Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

July 2nd, 2010

@haakonha Well, @getrunningapp worked for me. Disclaimer: I work on their web stuff - but it really did work for me :)

via Echofon in reply to haakonha

Trying to move my Morning Pages further towards the actual creation of fiction. Now been engrossed in my “Snippets” file for an hour.

via Echofon

@mattgemmell Odd question: Did you have any tags set for the video that had spaces in them? So you had to quote them? Caused gyp for me.

via Echofon in reply to mattgemmell

@mattgemmell Ah well, worth a thought. That was what I finally figured out was screwing iMovie’s upload process in a very odd way…

via Echofon in reply to mattgemmell

@ArryMatt Oh, dear, what have you done to yourself?

via Echofon in reply to ArryMatt

Wow. How did it get to be nearly lunchtime? Days off are great.

via Echofon

@pzizz Any hope of a Pzizz Meditation for iPhone? Be nice to have the same thing travelling as I do at home…

via Echofon

@simonpegg That may be the first time someone has used the phrase “weird shit” utterly literally.

via Echofon in reply to simonpegg

RT @BinaryDad: Has Banksy managed to get a stencil on Murdoch’s paywall yet? <— Wouldn’t surprise me…

via Echofon

Off to see if I can get my @FatFacedotcom bag replaced under the guarantee, again. :(

via Echofon

Sitting under a tree on Brandon Hill.

via Twitter for iPhone

Who has the coolest national anthem? Has anyone got a hip-hop one yet? Where are all the young rebellious countries?

via Twitter for iPhone

Earlier on I was worrying about the Kindle’s page-turn speed. Now I’m carefully lifting insects off a magazine before I flip over…

via Twitter for iPhone

@timhayward What, like weird empty messages and stuff? If so, yes.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to timhayward

I have just had a nap under a tree. I suppose I should probably move about a bit now. In a minute.

via Twitter for iPhone

Tempted to find a partner, climb into the back of this truck in Clifton Village and have a game ;)

via Twitter for iPhone

@Glinner I don’t even understand what that was. Should I bother watching tonight?

via Echofon in reply to Glinner

This afternoon, I have mostly been lying on the grass listening to music and reading some of @TTApress’s output :)

via Echofon

Oooohhhkay. Is Twitter behaving itself any better now?

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Despite really enjoying Wimbledon in the past, I think I’ve gone off it over the last few years.

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I made a pretty header for the new 3 Twenty Ten theme.…

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hackery Provision me a datacentre worthy of Mordor!

via Echofon (retweeted on 1:00 AM, Jul 2nd, 2010 via Echofon)