@haakonha Well, @getrunningapp worked for me. Disclaimer: I work on their web stuff - but it really did work for me :)
@mikeotaylor ?
Trying to move my Morning Pages further towards the actual creation of fiction. Now been engrossed in my “Snippets” file for an hour.
@mattgemmell Odd question: Did you have any tags set for the video that had spaces in them? So you had to quote them? Caused gyp for me.
@mattgemmell Ah well, worth a thought. That was what I finally figured out was screwing iMovie’s upload process in a very odd way…
@ArryMatt Oh, dear, what have you done to yourself?
Wow. How did it get to be nearly lunchtime? Days off are great.
@pzizz Any hope of a Pzizz Meditation for iPhone? Be nice to have the same thing travelling as I do at home…
@simonpegg That may be the first time someone has used the phrase “weird shit” utterly literally.
RT @BinaryDad: Has Banksy managed to get a stencil on Murdoch’s paywall yet? <— Wouldn’t surprise me…
Off to see if I can get my @FatFacedotcom bag replaced under the guarantee, again. :( http://twitpic.com/21qo7m
Sitting under a tree on Brandon Hill. http://twitpic.com/21r5dj
Who has the coolest national anthem? Has anyone got a hip-hop one yet? Where are all the young rebellious countries?
Earlier on I was worrying about the Kindle’s page-turn speed. Now I’m carefully lifting insects off a magazine before I flip over…
@timhayward What, like weird empty messages and stuff? If so, yes.
I have just had a nap under a tree. I suppose I should probably move about a bit now. In a minute. http://twitpic.com/21s1z8
Tempted to find a partner, climb into the back of this truck in Clifton Village and have a game ;) http://twitpic.com/21sdhr
@Glinner I don’t even understand what that was. Should I bother watching tonight?
This afternoon, I have mostly been lying on the grass listening to music and reading some of @TTApress’s output :) http://flic.kr/p/8fd2ME
Oooohhhkay. Is Twitter behaving itself any better now?
Despite really enjoying Wimbledon in the past, I think I’ve gone off it over the last few years.
I made a pretty header for the new #WordPress 3 Twenty Ten theme. http://gothick.org.uk/20…
hackery Provision me a datacentre worthy of Mordor! #adminoftherings