Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

November 2013

@revolize Well, it’s been going for more than a year. Since my first one fell in half, in fact!

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Hrm. I think my FitBit is gradually dissolving.

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chrisdeerin WH Smith totally owning the insane sign competition via @how_IC_it

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 8:07 PM, Nov 30th, 2013 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@AthanSpod Though the story says the problem was a mental illness episode in 2012, and the book is 2009, from what I can see…

via Echofon in reply to AthanSpod

@stillawake @Dru_Marland Thing is, I’m mostly sticking to Flickr for the good stuff, because they don’t compress the feck out of photos.

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@stillawake @Dru_Marland Yeah, guess Twitter and Flickr don’t like each other too much. Similar story for Twitter & Instagram. Grr.

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So. That won’t be stopping anyone asking their doctor for help with depression, will it?

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stephaniehobson Furious. US border guards have access to Canadian health records and use them to deny entry to people with depression!/news/redire…

via Tweetbot for iOS (retweeted on 5:40 PM, Nov 30th, 2013 via Echofon)

@Dru_Marland We’ll have to start posting some awful stuff to keep @stillawake on her toes.

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A snap from this evening’s walk.…

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Riding with your kid? Why bother putting a front light on their bike? Or using the right side of the road? Lucky the Ocado driver was awake.

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@LilyWithaWHY The only way out is through.

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@TavishRoss Morning! I had surmised as much.

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Mornin’ all.

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@guriben @hayles What!? I assumed it was a 5DmkIII for me.

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@silo_app @alfredapp Do you happen to know any existing ways of adding something to Silo using Alfred? Thanks!

via Echofon

damienkatz I need change my luggage combination. “For Nearly Two Decades the Launch Code at US Minuteman Silos Was 00000000”…

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 5:54 PM, Nov 29th, 2013 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@amberanima Likewise. Feel free to keep that as long as you need; I won’t be wallpapering any time soon :)

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@amberanima No probs. You’re there now, then?

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@amberanima Yur, could drive out for my shopping today rather than walking. You around in the next hour or two? DM me where to go…

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@amberanima *Checks cellar* Yes, but it’s cheap, damp, and a little warped.

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@Malarkey How’s that career as a soldier, mercenary and intelligence operative worked out so far? :D

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MAACambridge 1961: thousands of bones excavated in St Neots. The person marking each bone with the site code finally had enough!

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 12:58 PM, Nov 29th, 2013 via Echofon)

@AthanSpod Yup, seems to be fine now, ta. Some odd blip in routing between me and France, from what I could work out. Was fine from the US.

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Replacing Pomodoro Technique with quad copter technique — play for ten minutes, work for an hour while recharging batteries, repeat :D

via Echofon

@stillawake Glad someone else already re-posted. I saved it just in case, too, on the grounds I thought it might disappear.

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@shezza_t Cute idea. We do now have a local Lakeland, but it’s at a ghastly out-of-town shopping centre, so I’ve not visited yet.

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@SarahLBilotti Heh. So, he’s ruling your life, then? Can’t say you didn’t expect that to happen :D

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“As confirmed by promotional hearse” is probably not a phrase previously uttered, I suspect.

via Echofon

BuzzFeedUK Sherlock will return to BBC1 on New Year’s Day. As confirmed by promotional hearse (via @johnplunkett149)

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 11:34 AM, Nov 29th, 2013 via Echofon)

@jakepjohnson It was the urinal cake metaphor that probably had my neighbours worrying about the laughing nutter downstairs…

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B247Martin A must-read: Venue’s collective f-you to owners Local World and Bristol Post on’s last day:…

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 10:23 AM, Nov 29th, 2013 via Echofon)

@guriben Yeah. But I’m not sure my packets are getting as far as the English Channel. Fine from New York, though.

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Assuming France is actually still there, anyway.

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Hrm. Seeing some strange routing issues on t’internet, it seems.

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@Satchi1 Pleasure! Any questions/problems, drop me a line.

