Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

March 2009

As inspired by @nyssapod, here’s my last ten pages of tweets as a Wordle cloud:

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Hadn’t realised how alike Pulp’s “The Mark of the Devil” is to the Damned’s “Phantasmagoria”-era stuff. Jarvis could _be_ Dave Vanian!

via Twitter Web Client - You know how I said the clouds were good this morning?

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@pjakobs @bertpalmer oops! Meant to say look at what happened at magnol.ia!

via Twitter Web Client in reply to pjakobs

@pjakobs @bertpalmer yeah, never mistake RAID for a good backup. Look at the main

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Lovely clouds this morning!

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Gah! Toodledo is down. Will have to resort to actual paper for today’s shopping list.

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@CantHang “Here’s three bands. Now form a chord.”

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Right, bedtime for me. Last week I went to bed early every night, and I think that’s probably why I got so much done this weekend…

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@ahnlak Ah, so is it _your_ math skills we have to blame? :) Regent Street, Clifton Village.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to ahnlak - And while I’m posting pics, how exactly, Tesco, is a reduction from £2.02 to £2.02 a 53p discount?

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@Narshada Mind you, it costs actual money, I’m just using the trial.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to Narshada

@Narshada It’s slick as a slick thing apart from that. My problem with posting was that the interface was so simple I missed it :)

via Twitter Web Client in reply to Narshada

So far, yes. Haven’t got TwitPic to work yet, but they’ve been having troubles themselves, so not sure whether it’s Gravity or them.

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Trying out Gravity - new Twitter client for Symbian S60. Very slick so far. Took a while to figure out how to Tweet, though!

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@Narshada Sorry, way too much to do today; I know I’d end up staying out too long! Plus, my feet hurt, dammit. Ta for the invite, though!

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Just back from a bit of a photographic wander.

via Twitter Web Client - I always wonder whether the choice of the The Prisoner-style foot on this sign was a conscious one.

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Oh, so _that’s_ why my RapidWeaver is screwed. Curse you, Safari 4 beta, and thank you, Real Mac, for already having a beta out to fix it.

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Just realised that my N73 hasn’t turned its irritating self off since I took it apart to replace its joystick. Win!

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I need to transcribe my notebook while I can still remember what I wrote. Either that, or I really do need to “try 1143 toned clams”.

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Just fixed the RSS feed to have more sensible titles, as suggested @ahnlak.

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@Lillput Just bear in mind it’ll come back with steel strings tuned EADG :)

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@Lillput I can highly recommend the bass string-changing experience. None of those irritating little springy ones that pierce your skin!

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Reasons to get better at photography #387: I’ve run out of wall-space, so I need to get other people to hang my stuff in _their_ houses.

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@Lillput Ahh, my old 12-string retired hurt and now hangs on the wall for decoration. Love to get a new one, but can’t afford it this year.

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Okay, that’s enough sitting down. Time to tidy up and then change the strings on this bass. For the first time ever.

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@zinziii I hate to think what kind of profile Google is building on you!

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Home at last, after a longer walk than expected. Now to do something that involves sitting down.

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@Lillput cool. Need to visit again soonish so should be able to check them out. Ta!

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@Narshada for a nice finishing touch, combine Photo Booth with Poladroid.

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Out of Broadmead and safely ensconsed in the window of Boston Tea Party.

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@Lillput where is the music shop in Broadmead? Am there now, so might check it out…

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@Lillput don’t mind it on guitar now I have a string winder. Cheap bit of plastic makes a big difference! Today’s job is the bass, though…

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@Lillput @Narshada my theory is that there was a massive music retail party in Bristol last night, and they’re all hung over.

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@Lillput luckily, Jam opened just after my last tweet! Now have strings :-)

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So, anywhere else in Clifton I can get a desk lamp, I wonder? Habitat’s appear to be overpriced badly-designed crap.

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@Lillput thanks. That’s what I thought the time was, but when your iPod, your phone and two different music retailers seem to disagree…

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Jam Guitars are shut,too. Can I have a sanity check from UK peeps? What *time* is it?

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@Lillput they reopened in Clifton Village weeks ago. Should be open right now but weren’t.

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Hmm. Treblerock haven’t opened yet. Guess I’m going to a further away music shop.

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Shower, shopping, lunch, geekiness, tidying, music. Sounds like a plan.

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Ow. Bass guitar is hard on your fingers.

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Have just replaced joystick in my N73. Now it’s simply annoying, rather than annoying and slightly broken.

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Wandering home, listening to the Cowboy Junkies.

