@bethofalltrades It’s okay. Every table looks beautiful on its con day.
Beautifully phrased. twitter.com/aterkel/status…
@craigmod I find too many things go backwards. Come back, naturally-synced FM radios, and light bulbs that didn’t take research to buy!
Headline of the day award. BBC News - Aporkalypse No - US bacon shortage denied bbc.co.uk/news/business-…
@t_pk @EdibleReading I’m not sure the presentation is worth eating the layer of greasy napkin that is inevitably inseparable from the food.

I think it’s the tasteful and painstakingly-hand-crafted painting stand that made the job go well. pic.twitter.com/tJ3qcJWvv5
EdibleReading If I live to be a hundred I’ll never understand why cafes put the napkin underneath the sandwich or cake.
Having a go with the @runoffgroove Britannia circuit (PCB/kit by @JedsPeds) while the paint dries on the case :D youtu.be/pEAC3FB36Fg
@jukesie Thanks! I went into the Upfest shop thinking “maybe a simple primary red…” and then only got as far down the wall as the purples!

Painting - threesixfive.gothick.org.uk/2017/02/02/pai… -
Well, I live in Bristol. Of course I’m using specialist graffiti paint for… pic.twitter.com/zAlhFP9cNL
JamesUrbaniak The real tragedy is that Philip Seymour Hoffman doesn’t get to play Steve Bannon in the movie about all this.

Initial testing: successful. pic.twitter.com/dGuJ8gSdPN