matthaig1 ‘Why are you keeping me?’
‘It says here you visited Iran in 2014.’
‘I did.’
‘I was prime minister of Norway.’…
@C_J_Fox Wish I had room for one of those!
@C_J_Fox I still have that “just in case” mentality. Still, got a ScanSnap with a sheet feeder, so scanning’s about as fast as shredding!
@benjohnbarnes Of course, when it’s in a jar you don’t have the disadvantage of seeing just how much butter goes into it :D
@benjohnbarnes You can buy it in a jar, and it’s about as nice as you’d expect compared to the real freshly-made thing.
@benjohnbarnes I admit it was a bit over the top. I did some rearrangement before eating :D I love Hollandaise, but it’s a pain to make.

Breakfast for Lunch -…

Servicing my wah-wah. #notaeuphemism
@CharlieEsq_ When I was a veggie I think I mostly ate cheese on toast, so I wouldn’t have, either :D
@OneMoreMouthful @Shonette I would be snug and warm inside a Khao & Bao bun.
@dangusset I’m not necessarily thinking that it was the recording quality that was the issue.
@dangusset I honestly couldn’t make out a single word of that. Not one.
@SimonLandmine Déjà cue?