taviso Cloudflare have been leaking customer HTTPS sessions for months. Uber, 1Password, FitBit, OKCupid, etc. bugs.chromium.org/p/project-zero…
“Say, just out of curiosity, did you tell anyone else you were coming here to interview me?” twitter.com/alexisthenedd/…

TheAVClub Depeche Mode tells “lifelong fan” Richard Spencer to fuck off trib.al/yTQs7oQ pic.twitter.com/03hro9ITPK
@toddmotto MORGAN FREEMAN: Little did Todd know that my experiments in mind control were starting to bear fruit.
I had never before linked my irrational dislike of lotus seed heads and Peugeot 307 CC lamp clusters…twitter.com/i/web/status/8…4f
@RevRichardColes The Creature from the Black Legume #VegetableHorrorFims
@hayles This is very true. And I was doing it regularly a year ago. But the transition back will be interesting.
@hayles …and it makes me wonder if I could ever do that regularly again.
@hayles Every now and again I completely forget what time it is and accidentally go somewhere in Bristol at rush hour…

I think it’s safe to say, Twitter, that if I hadn’t by now..pic.twitter.com/3KgPnSvE1z1z
StewartMcDonald I have written to the HMRC Minister concerning allegations that @mooboo_uk are asking applicants to work an unpaid..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…Ho
@hayles Oh, crap. That must be fun. Have the buses had a meltdown?
@hayles Everywhere I went seemed unusually deserted earlier. Is it just the storm keeping everyone indoors?
liveindetail Love how A380s hang in the sky in much the same way that bricks don’t twitter.com/Rainmaker1973/…
@RichStanton @charlesarthur Please deselect the opposite action of not unchoosing First Great Western for an eternity not burning in hell.
@AlasdairStuart Cool, ta.
@AlasdairStuart D’you think I should try picking season one back up again? Gave it a few episodes, from what I remember…
Perfect move, for me. OmniOutliner is one of those beautiful apps I’ve sadly never used more than 5% of, so never w..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…CF
Perhaps today is not the day for a harbourside walk. twitter.com/BristolFerry/s…

Of course, there are also the three-letter shorthand codes. twitter.com/gothick/status… pic.twitter.com/gYhpZStavp

sndrmusic “NASA found seven planets that are similar to earth and three of them are most likely habitable” pic.twitter.com/3gWEnLQIRl
@Phooto “bacaba” and “baccae” were both in /usr/dict/words, but were a fairly ugly muddy green. Pretty obscure words, too, so I chucked ‘em!