Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

July 16th, 2010

Some pretty clouds from this morning:

via Echofon

@tyronem Ah, maybe you can help, then. I’ve been looking for generate_new_and_interesting_post() for a while now…

via Echofon in reply to tyronem

drivelcast There’s a listings magazine called TV Easy. Hope that means there’s a TV Complicated, which lists shows alphabetically by Key Grip.

via Cloudhopper (retweeted on 1:00 AM, Jul 16th, 2010 via Twitter for iPhone)

@tsunimee I should have got that. Got distracted by work, damn it!

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to tsunimee

Hmm. Wanted to try @TripIt, but it looks like their SSL cert has expired. Oops!

via Twitter for iPhone

@gary8345 Have you tried turning it off and on again? ;)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to gary8345

“I have this really _weird_ problem with my XSLT.”
“It’s a namespace problem.”
“What’s a namespace?”
Diagnosis confirmed.

via Twitter for iPhone

@AndyCarolan Half-open, half sheltered - with heating! Good all year round :)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to AndyCarolan

sizemore You can force the new BBC website back into the older and much better design by firmly gripping your browser in the bottom left corner.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:00 AM, Jul 16th, 2010 via Twitter for iPhone)

@AndyCarolan Yup. The Bristol Ferry Boat Company’s _Brigantia_, to be precise :) I shot their postcards, so I get free rides!

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to AndyCarolan