Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

December 2012

@stillawake (Though personally I’m watching Blake’s 7 rather than listening to Jack FM. But they both, coincidentally, involve Paul Darrow!)

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MatthewTosh It’s a sell-out crowd at the hotel tonight. If you are in @CliftonVillage, at midnight, you may hear a few pops and crackles.

via Twitter for BlackBerry® (retweeted on 9:42 PM, Dec 31st, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

KirstyHigginson You know you’ve eaten too much when you reach forward for your wine & your belly asks Siri a question.

via Twitter for iPad (retweeted on 9:30 PM, Dec 31st, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@dangusset No. The quichemaster just Knows.

via Echofon in reply to dangusset

Yup. Almost don’t want to eat it, though, in case it just *looks* good.

via Flickr

@dangusset When the student is ready, the quichemaster will appear.

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@dangusset Well, it’s not moving any more.

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@dangusset I must have some kind of special powers. I’m basically The Man Who Stares At Quiche.

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@jacrats You surely *must* be making that up. I mean. A man? *Hoovering*?

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So far, I’d say experiment is going well. :)

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@dangusset Surely that’s more Stilton’s kind of thing?

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Starting an experiment with leftover goat’s cheese.

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Living dangerously. Having a Laphroaig in a Jameson’s glass. Happy new year, all.

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Bloggity: A retrospective of my 2012. One photo per month.…

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sugarcanebook My husband left me because of my obsession with touching pasta. I’m feeling cannelloni right now.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 12:50 AM, Dec 31st, 2012 via Echofon)

@Juggzy Might be either 1000 or 1024, depending on who you’re talking to. 1000 probably most likely these days.

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Well, done, yet another restaurant website, for not putting your phone number on your home page.

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Might be a bit hung over. Breakfast in Thali Cafe soon.

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Hrm. We might be still up, drinking beer and listening to Cat Stevens.

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@VeraR2010 You say that like it’s a bad thing. :)

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Might be lying on my back, drunk, on a sofa, listening to The Cure.

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Listening to Ella Fiitzgerald in a wood-fired warm room with a friend. Life is good.

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Little damp in Keynsham, then.

via Instagram

DFergPR I love walking on the beach with my girlfriend. Until the LSD wears off and I’m just dragging a stolen mannequin around a car park.

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 11:19 AM, Dec 29th, 2012 via Echofon)

BetterThanToday This is one of the best things I’ve ever, ever seen:

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 11:07 AM, Dec 29th, 2012 via Echofon)

@julia_b That’s just the newfangled equivalent of Irn Bru and crisps.

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@foxc To me, those *all* say, “I am the kind of lucky freak who can sleep on a plane.”

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danslee A nation looks out of the window and says: ‘Think we’ll live off the cheese and biscuits rather than go outside, thanks.’

via Seesmic (retweeted on 10:46 AM, Dec 29th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@hayles Well, it’s winter, and it’s raining. The Kindle seems a much better bet when you have the option of going out in the sunshine.

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@hayles Am still waiting for the Holy Grail of fast, colour, touch-screen e-ink.

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@hayles I still don’t find it that good for textbooks. Reading from one end to the other is fine, but flipping through to find stuff? Hrm.

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JChapman1729 Elite, the classic 3D Space Trader game is being remade. Needs backers at Kickstart. Will you help? 

via Buffer (retweeted on 10:11 AM, Dec 29th, 2012 via Echofon)

“Morning” all.

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@markpack @simond Ah! Well, at least we know what’s going on now…

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@dangusset Fairly sure the Rubik’s Cube bit is. Less convinced about booking the flights.

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@Adamy323 Aww, thanks. Still needs a lot of work, mind…

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@benorgan I was endorsed for agile development methodologies by a haiku poet last week.

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Parents trying book flight back to Crete sometime around new year. Sounds like trying to solve Rubik’s Cubes while juggling them.

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@oxfordgirl Actually, that’s true. You might be the only safe woman on the planet.

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@oxfordgirl Well, that’s less than *I’d* charge to be Berlusconi’s wife.

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@polly_lop28 I’m glad. And somewhat relieved. *Un-boards windows*.

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@polly_lop28 If I don’t hear from you within an hour, I shall assume you are hunting me down in real life for purposes of physical revenge.

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@polly_lop28 Hrm. If you’re sure you know your password, I’d delete and re-add your account (from iPhone’s Settings app, under Twitter.)

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At t’Grain Barge, with t’parents.

