@ChinaShopBull *slap*
I have some very cheery chords, but I’m lacking a bridge, I think…
@restingchef ?!
@mathowie I haven’t seen that at all on my 5. Odd.

Malarkey Speechless. pic.twitter.com/7DWQdtSawc
@derickr …sorry; if I get a spare hour or two I’ll try to look into it.
@derickr Loading WordPress pages was segfaulting about 50% of the time. Probably don’t have enough time for a decent report right now :(
@sowerbyandluff Will she fit in the TARDIS cake? dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-ne…
Yes, Matt, you’ll probably get fewer segfaults from PHP if you install the *stable* version of xdebug, not accidentally use the dev version.
@garycasamojo I’m on a Mac. It’s all right, I just went back to last.fm.
@garycasamojo Yeah, I’m looking for that but without the need to focus on an artist. Last.fm’s “Recommended Radio” does it.
@waiyeehong @BlackDogDays Glad it wasn’t just me. We probably hold bookshops to a higher standard…
Aha. Tweetbot 3.1 is out, and a long-press on the title can switch your timeline to a list.
Is it just Spotify’s user interface baffling me, or is there really not just a button somewhere for “play me stuff I might like”?
@CafeRevival Thanks, will do.
@anna_debenham It does get better. You at least gradually learn where not to put your hands!