hayles Storm is right above the tower. Lovely!
Right. I’m off for a jog. Today is the first anniversary of me starting jogging! http://bit.ly/awW5wl
@Jorence I iz not a celebrity. Merely expanding my takeover of the British media to include the television, init.
@DrHairbear And there’s a name for an album, right there. “Post-Matinee Hippodrome Traffic”.
Cramped #commutergraphy today. This boat’s covered section is tiny! http://twitpic.com/27m7ok
@tweeny4 For about a minute, of a half-hour programme, maybe. ;)
@DrHairbear You appear to be living in a Half Man Half Biscuit album.
@hayles Did not! Would’ve been a real shame, this close to 30,000 tweets :)
What kind of weather? Oh, _that_ kind of weather. http://twitpic.com/27m05t
@hayles Hurrah! You’re still alive!
@ahnlak I could actually believe that. Seriously; Bristol _shook_.
@gary8345 Sadly, I’m at work.
This may be a good day to mention that I was at the BBC last week, filming tips on photographing lightning: http://bit.ly/9MKQmF
@psidnell I am not surprised. Bloody hell.
@hayles Wow. Who do you think he is in his head?
While I hope @hayles is okay, those would be some good last words.
Now. THAT. Was. IMPRESSIVE. #Bristol #thunder #lightning #endoftheworld
@jacrats Good, isn’t it? :)
@hayles “Oh my god! He’s foaming at the mouth!”
“Actually, I think you’ll find that’s Boursin.”
bertpalmer The glass coffin.
Will it be a success?
Remains to be seen.
@mightymur Three, maybe four months.
@asic69 no, I never had him down as _that_ respectable.
@seengee That’s because the global workaround for that problem is that Ballmer fires the employee for showing up at work with an iPhone.
@KaveyF Yes, actually that’s probably a nicer thing to wish on someone.
@Dichohecho @archidave I’d not thought of making it that apposite. Hmmm. *ponders*
@KaveyF Last time I saw him he’d got into some multi-level marketing thing. Probably a scientologist by now.
@gruber Amen.
@twitttles Possibly because I only post the edited highlights! I should do a “noir” version at some point.
Considering making a random meeting name generator so I can cordon off my lunchtimes with something more plausibly official than “Lunch”.
@KaveyF No. I have never stood on the seats. I’m a GOOD BOY.
@paulahillier See Tuesday (I think!) nights chatter and my YouTube ;)
@paulahillier It is. @tsunimee and @hayles’ fault, and relates to my new #CHEEZCAM. Erm.
Morning all! http://twitpic.com/27ibnt
@majicDave “Released July 2010”?
Hurrah! Found the nice motorway services again! http://twitpic.com/27wz8h
Right. Setting off.
An email concerning @hotdogsladies’ A/V setup: http://www.kungfugrippe….
@Jorence @hayles Yay! #fridayoff Although I have Lots of Stuff to Do, at least I can do it at home with good music on :)
Aah, it has a name! I knew it would have a name. Dru tells me that what I shot yesterday is “orographic” cloud. http://flic.kr/p/8kTmTq
@KaveyF Last time I was on a motorbike was riding pillion around the campus ring-road with Pervy Jase!
TheDollSays So apparently Lambeth police won’t do anything about the menacing presence outside my door because it’s ‘only a spider’. Fascists.
Today’s weather continued being weird during my jog, too. Here’s Sea Wall at about half past seven: http://flic.kr/p/8kTmTq
@rabidbee The word “standing” is longer than the word “seats”. The extra £3 must be for the printer ink.
@hayles Hush, child, lest I throw this handy ear-trumpet at you.
@hayles I’m not convinced it’s possible to be both emo and 37. Normally I smile in pics, but the muscles are worn out from the #cheezcam 8D
I should be Doing Important Stuff. Which is why I’m fiddling with Hipstamatic self-portraits on the sofa. http://twitpic.com/27nzby
@Jorence What? Oh, heck, did someone call the Twitter register?
@nickdonnelly Dunno, but Meteo Group’s Weather Pro iPhone app reports rain chance percentages, so they _may_ have a service.
@tweeny4 I think that is perfectly acceptable on a day with thunder loud enough to break windows.
@EyOki Yup :) http://bit.ly/aclmyX Now training for Bristol Half Marathon!
@hayles I’m not sure I ever looked quite that odd. Close, but not quite.