MitchBenn Steve Jobs; while preparing the next iOS4 tweaks, how about one which recognises that “its” with no apostrophe is a real f***ing word?
@hayles most of my tech purchases are powered by hatred of what I’m currently using, rather than desire for the next big thing :)
Got to give ‘em credit for a topical sales attempt!
@hayles Indeed. It was the rubbishness of most WiFi on Park Street that made me storm off in a fit of pique and buy a 3 3G dongle last year.
@archidave Be the trail-blazer!
On the bus to go pick my car up from the garage. It’s raining a tad.
@tyronem @trojanchad01 Although a Wednesday skeptic, I celebrate it anyway, just to fit in.
@Cartblanch “A bit rubbish, really, but I enjoyed Sly McCoy’s bit at the beginning. Some later parts made me want to vomit.”
@nyssapod Has your postman started wearing designer suits?
@hayles The FP3 that I got to replace the FP8 that I washed was rubbish. Which annoyed me.
RT @fotofacade: Stunning timelapse: Sun moon and stars (to gently rouse the soul) <— oooh. Lovely.
@gary8345 Just be grateful she forgot her vuvuzela.
Why is there no _infrequent_ flyer reward programme? Will _nobody_ pay me to sit on my arse, gently exhaling tree-friendly CO2? #unfair
@tsunimee Morning!
Time to shower. Then off to see how much a BMW dealer charges to fit a new side repeater to a MINI. Listen for fainting in north Bristol.
@hayles I’m with you.
@pzizz Just a quickie — has a divide by zero error on it!…
@theagilmore You and Margo Timmins in the same country? Isn’t there some kind of international limit on Female Vocal Awesomeness?
@KaveyF But even then, I’m not sure it was worth it.
@tweeny4 Really!
@tweeny4 It has a setting where it will fire two shots in succession when it detects a smile, and keep the one where they didn’t blink.
@tweeny4 Also: Smile Shutter!… It is now the CHEEZCAM according to @hayles.
@tweeny4 (a) gold, and (b) yes, seems really good, but haven’t had much chance to play during daylight hours yet! Software awesome.
@Dichohecho All sleek and futuristic, it’s a Sony Cybershot TX1.
@Dichohecho I hear high-end DSLRs make quite good projectiles.
@Dichohecho Guessing I was on my way to or from buying a camera :)
@Dichohecho Oh, goodness! Sorry, often wander oblivious past people right in the street, let alone at windows!
@Dichohecho @tweeny4 There is a reason for my new Twitter profile pic ;)
@KaveyF Well, my reason for watching it the other day was “because it’ll distract me while I do this boring scanning.”
Oh, bloody hell. Groove Salad radio is playing Bark Psychosis. Thought I recognised it. I was at school with their original keyboard player.
The second Rothko-esque shot I’ve taken in two days, this one completely by accident…
I just put the PDF manual for my new camera into iBooks. Now let’s hope I remember it’s there when I need to know something…
@hayles I know what you mean. I’m quite lucky to work a reasonable distance from anywhere quite that dangerous.
@hayles Hooray INDEED!
@tweeny4 And how is it now? Because it’s changing every five minutes here…