“It’s not Trumpton; I don’t know *everybody*.” #broadchurch
@NoWireHangers Coolio!

That thing where you’re wondering what you can watch and then remember you recorded Broadchurch last night. pic.twitter.com/G3gdzzaxkp
@C_J_Fox Were you wearing it last night? Or could battery have been sapped by being colder?
@hayles If you have pancakes this evening, you might want to be careful not to squeeze the lemon directly into your eyeball.
*Eats pancakes*
“Why don’t I do this more often!?”
*Feels a bit sick*
*Does washing up, which takes twice as long as eating pancakes*
@MarkSkinner_ I’m getting better at visualising that stuff. Slowly. Oh, and measuring _before_ shopping :D
@MarkSkinner_ B&Q, oddly. Decent lampshade selections seem very thin on the ground in Bristol. B&Q Cribbs had tons.

In other news, I have a new lampshade. I hope you can all contain your excitement. pic.twitter.com/OvgEyWtexr

Joe_Wegner Amazon be like pic.twitter.com/2PkfjOEOzL
(There may be another pancake photo appearing whenever AWS/S3/IFTTT is back up. Apologies in advance if you see a double-post…)

Fluffy. pic.twitter.com/BkyfWo6d04
If I were Amazon, I’d unplug a few things every now and again just to remind everyone how reliable my service normally is.

TechCrunch Amazon AWS S3 outage is breaking things for a lot of websites and apps tcrn.ch/2mpOdPd by @etherington pic.twitter.com/eOjq1DRyuM

Bedroom Buddha - threesixfive.gothick.org.uk/2017/02/28/bed… pic.twitter.com/70LM244iZf
swissmiss Moby just released 4 hours worth of music for meditation and Yoga, for free. swiss-miss.com/2017/02/moby-r…
Not least because my dislike of that terrible late-70s-early-80s synthesiser incidental music has grown constantly since that era.
I really shouldn’t have left it this long before I watched Apocalypse Now.

Sometimes all it takes a stark contrast of priorities to make me unfollow someone. pic.twitter.com/0N2pnnWGA8
liftoffpodcast SpaceX making an announcement. Rumor is it’s moon-related. livestream.com/accounts/16944…

alistaircoleman “Do you think people will know that says arise?”
“Yeah, go for it” pic.twitter.com/LoJiMoCmoh

Sue Ryder on Park St also have one of the prettiest light meters ever, if anyone needs one. pic.twitter.com/qo6perijiE

Well, it’s cheaper than an XPan. But still a bit rich for my blood. pic.twitter.com/BMGNKckjM0

Helm and hill #igersbristol ift.tt/2lLCsRC pic.twitter.com/XZAuHC1j8x
@beccamagnus Not entirely sure. It was these, if that helps? treasureislandsweets.co.uk/traditional-bo…
@beccamagnus Good old fashioned cough drops that taste of cinnamon & cloves. Friend of mine found some in vintage sweet shop recently. Ace.
@imyke When will you be watching Terminator 2? Hearing you talk about the original really made me want to re-watch T2 myself! #askupgrade
@EffBeeee I think that’s six more than I’ve managed.
colleenhagerty A full bottle of wine just rolled out from under a subway seat and now these 2 strangers popped it open & are drink..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…Vr
The panicky moment you come out of your #thearchers trance and dash around the house turning off Desert Island Discs. #verybritishproblems
@wonderbarn I’ll pop it on the list.
I’m will Gill on Citizen Kane. Reminded me I’ve never seen The Third Man, though..#thearchersrs
sbstryker These 13 seconds of girls getting a rat out of the house have:
— Character Development
— Major Plot Twist
— Pass Btwitter.com/i/web/status/8…Qz9L4
@daraobriain Of course, then there’s the lurking fear that this may already have happened, and nobody told *us*.
hackaday What the Flux: How Does Solder Work Anyway? wp.me/pk3lN-10Wm

I think the driver of this boat may not be in the best of health. pic.twitter.com/W16sBEWOvJ

That is not a moor, hen. pic.twitter.com/ksQkoCWZz1
@fourfoot Oooh! Ta, you just reminded me I still have Garibaldis in the cupboard.
Nine years ago, I clearly had about nine times as much energy as I do now. twitter.com/gothick/status…

doctorow BC town votes to install imaginary GPS trackers in criminals #1yrago
boingboing.net/2016/02/26/bc-… pic.twitter.com/ypsuxXtJeO

Morning Routine - threesixfive.gothick.org.uk/2017/02/25/mor… pic.twitter.com/Oy3WOdB4qd
@askvirginia @rstevens Yeah. The pub here isn’t a “cat pub”; it’s just a pub with a landlord who really likes cats.
@askvirginia @rstevens …on the other hand, there may be a country without such insane politics to run to.
@askvirginia @rstevens Yup. I have a pub with many cats within walking distance, and I hear there’s a cat café opening here soon…
@AlasdairStuart Oh! Okay, was only at end of first ghost scene. Will switch to extended. Thanks!

