AnnieMachon Good grief - US shop told to stop selling T shirts saying “#NSA - only part of gov’t that listens”:…
“Celebrity Antiques Road Trip”? Is that the new name for Top Gear?
@OpinionatedGeek Kewl. Good luck.
@BlackDogDays Why did the squirrels have glitter?
@ChuckWendig They’re working at unborking it. I hear.
@OpinionatedGeek I’ve had that. It sucks. But it can go away. Steroid injection + changing shoes worked. Not sure which did the trick.
@wordsfromluke …on the other hand, maybe I should just start a savings account for my first “L” of some kind…
@wordsfromluke Yeah. Maybe I should sell something I’m not using much and use it to make up some cash for either that or the 80mm f/1.8…
@wordsfromluke I came *so* close. But now I have a guitar instead.
robferrer @RellyAB I scanned it. Most worthwhile scan of a QR code ever:…
@corylus I had a crush on Wendy James when I was a kid. I think I like London in the rain because of this:…
@corylus Yur. Think my morning walk might turn into an afternoon walk.