Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

March 17th, 2009

The scariest thing about moving my to-do list between systems is that I get to see how many things are on the list: 733. Pruning time!

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@davidpatrick Also, am competent in XSLT, so as long as things import and export in XML, I can bend them into the right shape easily :)

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@davidpatrick Annoying thing is, I’m about 45 tasks away from finishing my own online GTD application :)

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@davidpatrick Toodledo has XML import, which will make my life easy, plus XML export, which means I can easily take a backup.

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@davidpatrick Looked at ;I like 37 Signals’ stuff in general. Couldn’t see an easy import/export, though. Have a _lot_ to import!

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Right. NeptuneHQ has officially had too much unplanned inconvenient downtime for me. Moving my GTD stuff to

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@sean_robbins it doesn’t press my buttons, either; meant to be coffee table book for laymen. It bought me a lens, though :)

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In other news, this book: should have fifteen entries by me in it. Haven’t got hold of one to check yet, though!

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Up earlier than usual to get ready for 9am meeting. But also going for lunchtime photo walk with friend who just bought his first SLR. Cool.

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