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Right, that’s some guitars and vocals laid down over basic drums. Think I’ll quit for the evening while I’m ahead.

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Note to self: when recording vocals, try not to have a twitter client with a comic sound effect running on the other computer.

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@penelopeelse I can’t remember what it sounds like…

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Oooh, I won the TFTTF weekend photo challenge! That’s a surprise; last time I looked I only had two votes. Cool :)

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oriental salad with sweet chili sauce. Think @hayles would approve.

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@Narshada And basic stores are fairly easy to set up. And free. http://gothick.spreadshi…

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@Narshada I hate to think of the hits you’d get back. I used them because I’ve bought stuff from them before, and the quality was good.

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Setting up a SpreadShirt shop

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@Whatleydude What can I use for “going forward…”?

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Phew. Bathroom cleaned. Probably wouldn’t take me so long if I did it more often, but I’m a proud bachelor, so I leave it a respectable time

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Just disassembled my N73, fiddled with it, and reassembled it. Didn’t fix the problem, but I count it as a big win that it still works.

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Ta for ideas. Will see what options I have. Sure they’ll at least have @floyduk’s suggestion :)

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What’s a good substitute for plaice?

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There’s a pattern emerging here. We need more instantly-appearing sarcastic signage.

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Every time a Microsoft executive opens a book, a big sign should appear, slap bang in his way, asking him if he want to install Silverlight.

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@bexxi Not entirely sure yet. Nothing terrible, though.

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Hmm. Change is in the air.

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@tweeny4 no. Mostly it seems to be pint glasses rather than car crime.

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Was there a ‘which moron can smash the most glass over the pavement’ competition in Bristol last night?

via Twitter Web Client - Electricity meters are tiny there days! I didn’t know!

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Quite peckish now. Note to self: next time Swalec book a morning appointment, make sure you have lunch in the house in case.

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Awww. When dies, it gives a Guru Meditation number. Ah, the memories of childhood come flooding back.

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@Lillput I’ll be mourning if I have to phone up my boss and tell him I can’t be there this afternoon, either… :(

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Fantastic colour-based flickr CC picture finder thingummyflip:… (via @boagworld’s delicious feed)

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Still waiting for electricity meter fitters to turn up for a “morning” appointment.

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The Black Cab Sessions are always interesting when someone has to cram a big instrument into the back of the cab

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Have diagnosed the technical problem with my electric bass: it’s a cheap piece of crap.

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Playing with a birthday present I’ve finally gotten around to putting together. YouTube

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@Herring1967 my local Sonerfield is sold out of fish fingers. Is this your malign influence at work?

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Is there a name for that stuff they use to stick free CDs to the front of magazines? I know it only as ‘artificial snot’…

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Cleaning my keyboard. Eww. And by “eww”, I of course mean OH DEAR HOLY CHRIST WHAT THE HELL IS LIVING UNDER THESE KEYS AAARGGH!

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Neurofen starting to kick in.

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@pjakobs You know you can turn those on and off (at a fairly fine-grained level) in the account notification settings?

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Ugh. Have headache. If you don’t drink, It’s a terrible thing to wake up with what feels like a hangover.

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@hayles Odd. I know an otherwise rational girl who’s terrified of Bagpuss.

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@SongwritingTips Yeah, my uncle told me that what I really needed to write bridges was “someone else” ;)

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Flicking through a new book, looking for my own articles, and checking them out. It’s a fine line between professional interest and vanity.

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@Dan_Christensen Hey, count yourself lucky! I can’t even get my calendar on my iPod…

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@SongwritingTips Thinking about it. But I could do with some tips on breaking out of the four chords I’ve got into a bridge/middle 8…

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Bad: in daylight, this top really doesn’t go with these trousers. Good: going to Maplin, where nobody will notice :)

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Just swapped some guitar pedals I’ve not used in a decade for a new mic. Decluttering and the barter economy are my recession beaters :)

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Time for a walk in the nice sunshine. If I say it like that, it doesn’t feel like I’m going out to do chores.

via Twitter Web Client - Somehow, the Royal West of England Academy looks different tonight :)

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Short shameful confession: I am currently wearing 5.11 Tactical Pants

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Right. A short break at home, then off to the Crimes of Passion preview event at the RWA. http://crimesofpassion.i…

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Why do Oracle have to make installing Windows software so utterly painful? It’s like stepping back into the eighties, only with bigger files

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@Nomme1 I use CDs for that. Faster, shinier, deadlier. And never underestimate the bandwidth of a flying CD!

