Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

March 25th, 2009

@Narshada And basic stores are fairly easy to set up. And free. http://gothick.spreadshi…

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@Narshada I hate to think of the hits you’d get back. I used them because I’ve bought stuff from them before, and the quality was good.

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Setting up a SpreadShirt shop

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@Whatleydude What can I use for “going forward…”?

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Phew. Bathroom cleaned. Probably wouldn’t take me so long if I did it more often, but I’m a proud bachelor, so I leave it a respectable time

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Just disassembled my N73, fiddled with it, and reassembled it. Didn’t fix the problem, but I count it as a big win that it still works.

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Ta for ideas. Will see what options I have. Sure they’ll at least have @floyduk’s suggestion :)

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What’s a good substitute for plaice?

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There’s a pattern emerging here. We need more instantly-appearing sarcastic signage.

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Every time a Microsoft executive opens a book, a big sign should appear, slap bang in his way, asking him if he want to install Silverlight.

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