

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TheDollSays So apparently Lambeth police won’t do anything about the menacing presence outside my door because it’s ‘only a spider’. Fascists.

via Twitter for BlackBerry® (retweeted on 1:00 AM, Jul 23rd, 2010 via Twitter for iPhone)

Today’s weather continued being weird during my jog, too. Here’s Sea Wall at about half past seven:

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@rabidbee The word “standing” is longer than the word “seats”. The extra £3 must be for the printer ink.

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@hayles Hush, child, lest I throw this handy ear-trumpet at you.

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@hayles I’m not convinced it’s possible to be both emo and 37. Normally I smile in pics, but the muscles are worn out from the 8D

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@EyOki *whispers* Okay.

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I should be Doing Important Stuff. Which is why I’m fiddling with Hipstamatic self-portraits on the sofa.

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@Jorence What? Oh, heck, did someone call the Twitter register?


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@nickdonnelly Dunno, but Meteo Group’s Weather Pro iPhone app reports rain chance percentages, so they _may_ have a service.

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@tweeny4 I think that is perfectly acceptable on a day with thunder loud enough to break windows.

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@EyOki Yup :) Now training for Bristol Half Marathon!

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@hayles I’m not sure I ever looked quite that odd. Close, but not quite.

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