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@Lillput I got this disc two years ago! Shows you how with-it Oracle’s trainers are…

via Twitter Web Client - Just found this during a clear-out. Anyone remember what these things are for?

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@Lillput thanks! Will definitely be able to check them out tonight, then. Cool.

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@tweeny4 Presumably it hurts less than poking yourself in the eye when you _are_ looking, though?

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@Lillput Oooh, are they open at last? Do you know when they close today? Coming up there for RWA event later anyway…

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@paulahillier Yeah, but you don’t look in a rear-view mirror to assess the past, you look in it to give you advance warning of the future!

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Awww. Google has a Hungry Caterpillar logo today :)

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@KellyJanner Aye, the Glasgow pronunciation can be more like Glas-ghee (normally written “Glasgae”).

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@davidpatrick Cool. This is the inspiration I need to set off for work, personally:

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I was going to be on time for work, then @davidpatrick mentioned that Google Street View had arrived in the UK.

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Ugh. My new Lloyds credit card has a big picture of a horse on it. I know, I know, what did I expect? But the old one was much less horsey.

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Right. Inbox zero. Off to bed with me, to read for probably-not-very-long before my head starts nodding.

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@KellyJanner The English pronunciation, or the Glasgow pronunciation? :)

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Oh, okay, may well be out of my remit — I didn’t even know you could do Blogger without hosting it on Blogger!

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@rabidbee @tweeny4 At least it won’t be such a time-vampire for you guys for a while! Oooh, just found my school!

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@tweeny4 I just found my primary school. Suppose I’m lucky to have mostly lived in big urban centres, so I’m fairly well Google-mapped up :)

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Top tip: Street View nostalgia is fun. I just followed the bike route from my childhood home to the newsagent I used to buy my sweets in :)

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Right. Must stop playing with Google Street View long enough to eat. And maybe do some of the stuff I’m supposed to be doing, too.

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@tweeny4 Ow. Someone needs to run a fork through her salmon a few times first, me thinks.

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@hayles so what do we call baps in the south, then?

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Currently reading Guerrilla Home Recording; excellent so far.

via Twitter Web Client - Can you tell that wine was half price today at this closing-down Marks and Spencer?

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@pjakobs today’s is pretty tempting, though!

via Twitter Web Client - Would love to know the story behind this. Doesn’t sound happy :(

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The scariest thing about moving my to-do list between systems is that I get to see how many things are on the list: 733. Pruning time!

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@davidpatrick Also, am competent in XSLT, so as long as things import and export in XML, I can bend them into the right shape easily :)

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@davidpatrick Annoying thing is, I’m about 45 tasks away from finishing my own online GTD application :)

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@davidpatrick Toodledo has XML import, which will make my life easy, plus XML export, which means I can easily take a backup.

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@davidpatrick Looked at ;I like 37 Signals’ stuff in general. Couldn’t see an easy import/export, though. Have a _lot_ to import!

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Right. NeptuneHQ has officially had too much unplanned inconvenient downtime for me. Moving my GTD stuff to

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@sean_robbins it doesn’t press my buttons, either; meant to be coffee table book for laymen. It bought me a lens, though :)

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In other news, this book: should have fifteen entries by me in it. Haven’t got hold of one to check yet, though!

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Up earlier than usual to get ready for 9am meeting. But also going for lunchtime photo walk with friend who just bought his first SLR. Cool.

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@Phooto Now you really are going for shininess over substance…

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@Phooto You think? Looks bloody annoying to me. Much prefer the old one.

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Awake. Good. Got to go see Aged Parent at some point, but for now time for a bath and then possibly some recording.

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@psidnell Oh, and don’t worry if the times look screwy; I’ve set the timetable clock eight hours back for testing!

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@psidnell… It’s very basic; should just be list of places, and departure times underneath.

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Does anyone have a minute to test an iPhone web app for me? Just browse to it and see if it roughly works?

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Right. Home from slightly extended shopping trip (good to see you, @bertpalmer!) Now to chill out for a bit before deciding what work to do.

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@bertpalmer Boston Tea Party, Park Street, some time after 2.15?

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@bertpalmer Yeah, just wandering around Clifton Village. Where are you?

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Songwriting going okay. Have a potential chorus and the bridge isn’t scaring me as much as it was. Time for lunch, then, methinks.

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@bertpalmer Sorry, was writing a song. Am free now, though, and thinking of heading out for coffee…

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@fivesimplesteps So would this be a bad time to point out that you don’t spell “oppulance” like that?

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@ki2594 Just like the old one did, in fact.

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Hmm. Is it just me, or did the iPod Shuffle just jump the shark?