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Hrm. *Pokes Get Running website with a stick* *gets no response*

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Bristol52 The Bag of Nails are having a beer festival this weekend, This is a cracking little pub, I’ll be there on Saturday

via Twitpic (retweeted on 10:06 AM, Nov 29th, 2013 via Echofon)

@SarahLBilotti Oh! Hello, gorgeous! The plates are from Evolution in the Galleries. Seen them in a few other local places, too.

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SimonKoppel Company names as SQL injections. Inspired by XKCD?…… Ref: (via @kanedr)

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 3:43 PM, Nov 28th, 2013 via Echofon)

Lewis Collins? Awww. Going to watch an episode of The Professionals tonight in honour. Cover me!

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andy_honess Best photo of humans in San Francisco! Took many attempts to get just right!

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 2:52 PM, Nov 28th, 2013 via Echofon)

I just bought a plate rack and it made me happy. I have turned into my nan.

via Instagram

Morning all.

via Echofon

JonCG As wonderfully insane as it sounds… From 1985 RT @MotoClark: Sisters of Mercy cover of Hot Chocolate’s “Emma”…

via Echofon (retweeted on 12:01 AM, Nov 28th, 2013 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@Thehappyfatgirl @liveindetail Stump up for a 5D mk III and an f/1.2 lens and you won’t even need the flash :D

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“He only learned to read so he’d have something to do while his lips moved…” Oh, Lovejoy :)

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@BradleyLaw also, maybe try genmaicha. Very different experience.

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@BradleyLaw Couple of minutes. No technique. I do like it stronger than most people, though. Worth experimenting.

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@BradleyLaw No, I’d say that means you’re doing it wrong. Or, just possibly, that you don’t like green tea.

via Echofon in reply to BradleyLaw

@Kavey Someone recently warned me about Axl Rose in that regard, too.

via Echofon in reply to Kavey

I am 40 years old. Yet when I do this:… … what I see is this:…

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HistoryInPics The models for “American Gothic”

via Buffer (retweeted on 11:36 AM, Nov 27th, 2013 via Echofon)

Cool! Alabama 3 sent me a copy of their latest album :) Lovely postal surprise.

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@mistymaria Your guess is as good as mine. I’m updating, but then this is just a test phone…

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Ah. Hello, KitKat. Finally made it to my Nexus 4, did we?

via Echofon

_Jhas_ This reddit comment about ‘What’s the laziest thing you’ve ever done?’ is incredible.…

via Tweetbot for Mac (retweeted on 8:18 PM, Nov 26th, 2013 via Echofon)

@shezza_t Special effect snow. ITV drama about Chris Jefferies, apparently.

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@psidnell Thankfully, he did at least migrate south. Hopefully to be sucked into a jet engine before he comes back.

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“Spam levels remain unusually high.” Glad it’s not just our forum, at least…… @benjohnbarnes

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@tomroyal Whereas I had to go turn that off, because tabs were annoying me… Think they might need some better preferences!

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@tomroyal Er. You know Finder has tabs now, right?

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Surely he must have worn the bloody thing away by now.

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Gawd, I really wish the mobile jetwash guy with the really loud compressor van would finish cleaning whatever the hell he’s cleaning.

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@teacherdude Crete is famous for its yoghurt mines, which contribute 38% to Greece’s GDP.

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@BristolEating Yes. Basically nothing that’s not easily recycled or happily given to a friend if they don’t like it, that’s my rule.

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brad_frost Tab Closed Didn’t Read
via @sherred

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 10:38 AM, Nov 26th, 2013 via Echofon)

@shezza_t Oh dear. Of course, hair drying accidents are quite rare at my place…

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@artsandwriting No. My dad used to when I was a kid. I tried it as an adult and couldn’t work out why you’d want to.

via Echofon

@samsneed12 Luckily, I don’t have an upstairs. I know how to live within the limits of my powers.

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Name: Matt Gibson. Secret superpower: Remembering what he went into the kitchen for.