Let’s give this a go, then. pic.twitter.com/uu8nZ6Odrh

TheNextWeb YouTube’s favorite hydraulic press takes on indestructible Adamantium tnw.me/KOE1QfP pic.twitter.com/bxO2AfTaQA
@Kavey “…for years”, says the Instagram text. Bloody auto-elision.

When the name of a biscuit comes up in a crossword and you think, “Oh, I’ve not had those ..ift.tt/2mtfpZeZpic.twitter.com/0gcRcHlxBkBk
taviso Cloudflare have been leaking customer HTTPS sessions for months. Uber, 1Password, FitBit, OKCupid, etc. bugs.chromium.org/p/project-zero…
“Say, just out of curiosity, did you tell anyone else you were coming here to interview me?” twitter.com/alexisthenedd/…

TheAVClub Depeche Mode tells “lifelong fan” Richard Spencer to fuck off trib.al/yTQs7oQ pic.twitter.com/03hro9ITPK
@toddmotto MORGAN FREEMAN: Little did Todd know that my experiments in mind control were starting to bear fruit.
I had never before linked my irrational dislike of lotus seed heads and Peugeot 307 CC lamp clusters…twitter.com/i/web/status/8…4f
@RevRichardColes The Creature from the Black Legume #VegetableHorrorFims
@hayles This is very true. And I was doing it regularly a year ago. But the transition back will be interesting.
@hayles …and it makes me wonder if I could ever do that regularly again.
@hayles Every now and again I completely forget what time it is and accidentally go somewhere in Bristol at rush hour…

I think it’s safe to say, Twitter, that if I hadn’t by now..pic.twitter.com/3KgPnSvE1z1z
StewartMcDonald I have written to the HMRC Minister concerning allegations that @mooboo_uk are asking applicants to work an unpaid..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…Ho
@hayles Oh, crap. That must be fun. Have the buses had a meltdown?
@hayles Everywhere I went seemed unusually deserted earlier. Is it just the storm keeping everyone indoors?
liveindetail Love how A380s hang in the sky in much the same way that bricks don’t twitter.com/Rainmaker1973/…
@RichStanton @charlesarthur Please deselect the opposite action of not unchoosing First Great Western for an eternity not burning in hell.
@AlasdairStuart Cool, ta.
@AlasdairStuart D’you think I should try picking season one back up again? Gave it a few episodes, from what I remember…
Perfect move, for me. OmniOutliner is one of those beautiful apps I’ve sadly never used more than 5% of, so never w..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…CF
Perhaps today is not the day for a harbourside walk. twitter.com/BristolFerry/s…

Of course, there are also the three-letter shorthand codes. twitter.com/gothick/status… pic.twitter.com/gYhpZStavp

sndrmusic “NASA found seven planets that are similar to earth and three of them are most likely habitable” pic.twitter.com/3gWEnLQIRl
@Phooto “bacaba” and “baccae” were both in /usr/dict/words, but were a fairly ugly muddy green. Pretty obscure words, too, so I chucked ‘em!

Playing with dictionary words that also happen to be HTML colours. pic.twitter.com/ao6LeB0mpo
How have I never tried this? (Or heard of it, for that matter…) twitter.com/MarkTaylorFood…
@BristolFerry I think you should add 10% surcharge for the fun factor.
BristolFerry It’s getting a bit lush out here.. #stormdoris shouldn’t stop our service but will update you accordingly.. follow..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…S5
Ah, yes, when you make sure both your Mac and your NAS are on gigabit network connections, it can indeed improve your backup times. #doh
@labfoo Aww, thanks :D

Crap! I left the dust caps off… Oh. No, that’s okaypic.twitter.com/jHpdKCpTdMdM
@AndyCarolan Make sure you document the report. It’ll be useful when we’re claiming PPI advert trauma compensation in 2028.
FrizFrizzle If I had £1 every time I opened up the Clock app instead of the Calculator app, I’d have 12.13pm.
Well, I guess that’s conclusively answered that question. twitter.com/gothick/status…

GraemeDemianyk When you forget your PE kit and have to make do with lost property pic.twitter.com/3Ikpps17OR
flashboy intense drama, strong characters, powerful narrative arc, iconic final shot twitter.com/iatemuggles/st…
Galloping through a Robin Hobb.

mrnickharvey HALT-WRITE pic.twitter.com/T5YDiwqfjq
Are you annoyed when apps ask you questions like this?
@paulwaugh Should hope so. You’d want it framed, right? Downstairs loo, I’m thinking.
@talkie_tim Ta! Grr. This is what happens when you try to do it manually instead of leaving the robots to it.
@chrisphin Tittle! What a great word. *files away*
@thomasvenables Yeah, I’d say so. And I wasn’t even drinking.

