@TweetDeck I just saw oddness in Tweetdeck, so fired up Twitterrific and got a 404 from Twitter. Definitely not just you, then!
Every time a media executive gets home, he should be forced to read a minute-long warning about burglary before he can open his front door.
Just mis-read “Debussy and Monet” in the TV guide as “Dempsey and Makepeace”. Clearly I’m a high-art kinda guy.
@KaveyF Ah! Which means that this could be useful info: http://is.gd/m9Xf — including a strange rumour of a great Microsoft product :)
@KaveyF Ahh. Not sure what there is out there for Windows. I use MarsEdit on the Mac, which covers most platforms and has per-blog options
Wow. Have managed to come home with healthy food instead of junk. I must be feeling better. Always eat terribly when I’m ill.
@hayles focus, dammit!
@KaveyF :( You might still find a client a nice option — they can make it easier to insert pictures, do formatting, and so on.
@KaveyF were you at home? Look into a proper blogging client; worth it for big posts…
You know, when all of your tweets are “New blog post! …” then you’re not a person, you’re an RSS feed.
@talkie_tim Annoying though; thought I’d be able to make it along to most meets since I gave up Greek, but haven’t managed any! Grr.
@floyduk Might be able to steal some ideas, at least, from the Lightbox 2 plugin for WP; does similar thing but for images, not video.
what!? _Watchmen_ is out at last? Oooh.