Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

July 14th, 2010

@benjohnbarnes It’ll be easier to read the screen if you choose 480p in the quality pop-up.

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@SplashMan That’s okay, l’m sure l can come up with a work-around.

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@talkie_tim I think I actually remember coding the JPEG algorithm up from the spec at some early point.

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@shezza_t Send ‘em over, will you? I’m standing like a lemon with a camera in a waterproof bag under a blue sky!

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Don’t get me wrong, though. It is a lovely sky.

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Recording a screencast about how to apply chains to batches of files in Audacity.

via Echofon

@Jorence No. Am am not processing multiple flying insects. Although that would make for a more interesting video.

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@benjohnbarnes Should be up there in about five minutes; I’ll throw a link at you when it’s done :)

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@benjohnbarnes You’ll probably want to experiment with a selection of files individually first to find the best settings, though.

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@jacrats I’m thinking this might end with @GillianMcKeith suing herself, which will be entertaining.

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@theRamenNoodle Cool. I’m mostly photography, but I dabble in all sorts of things :)

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*yawn* *stretch*

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@KaveyF Unless it’s an evening thing, I shall, sadly, be at work…

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@KaveyF Will give it a try, but I’ve probably bunked off a bit too much already this week :)

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@Kate_Butler it’s probably Adobe’s fault. Tried reinstalling Flash?

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@south_mouth Tactile PCB switch will probably be a good search term.

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@archidave You are not alone. Interesting article on caffeine on Lifehacker recently, btw:

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@chrisphin Trick question. “Both” is the most Scottish dessert.

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