I just watched _Mad Dog Time_ and thought it was rather fun. Might be in a minority. pic.twitter.com/MSfKgtBFzF

Pandamoanimum Just a reminder that if you squash a marshmallow rabbit then the end result is Kim Jong-un. pic.twitter.com/pJUbcjH68w

Pot, kettle, so forth. pic.twitter.com/CfNnLJrm4p
aligarchy DR: you have this disease
ME: oh no
DR: but you can cure it with a healthy diet and exercise
RikerGoogling how to defeat holographic gazebo

Some of you will know this road as soon as you see the Callicarpa dichotoma. #igersbristol ift.tt/2ltTd40 pic.twitter.com/KdpdvMXaoj
@Bristolvor *Good* picture framing is expensive. Which is why most of mine are IKEA frames stuffed by my own fair hands…
Just to double-check: NASA *have* seen The X Files, right? twitter.com/Telegraph/stat…
@Gary_Bainbridge I thought Paul Nuttall said he was doing it?
@drwave Can you drag a delete key there? I’ve only played with someone else’s magic foobar for five minutes ;)
franceinnyc Tu or Vous? Here’s a handy (and roundabout) chart to help clarify the distinction. #FrenchExpressions..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…kV
robmanuel I’ve written some important Javascript that turns all images into sausages. Here’s a google image search for Paul N..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…SW
@benjohnbarnes !!! It’s one of the best, and pretty crucial to the season 6 plotline.

Petroleum Spirit - threesixfive.gothick.org.uk/2017/02/16/pet… pic.twitter.com/4pNV2RF06h

Well, I *would* go to bed, but look which episode just rolled around. #buffy pic.twitter.com/4HoVKimYlB
@_pigeons_ @fmk_RoI @Bingo_Little It is, when your light bulbs don’t work.
_pigeons_ I can’t believe I’m listening to @gothick tell @Bingo_Little about how he had to upgrade the firmware in his lightbulbs…
@hayles About three hours!
@robmanuel …I’d also assume that I’d seen Ed Byrne do the gag live and forgotten all about it.
@robmanuel Yet another example of the internet ruining everything! Also, my memory’s so bad these days that if it’d happened to me…
@shezza_t Thank you! One that probably wouldn’t have arrived without the desperation a photo-a-day project causes :D
holly This incredibly scientific investigation into a USB mug warmer’s claims is the greatest Amazon review of all time..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…NE

Well, I’ve never actually seen it… pic.twitter.com/uv0PNIsZsB

My friend Spike. ift.tt/2kH82NB pic.twitter.com/XcEssqQEI7
@sanspoint …when the original prediction was delivery next Thursday. Mind you, mine have only made it as far as Kazakhstan so far!
@sanspoint Assuming mine do, in fact, arrive tomorrow, they came a little faster than predicted. Ordered 12th Jan, shipped Sunday.
@RSComponents Did you calibrate your spell-checker?
@olebegemann What does it look like if you turn your small screen sideways?

austinkleon Now that’s a lede. washingtonpost.com/blogs/compost/… pic.twitter.com/LuHYUZnrjE
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Valentines from web apps
Are making me throw up a little in my mouth. Please stop.
@hayles Weird, dude.
ismh This honest, open look at the outage is refreshing. medium.com/making-instapa…

Odd, how even a pretty place can look better when you can’t see so much of it. #bristol pic.twitter.com/lYxfwWe271
LibyaLiberty Spoiler: they’re just scarves and we’ve been buying them from department stores for years. twitter.com/imamsonline/st…
@ahnlak Well, there is a very short video in the blog…
juliaindelicate Hey does anyone put on gigs in Bristol? Do you want @theindelicates to come and play at one in say May/ June? #theindelicates #shows

Herby. pic.twitter.com/QSlOET2Han

Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme… - threesixfive.gothick.org.uk/2017/02/13/par… pic.twitter.com/xfcpUfjEo2
In Spring I write a
Wikipedia haiku
Citation needed

theyearofelan My mother said her phone was out of memory and I asked her to see it and this is what I discovered pic.twitter.com/YIfwUyytCP
Bloggity: mostly pictures of my recent guitar pedal build.
theroyalfactor Ukip councillor demonstrates beyond doubt he is not fit to hold a public role. I mean, who would put an apostrophe..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…L0

Traverse board. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traverse_… pic.twitter.com/ZM3dXI5SXV

That’ll do. pic.twitter.com/PT5irMPTsL
@KinetaHill If it’s not snowing, then I consider the world to be faulty, not my weather station.