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@KaveyF Oh, it did appear, did it? Good! Sorry, was going to ask you to check it first, but parents arrived in interim…

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@talkie_tim It won’t be very interesting. I play about one game a year.

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@talkie_tim Errr… gothick_matt, I think. It’s updating at the moment, so I can’t check.

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@talkie_tim Damn it. You made me start Steam up for the first time since Portal 2 came out.

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Hrm. Downloaded desktop client for a web app, because I wanted faster interface. Desktop app is Java, and slower than web app.

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Amazon have finally made it so you can host static website on S3 with less hassle over “www” redirecting, etc.…

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@ParkFurn Very much, thanks! Great experience all round.

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@nickbrompton I really should try to keep several on the go at once, at different stages. But that’s too much like work for lazybones here.

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@nickbrompton Good. It needs a fair bit more work, but I think I need some distance before I go back to it.

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@guriben All done with GarageBand, yes. Though the problem with me playing drums is my drumming, not my flat :D

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@tsunimee I only just got up! Will see if my cocoa and whisky (not in the same glass!) makes me feel sleepier.

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@tsunimee Ah. That makes more sense now :D

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@tsunimee Protective head gear? For drinking whisky?

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@mhoulden A separate glass is indeed the solution I’ve gone for. I always say I want to do more music, and never seem to :(

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Right. Getting up to make hot milk. I’d put some whisky in it, but I’ve only got good single malt in the house; seems a waste…

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@tsunimee Mmmm. Thanks! (Also: hot milk. There’s an idea. Might have some drinking chocolate in the cupboard, too.)

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A song I’m still fiddling with. Painted Heart Demo… on

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Maybe I’ll finally cut a demo version of this song I’ve been fiddling with.

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(Pipe down at the back there. That’s rude.)

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Bah. I’m getting up again. There must be something I can do until I feel sleepy.

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@Thehappyfatgirl Well, I’d volunteer, but it seems a tad forward for a first meeting…

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@oxfamcothambook And I was relatively good today, too. You’d have thought the insomnia would’ve gone along with the overindulgence…

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@Thehappyfatgirl Have you not got two boy scouts to rub together?

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@Thehappyfatgirl Oh. Bed’s normally the warmest place in my flat, with the quilt and all. Hot water bottle?

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Ugh. Insomnia.

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@Whatleydude Great. I’m a million miles from home, about to be killed, with a gung-ho iguana who tells me to relax.

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Hrm. Mail from @Experian_UK’s CreditExpert service. My monthly sub is increasing to £9.99 from £<my postcode>. Not mail merge experts, then…

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@BabsBat As long as you don’t say that again in three years’ time, we’re good.

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@Mouse_House I’m guessing it means some spammer is trying to send out relatively innocuous tweets in advance of some spam, to fool filters.

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@kazza221 Oh, goodness. Hope she’s all right. She reminds me of my friend Me Me.

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@Mouse_House Hrm. I might need to brave the sales for jeans, too. My favourite pair are wearing through in too many places now :(

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Thanks to a reminder by @johnfbraun, I am preparing cheese and crackers to accompany Wallace and Gromit.

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@KaveyF Weird. Here’s a picture of the picture. Does that work?

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On the other hand, Wallace and Gromit is about to start on BBC 1. *procrastinates*

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I should really start a huge clear-out/review of my “to do” list (266 items seems a tad unrealistic.) Hrm. Is it too early for a whisky?

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@KaveyF But it *does* feel particularly wish-granty. *Waves while wishing Kavey a perfect job*

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@jukesie Did seem a *very* odd choice for the role. “Hey! Let’s pick someone as utterly different as possible!”

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I grant you one wish*, using the magic spoon @MissEmmeline carved me for Christmas. *Wishes may not actually come true.

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Just nipped in to Park Furnishers to pay off the last little bit of the kitchen. That’s the whole project finally completed. Hurrah!

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@polly_lop28 Stress? I just plugged mine in and it asked me if I’d like to make it the same as the old one. Seemed to work fine…

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We live in a virtual world. That problem you have waking up in the mornings? Buffering.

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martinemac123 BBC News - Edward Gillespie: Search continues after Christmas party disappearance

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 1:14 PM, Dec 27th, 2012 via Echofon)

@stephenmaudsley I have *not* been sponsored by an oil company.

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Oh. Yes, I was going to tidy up, wasn’t I? I blame the postman for delivering my @daringfireball tee at just the wrong moment.

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@tsunimee @KaveyF There’s only one way to find out if there’s more to him than party-boy. Also, *you’re* quite young too.