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@rabidbee you can probably determine that based on whether your bed is a wooden, soil-lined box :)

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Just signed up for a songwriting course at the Folk House. Bearing in mind the progress I’m making on this bridge, I definitely need it.

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@bertyc And now I’m going to put it in an envelope, address it with a quill pen, seal it with wax, and have my runner deliver it.

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I just wrote an actual cheque. How retro!

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@johnfbraun And I’m still in search of a processor with the DWIM instruction. Maybe one day..

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@johnfbraun I think you’re writing code in a different level from your language…

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@MitchBenn If only there were some kind of format where a person could record some audio and have it broadcast to people’s iPods…

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Hrm. Had night off Doing Stuff last night. But still not feeling like it tonight. Hrm. Need to pick something low-energy.

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@Narshada No. Will always be the kind of thing that happens sometimes when people and vehicles intersect, sadly :(

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So that’s why the traffic was so bad in Bristol last night. How sad. Buses really tear through there sometimes :(

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@sean_robbins clearly the answer is to shower in tonic water.

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Trying to listen to The Rissington Podcast, but it’s recorded so quiet I can’t hear it. They should take some lessons from Boagworld!

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@rabidbee The traffic is just something I look at as I walk past :)

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Yow. fundraiser just called to ask for a “small” increase in my monthly sub — to three *times* the current amount.

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Wow. Who broke the traffic in Bristol?

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@Narshada Ta. Handy walking distance, then — bonus!

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Ooooh! Just noticed how many of my tweets start with “Ooooh!” Note to self: am 36-year-old with beard, not easily-excitable valley girl.

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Oooh! Nat Johnson’s playing Bristol! Where’s the Mother’s Ruin?

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Ooooh, think I can see the last book I did some writing for on sale now. Will have to check in person to make sure it is, though!

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Trying to write some lyrics

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@tweeny4 Yeah, it’s amazing how much more productive I’ve been since I had that week off, just doing nothing. Worked a treat.

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Fixed my leaky dashboard widget, fiddled about some more with the song I’m writing, cleaned out more old clothes. Now photo stuff, then bed.

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@bertyc Does it matter? Just buy stuff, buy stuff like crazy!

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@MelKirk You’ll have to set them up with each other. At least you’d only get noise from one direction then…

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Much as I love the Pseudopod horror podcast, episode 131’s scariest moment so far is the Scots/Irish/South African accent Alasdair just did!

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@paulahillier No, actually my best diet idea is The Stalker Diet: how to choose the right food by following thin people around supermarkets.

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@paulahillier Maybe I _was_. Couple of years of M&S and a flat walk home and I’m not so sure!

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@paulahillier It’s what I did before M&S was there, though!

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@paulahillier Oh well. It’ll keep me fitter if I’ve got to walk up Park Street to Sainsbury’s on my way home….

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@paulahillier Plus they’re still finishing tons of flats right next to it. Maybe they don’t think anyone’s going to move in.

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RT @sarahlane: - This picture makes me happy on so many levels.

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Balls. The M&S Harbourside is closing. Clearly I only want to shop in shops that aren’t economically viable.

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@Narshada tried the Ultimate Boot CD? Some combination of the magic on there normally sorts stuff out for me.

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@hayles wow. What did you do when he arrived?

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Okay, who broke LiveJournal?

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Downer: just missed interesting sounding The Bottom Line episode on R4, including Spinvox’s founder. Upper: there’s a podcast.

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Right. Bedroom-tidying time, before I run out of energy for the evening. Oh, what a rock-n-roll lifestyle I lead.

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I care not what you think of me. I love Peter Doherty.

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@Lillput and Bristol-based, too!

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Anyone into both science and music should definitely check out the Geep Pop (virtual) festival!

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Hmm. So, did my electrician not leave me a message like he says, or did SpinVox drop it somewhere? Hmm.

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@spamvictim At least you might find an easier way of fixing it than a reinstall. Do you repair permissions often? I do it about once a year.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to grant_matthews_

@spamvictim Repair permissions, then install TweetDeck, then verify permissions in Disk Utility. Should tell you which file(s) are problem.

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Hmm. Can’t install Photoshop Elements on the iMac. Wonder if this is something else that 4 has broken?

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@spamvictim Sounds like an Air installer problem of some kind. Does OnyX tell you what it’s doing when it repairs, like Disk Utility does?

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Finally getting around to watching Whitechapel.

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Right. That’s the kitchen cleaned and my Dashboard Widget roughly working. Now for some photography. Today is being quite varied.

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