Really? Snow? pic.twitter.com/VXy3SG5Al0
@shezza_t I chose it from an entire rainbow wall of colour at a graffiti supplies shop (as you do.) :D
NetworkString The Investigatory Powers Act powers are subject to strict safeguards.
Meanwhile; twitter.com/copwatcher/sta…

Pedal case looking a bit more professional now. pic.twitter.com/QfMQI04qmy
@Kavey Llllllllloyds
dangusset Rarebeasts Machine No:12 youtu.be/5OLtCqilCm4
So here I am, on the phone to my bank. Yet again.
The company I’m trying to pay holds the record for highest annual profit in recorded history. I’m guessing they’re okay at taking payments.
Every time I try to buy something online from a particular company, my bank declines the payment. Every time.

@hayles I don’t think this person is terribly turned on to intelligent marketing. pic.twitter.com/TjOFwZhb7d

The guts of the guitar pedal kit are still waiting on me to finish off the case… ift.tt/2kY8DO1 pic.twitter.com/tUaZkl0Pvy
They were just cleaning their racism, and it went off. twitter.com/blackvoices/st…
@Bingo_Little Well done! Hope it helps.

INS-TA-GRAM-ATE! ift.tt/2kdhTt7 pic.twitter.com/B0mCE04WPL

Liberator - threesixfive.gothick.org.uk/2017/02/10/lib… -
Tum-tum-TUM-ti-tum… pic.twitter.com/e8ruFHcF5k
Normally the worst I can expect is a poor night’s sleep.
Just wobbled home from the pub to see the US president tweeting in all caps with a comma splice. Christ. #idiocracy
@Kavey I have my first extension tubes. Expect to see more pictures of small things ;)
larsloving they got elected twitter.com/PoliticalLine/…

Board. pic.twitter.com/1XSzOtSyRm

If I were Queen Victoria, I don’t think I’d be amused by staring at the Radisson all day long. pic.twitter.com/Z65ixkgnUm

Danacea Giant Batarang appears on the South Bank… pic.twitter.com/QqXbiD1HNN
It is, by the way, bloody freezing in Bristol today. Wish I’d brought my gloves.

Uniquely inhospitable. #igersbristol ift.tt/2kLqOUK pic.twitter.com/hr8oMOmnMB

There’s a Tumblr for these, right? pic.twitter.com/sSUMH3FChi
@shortchlo Does it say something for my expectations that my first thought was, “Well, at least they’re in the library.”
jbrownridge Would anyone like to have this on their CV? northeastjobs.org.uk/job/Cold_blood… @RichardWiseman
@kluepfel I respectfully suggest that there is *always* something worse than can surprise you, just around the corner.
@andybeebristol I did consider my oldest fountain pen, but I’m thinking individual items here, and the guitar tuner is older than the pen!
@UrsulaWJ Sawbones. Consulting Physician to the Cumberland Infirmary in Carlisle, according to his obit. threesixfive.gothick.org.uk/2017/01/29/und…
@UrsulaWJ Belonged to my great-great-uncle Stewart. Nice to have an heirloom around.
@davidcaolo I have managed to resist so far. That’s a floodgate my bank balance probably couldn’t cope with me opening.
@davidcaolo Having ended up with two straight Echoes and a Dot, I think I may be a fellow sufferer.

@UrsulaWJ I think this is the only comparable thing I have, but I don’t use it regularly! pic.twitter.com/5nHnnvwBJf
@UrsulaWJ I did consider my fountain pen as a contender—most excellent technology—but I think the tuner is slightly older!
@UrsulaWJ Oh, gawd, yes. But on an *individual* basis, all my cups are newer than this guitar tuner :D
@UrsulaWJ Smartypants.
@davidcaolo Putting it in? What, it’s not contactless? (Though I think I got used to chip & PIN quite quickly, back all those years ago.)
@davidcaolo Jesus. Are you still *signing* for things over there?
Sainsbury’s car park “ChipCoin”. Or to give it its full name, “ChipOHFUCKHOWMANYPEOPLEHAVEHADTHISTHINGINTHEIRMOUTHS..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…im

This may be the oldest piece of technology I use on a regular basis. ift.tt/2ktfmyr pic.twitter.com/FDkCbDiY0t