@tweeny4 Yeah, it’s amazing how much more productive I’ve been since I had that week off, just doing nothing. Worked a treat.
Fixed my leaky dashboard widget, fiddled about some more with the song I’m writing, cleaned out more old clothes. Now photo stuff, then bed.
@bertyc Does it matter? Just buy stuff, buy stuff like crazy!
@MelKirk You’ll have to set them up with each other. At least you’d only get noise from one direction then…
Much as I love the Pseudopod horror podcast, episode 131’s scariest moment so far is the Scots/Irish/South African accent Alasdair just did!
@paulahillier No, actually my best diet idea is The Stalker Diet: how to choose the right food by following thin people around supermarkets.
@paulahillier I call it the Recession Diet.
@paulahillier Maybe I _was_. Couple of years of M&S and a flat walk home and I’m not so sure!
@paulahillier It’s what I did before M&S was there, though!
@paulahillier Oh well. It’ll keep me fitter if I’ve got to walk up Park Street to Sainsbury’s on my way home….
@paulahillier Plus they’re still finishing tons of flats right next to it. Maybe they don’t think anyone’s going to move in.
RT @sarahlane: http://twitpic.com/1zekj - This picture makes me happy on so many levels.
Balls. The M&S Harbourside is closing. Clearly I only want to shop in shops that aren’t economically viable.
@Narshada tried the Ultimate Boot CD? Some combination of the magic on there normally sorts stuff out for me.
@hayles wow. What did you do when he arrived?