Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

July 9th, 2010

Calories in milkshake form. Mmmmmm.

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Hmm. Now, where was I? Oh, yes: gardening. How did five hours go by? Oh, that’s right: in a sugar-induced haze.

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@Dichohecho Good thought. Will try tomorrow, assuming the temperature allows me to get there without actual death.

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@hannahnicklin Does the vendor have a PayPal account? ;)

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@RadioKate Perspective: I worked out earlier on that that’s how much my hairdresser charges. And I’m male and bald.

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@Sheridansmith1 Personally, just had a chilli chocolate after lounging around all day. I’ll be a fittie tomorrow :)

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@mikeotaylor @thomashawk Thanks. Will check them out this evening. Guessing @teacherdude will appreciate, too.

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Mmmmm. Emmeline’s making me chilli chocolate :D

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Girl walking through town wearing not very much has attracted small male following. One just walked right into a bollard on Corn Street :D

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That milkshake was awesome. Good call, @hayles!

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@grahamspiller That one was Tiffen photo fx. Clunky UI, but great effects.

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@hayles Tillos? Am currently in Habitat…

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…and isn’t IKEA. I am not driving to a windowless box to shop on a day like this.

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Where can I buy nice indoor plant pots that don’t cost a kabillion quid?

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@hayles Well, good luck with that. Never happened to me. :(

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Bonus of following the World Cup: I actually understood the conversation I had with my barber today.

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I stopped to take a photo. Not because I was far, far too hot having walked ten yards. Honest.

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Ah, a day off. Morning Pages done. Think I’ll read Interzone in the bath with in the background.

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@ahnlak I managed one for a couple of summers. T’was nice.

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@matthew_roach Clearly you’re a dangerous crimmo. BTP busy. Considering getting take-out and heading for tree-based shade.

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@matthew_roach I shall be heading for BTP. Look for a slow, pink puddle of human in that flowery shirt of mine.

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@ahnlak It used to do okay out the back. It only died off sometime over my months of winter neglect.

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Bugger. Officially hungry. Okay, up the cruel hill to Clifton Village it is. *takes deep breath*

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@mhoulden “When you water the flowers, you also water the Buddha”

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@parryphernalia Do you know any strains that’ll grow in a windowbox?

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Have thrown off the yoke of oppression and now control the means of production. Am no longer dependent on Waitrose for my Rosemary supply.

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Bloody he’ll, it’s hot out there. Maybe I’ll just sit and look at these plants instead of, you know, _planting_ them.

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Hmm. Garden centre. Then lunch. Or maybe garden centre _for_ lunch. Hmm.

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Quick lunch on Clifton Village downs with @matthew_roach. Now for a haircut. And maybe another iced coffee

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Okay, bedtime. Night all!

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I never knew Plasticine was invented in Bath!

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Wow. So much commentary for so little action. Reminds me of England’s World Cup matches.

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@rabidbee @alkalinemouse Some people can definitely carry it off.

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@alkalinemouse Although clearly, it depends entirely on the person doing the wearing. Are they a doctor?

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@alkalinemouse I would think that both Gregory House and a couple of recent Doctors (of the Who variety) have rendered it fashionable.

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“I’d like take home a matador, please.”

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Awning! Yes, thanks all!

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What are those big shade-giving things that pull out over the front of shops called?

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