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@monicashaw @Kavey There are candles. I was certainly happier than with the previous alternative, which was “We haven’t got a loo yet.”

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@Kavey It’s certainly better than the options they had last time I was there!

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@Kavey Given that they lack mains water, electricity and planning permission for anything permanent, I think it’s pretty good :)

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@dave_buxton Switching to winter breakfast mode involves re-learning to turn the gas off after making porridge. Apparently.

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As well as the view, they also have the cutest loo in the world.

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I came back from the St Austell beer fest via my friends’ farm in Somerset yesterday. This is the view from the top…

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@shezza_t Apparently it sort of grew somewhat from the original plan.

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irarchaeology The ‘hungry tree’, in the grounds of King’s Inns, Constitution Hill, Dublin. That’s one tasty park bench….

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 6:06 PM, Nov 24th, 2013 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Trewissick. Which those of you who aren’t Susan Cooper fans may know as Mevagissey.

via Instagram

Favourite so far: Hunters Brewery’s _Black Jack_ dark caramel stout.

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@Kavey @jackknightcooks @petedrinks @Cookwitch Scared to look at the question to which that was the answer.

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This is @petedrinks and two kegs of his coffee porter. Bonus!

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Mmmmmmmmmmmm. Dinner at San Carlos.

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@Kavey @stevemarvell is looking for a good French cookbook, can you recommend anything? X

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petapixel Adobe opens up CC photography bundle to everyone for a limited time:

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 11:39 PM, Nov 20th, 2013 via Echofon)

nsIAnswers I want a “Keep calm while we steal your data” Chrome mug!…

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 10:48 PM, Nov 20th, 2013 via Echofon)

@shezza_t Coincidentally, I’ll be at the St Austell Beer Festival…

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brucel Funeral directors: always tie the deceased’s shoelaces together. That way, if there’s a zombie apocalypse, it’ll be hilarious.

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 9:56 PM, Nov 20th, 2013 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@hayles Ah, I see. Never been to Hull. Closest I’ve ever got is probably Grimsby.

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@hayles Hull thing? What did I miss?

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@hughlaurie On the other hand, “A fleeting moment” is an anagram of “molten enema gift”, which was surely worth the time…

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Game over. Thank you all, lovely evening!

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Ah, people keep telling me I should try more Speysides… I think this counts as further evidence.

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Though there’s not really the sea salt for that *exact* picture.

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This is what it tastes of to me. Not that that helps much.

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@thekarleighshow *Bows* *Whispers “black cherry, with a hint of tobacco.”*

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Oooh, ‘ello. That’s more alcohol than I thought there would be.

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Nicely rounded. Nose does seem to say “finished in sherry” to me.

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Bit like someone’s dropped a toffee in an Auchentoshan.

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Old, you’re thinking? I was thinking young. Then again, I do have a cold.

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Something a little medicinal about this one. Demerara dissolved in TCP, with some freshly-chopped wood.

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Onto number 4. NB: Glass selection does not indicate a guess :D

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@Ashamantms I’m thinking a steak in anchovy sauce…

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The Ben Nevis has a *lot* going for it/going on in it. But not a fan of the rubber undertone. Bunnahabhain still fave.

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@MyWhiskyGuide @chrismiles303 @rodbodtoo @BeersIveKnown @TheWhiskyWire I was just going to guess that Innis and Gunn would have done that!

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@TheWhiskyWire Not entirely sure I’m enjoying the inner tube, even now I’m expecting it…

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This smells of old money. Rolls Royces and walnut drinks cabinets.

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Oooh. Stewed prunes in custard, with brown sugar. In a good way.

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What? There’s another one!? *Dashes back to tasting table*

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@steveprentice @surfpunkian Yup, Lagavulin’s got a lot going for it. Took this shot of @petedrinks there this year :)

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@surfpunkian Well, there’s an awful lot in easy reach once you get to Islay. @petedrinks drove us there from Glasgow this year; was lovely.

