Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

July 12th, 2010

@nickjfrost Beal? Oh, bloody typical of the lower classes. Ilford County High boy, personally ;)

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@hayles …and I went to Uni with @KaveyF, on the same course as her other half, @ahnlak.

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@hayles No, I meant I only have to have one girl fall for it!

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@djelibeybi_meg I can’t use mine to frame my shots anyway; the Canon 400D doesn’t have a live view.

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@djelibeybi_meg On a Mac, I think iStopMotion may be on special offer at the mo — worth a go. QuickTime 7 and older can do it, too.

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@DangerousMkting I don’t drink; make mine a deep-fried cream tea :)

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@djelibeybi_meg Sorry, not sure from the Windows standpoint. Hey, @ahnlak, did you look at Windows software for that shed time-lapse?

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@stranahan Hmm. Because otherwise a malicious person who doesn’t have a Scansnap could download the Scansnap drivers? Erm…

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@FatOne @stranahan Presumably they can re-use the tinfoil from the hats of the Fujitsu web team…

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@hayles Well, in a perfect world, once is all I need :) No, I know @tsunimee through @KaveyF, though only on Twitter, not real life.

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@technex Savys in Clifton Village. Clearly I’m not the best person for a recommendation, but men with actual hair seem happy with them, too!

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@matthew_roach It’s the snapping noise that gives it away, right?

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Wow. Ten past bedtime, and there’s now way I’m getting to sleep yet.

via Echofon

@R2UK Careful! He’s only buttering you up because he wants to borrow the car later.

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See this? This is the back of the _film_ camera that I keep looking at to check how my shot turned out.

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A slightly different welcome into town this morning!…

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@hayles @tsunimee Oh, cool :) Nice that you two have met :)

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