- This is awesome :) - Somehow, the Royal West of England Academy looks different tonight :)
Short shameful confession: I am currently wearing 5.11 Tactical Pants #ssc
Right. A short break at home, then off to the Crimes of Passion preview event at the RWA. http://crimesofpassion.i…
Why do Oracle have to make installing Windows software so utterly painful? It’s like stepping back into the eighties, only with bigger files
@Nomme1 I use CDs for that. Faster, shinier, deadlier. And never underestimate the bandwidth of a flying CD!
@Lillput I got this disc two years ago! Shows you how with-it Oracle’s trainers are… - Just found this during a clear-out. Anyone remember what these things are for?
@Lillput thanks! Will definitely be able to check them out tonight, then. Cool.
@tweeny4 Presumably it hurts less than poking yourself in the eye when you _are_ looking, though?
@Lillput Oooh, are they open at last? Do you know when they close today? Coming up there for RWA event later anyway…
@paulahillier Yeah, but you don’t look in a rear-view mirror to assess the past, you look in it to give you advance warning of the future!
Awww. Google has a Hungry Caterpillar logo today :)
@KellyJanner Aye, the Glasgow pronunciation can be more like Glas-ghee (normally written “Glasgae”).