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@surfpunkian Thank you. I recommend going and catching the view in person if you can; it’s a lovely place.

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Unsurprising there’s a touch of the sea going on…

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Reminding me of this year’s Caol Ila distiller’s edition, which was one of my faves. Shame I left my bottle with @petedrinks!

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Honey, salt and cloves.

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@rodbodtoo Yeah. Sea salt, bit of honey, and maybe a touch of two-stroke outboard fumes :D

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Smells of early evening sea breeze, with a hint of butterscotch thrown in.

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Love Bunnahabhain. Was there for the Feis Ile this year. Here’s a view of their pier, with Jura in back.

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@bexxi Why thank you. Hopefully that will still be the case in four small bottles of whisky’s time.

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@mattveira Yes! Leather. Never would have occurred to me until you said that.

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(I’d like to apologise to my regular, non-whisky-tasting followers. Hopefully you can put up with this for a short while, or mute the tag.)

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To me there’s less coming through than there was on the nose, but my stinking cold might well be responsible for that :(

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Can certainly tell it’s a strong ‘un. Initially a slightly syrupy feeling, Black pepper.

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Settling down to a nice toffee over pears for me now.

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#1 Agreeing with all on the sweetness. Something a little Christmas-cakey going on, too.

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@Kavey “I’m getting hints of black cherry, but that *could* be the Strepsils…”

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Despite my lurgy, getting ready for tweet tasting. “Peaty, with undertones of Lemsip…”

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@nessiefletch No, in the end I just walked to St Nick’s and back. Am feeling unusually un-hungry with this cold, too.

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Trying to get a broken bin taken away without ordering a new one on the @BristolCouncil website is surprisingly hard.

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Taking my cold for a walk around the harbour while we have some blue sky…

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@dave_ja You should snap it into thirds, you know. More aesthetically pleasing.

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loupepper RT @FelicityMorse: Most British thing ever

via Hootsuite (retweeted on 11:15 AM, Nov 20th, 2013 via Echofon)

@edwardoregan …which is, let’s face it, the best thing you can say for any technology.

via Echofon

@edwardoregan Now, that one’s not annoyed me *yet*…

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netmag Are you interested in GAME DESIGN? Then send us your questions for @ianlobb – he’s waiting to reply. We’ll print the best i@netmagag

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 10:17 AM, Nov 20th, 2013 via Echofon)

@edwardoregan Christ, after the fortnight I’ve had just getting them to fix report downloads for me, I don’t want to see the Play Console.

via Echofon

Halfway. Through. Generating. A. Key. *grits teeth*

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cabalgata @gothick Nearly as bad as realising that you forgot to uncheck the ‘ask toolbar’ box.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 9:16 PM, Nov 19th, 2013 via Echofon)

That sinking feeling when you realise that what’s being downloaded is a “download manager” rather than just the app you wanted.

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Cool. Releasing iOS 7-optimised version of an app increased its revenue by 399% yesterday! (I made $3.)

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@tsunimee @hayles Just give me a few minutes with that image.

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@KellySibson I’m just trying to pick ones I don’t remember that well.

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@tsunimee You know we’ve invented “indoors”, right?

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Still ill. Applying Day Nurse, whisky and ST:TNG in roughly equal doses.

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mattpointblank Zizzi are keeping things subtle in the URL for their “Offers” page:

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 5:23 PM, Nov 18th, 2013 via Tweetbot for iOS)

ghostfinder Hundreds of lost indie bands found in Camden Lock:…

via Tweetbot for Mac (retweeted on 12:30 PM, Nov 18th, 2013 via Echofon)

@TheWhiskyWire @abbeywhisky Damn it. Hope my cold’s better by then. I’m sure the tasting will help the cold, but probably not vice versa.

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iTunes Connect design philosophy: “If you can’t hide the option in a really obscure place, at least hide its documentation.”

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Morning, everyone.

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I have a streaming cold.

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@Kishakishi My mum had one of those in the 1970s!

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