@SarahLBilotti Oh! Hello, gorgeous! The plates are from Evolution in the Galleries. Seen them in a few other local places, too.
SimonKoppel Company names as SQL injections. Inspired by XKCD? data.companieshouse.gov.uk/doc/company/08… egov.sos.state.or.us/br/pkg_web_nam… Ref: xkcd.com/327/ (via @kanedr)
Lewis Collins? Awww. Going to watch an episode of The Professionals tonight in honour. Cover me!

andy_honess Best photo of humans in San Francisco! Took many attempts to get just right! pic.twitter.com/wFp5PFKxtq
I just bought a plate rack and it made me happy. I have turned into my nan. instagram.com/p/hQxjT2JC6i/
Morning all.

Yeah, thanks, WordPress. pic.twitter.com/4f7L5owFbs
JonCG As wonderfully insane as it sounds… From 1985 RT @MotoClark: Sisters of Mercy cover of Hot Chocolate’s “Emma” youtube.com/watch?v=PCzgOw…