Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

March 28th, 2009

Out of Broadmead and safely ensconsed in the window of Boston Tea Party.

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Shower, shopping, lunch, geekiness, tidying, music. Sounds like a plan.

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Hmm. Treblerock haven’t opened yet. Guess I’m going to a further away music shop.

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@Lillput they reopened in Clifton Village weeks ago. Should be open right now but weren’t.

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Jam Guitars are shut,too. Can I have a sanity check from UK peeps? What *time* is it?

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@Lillput thanks. That’s what I thought the time was, but when your iPod, your phone and two different music retailers seem to disagree…

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So, anywhere else in Clifton I can get a desk lamp, I wonder? Habitat’s appear to be overpriced badly-designed crap.

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@Lillput luckily, Jam opened just after my last tweet! Now have strings :-)

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@Lillput @Narshada my theory is that there was a massive music retail party in Bristol last night, and they’re all hung over.

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@Lillput don’t mind it on guitar now I have a string winder. Cheap bit of plastic makes a big difference! Today’s job is the bass, though…

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@Lillput where is the music shop in Broadmead? Am there now, so might check it out…

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I need to transcribe my notebook while I can still remember what I wrote. Either that, or I really do need to “try 1143 toned clams”.

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@Narshada for a nice finishing touch, combine Photo Booth with Poladroid.

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@Lillput cool. Need to visit again soonish so should be able to check them out. Ta!

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Home at last, after a longer walk than expected. Now to do something that involves sitting down.

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@zinziii I hate to think what kind of profile Google is building on you!

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Okay, that’s enough sitting down. Time to tidy up and then change the strings on this bass. For the first time ever.

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@Lillput Ahh, my old 12-string retired hurt and now hangs on the wall for decoration. Love to get a new one, but can’t afford it this year.

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Reasons to get better at photography #387: I’ve run out of wall-space, so I need to get other people to hang my stuff in _their_ houses.

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@Lillput I can highly recommend the bass string-changing experience. None of those irritating little springy ones that pierce your skin!

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@Lillput Just bear in mind it’ll come back with steel strings tuned EADG :)

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Just fixed the RSS feed to have more sensible titles, as suggested @ahnlak.

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