@ahnlak Well, there is a very short video in the blog…
juliaindelicate Hey does anyone put on gigs in Bristol? Do you want @theindelicates to come and play at one in say May/ June? #theindelicates #shows

Herby. pic.twitter.com/QSlOET2Han

Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme… - threesixfive.gothick.org.uk/2017/02/13/par… pic.twitter.com/xfcpUfjEo2
In Spring I write a
Wikipedia haiku
Citation needed

theyearofelan My mother said her phone was out of memory and I asked her to see it and this is what I discovered pic.twitter.com/YIfwUyytCP
Bloggity: mostly pictures of my recent guitar pedal build.
theroyalfactor Ukip councillor demonstrates beyond doubt he is not fit to hold a public role. I mean, who would put an apostrophe..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…L0