Made curry (good, if slightly over-peppery), drank wine, ate chocolate, introduced friend to _Leon_, which she’d never seen. Good night. :)
@shezza_t Might be.
stephenfry On the bright side, let’s get m’colleague @hughlaurie up to 6 figures in followers by the end of the day…
MyzLilith Everybody stand down - wine shortage a hoax! RT @mjrobbins: How Morgan Stanley manufactured a global wine shortage.…

JoannaStern Passengers on one of the first flights to allow gadget use before takeoff and landing.
Crushing victory.
All righty.
joemoransblog Feel a bit sorry for all the children who used to do penny for the guy. I guess the trick or treaters just had a better business model.

ScottFilmCritic This is the world’s greatest escalator.
@hayles :’( God, I can be crap at getting around to things.
I’m getting a real urge to go and buy a guitar. It has been a *long* time.
Sometimes, having your entire tweet archive online can be a humbling thing.……
rickburin Enjoying my slaycation. It’s where I spend a week killing everybody who uses the word “staycation”.
@waiyeehong @ahnlak It’s when the animated Mario starts running around the rim that they’re *really* messing with you.
@adambanksdotcom On my planet, they would have prosecuted the hotel for breaching data protection.
ahnlak Dear Japan, please stop your toilets from illuminating the bowl when I lift the seat to wee. It’s very unsettling.
Morning all.
UnlikelyWorlds ‘We present here for the first time in digital form all the known manuscripts of Frankenstein:’