Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

March 30th, 2009

Right, bedtime for me. Last week I went to bed early every night, and I think that’s probably why I got so much done this weekend…

via Twitter Web Client

@ahnlak Ah, so is it _your_ math skills we have to blame? :) Regent Street, Clifton Village.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to ahnlak - And while I’m posting pics, how exactly, Tesco, is a reduction from £2.02 to £2.02 a 53p discount?

via Twitter Web Client

@Narshada Mind you, it costs actual money, I’m just using the trial.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to Narshada

@Narshada It’s slick as a slick thing apart from that. My problem with posting was that the interface was so simple I missed it :)

via Twitter Web Client in reply to Narshada

So far, yes. Haven’t got TwitPic to work yet, but they’ve been having troubles themselves, so not sure whether it’s Gravity or them.

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Trying out Gravity - new Twitter client for Symbian S60. Very slick so far. Took a while to figure out how to Tweet, though!

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