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@tsunimee @KaveyF You may be thinking a little too far ahead on this one, you know.

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@tsunimee @KaveyF Or, of course, he might still be lying, dazed, on a floor somewhere, staring into space and repeating the word, “Wow.”

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@tsunimee He might be set up for getting an email when someone replies to him…

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@charlie_cat_esq Now’s your chance. “Wow! Don’t you think he’s a dead ringer for Bob, everyone? Spooky!”

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@charlie_cat_esq Start a rumour; see if she stops coming :)

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@charlie_cat_esq My theory: the kid’s *real* dad still works at the office.

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Right. Yes. Should probably get dressed. Maybe then some post-Christmas tidying. *puts bouncy music on*

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Wonder if there are any companies that bill every month except December? That’d be a nice Christmas present.

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@Whatleydude …the yellow and blue I’d chosen matched the branding of the computer system I’d been working on for a year!

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@Whatleydude It’s possible you’ve been surrounded by vodafone branding too long. I once decorated my lounge, only to realise that…

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@Whatleydude Jesus. Also: Jesus, is white on bright red the default colour scheme for texts, or is that some scary Vodafone branding?

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Morning all. Gosh, it’s technically a working day today, isn’t it? Erm. *Continues sitting in dressing gown, drinking coffee*

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SimonNRicketts Don’t forget today that, for one day only, many major stores are accepting chocolate coins as legal tender.

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 10:25 AM, Dec 27th, 2012 via Echofon)

@tsunimee Well, who is? *buffs nails on chest* Still, if you think he’s okay, why not stay in touch a bit? It’s not a lifelong commitment.

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jwhdavison LOL: Petition to deport CNN’s Piers Morgan over gun control is countered by one saying the UK doesn’t want him back

via Safari on iOS (retweeted on 8:22 PM, Dec 26th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@Thehappyfatgirl There’s probably no safe way for me to answer that question.

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Ah, _The Belles of St. Trinians_. Shame I don’t have the correct accompaniment (black market gin, that is.)

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@KaveyF @ahnlak (The Red is probably thinner than average, so maybe try one of those and the next two thicker ones? Everyone stocks Dunlop.)

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to Kavey

@KaveyF @ahnlak I use Jim Dunlop Tortex Red; (.5 mm; diff widths are diff colours.) Doubt you’ll pay more than £1 for one. They last years.

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@KaveyF It’s quite hard to buy expensive ones :D

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@ahnlak It wears off after twenty five years or so.

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@KaveyF Guitar shops always love a big spender ;) Buy few different ones; thickness changes the tone and the feel. Plus he *will* lose ‘em.

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More leftovers? Don’t mind if I do…

via Instagram

Chocolate hedgehog. Almost too cute to eat. Almost.

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Hrm. Leftovers. Mark’s Bread’s fig and black pepper loaf, with a bit of paté, methinks…

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@tsunimee It wasn’t that erotic an experience, first-hand, but I’m glad you enjoyed it ;)

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I have just been groomed by a cat. I didn’t think my beard needed that much attention, personally. Rough-tongued little fusspot.

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@helloemsy @jukesie @HKelleher Are we? Wish you’d told me before I had a mere plate of bacon and eggs for breakfast.

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@philsturgeon *Beepbeep* “Siri, where’s Bedmo Asdal to?” … “Wouldn’t you prefer a nice game of global thermonuclear war?”

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@laurenlaverne Are you sure? There’s a goat’s cheese here we’ve not even opened. DOWN IN ONE! DOWN IN ONE!

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@MitchBenn Well, I wouldn’t say *need*, but I’d certainly not mind having one about the place.

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@ckh2oman Probably my cousin Simon’s. I was a bit young for Starsky and Hutch.

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@liveindetail Huh? I dunno. Isn’t that what they’re meant to look like?

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@2MuchApplePie I *think* so. But of course, in my mind I WAS BATMAN right from when I put it on the first time, so it’s hard to tell.

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Merry Christmas, all. This is me, in nineteen seventymumble.

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@2MuchApplePie My tweets are so random I often wonder why anyone follows me…

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@hannahnicklin For a truly golden medal, deep-fry the cheese.

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@NeilCrosby I think you misspelled “exorcise”.

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Mmmmm. Caol Ila is lovely. The whisky, and where it comes from. Took this in 2008, from just outside the distillery.

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@tsunimee Huh? What was dangerous? I’ve been having Christmas dinner for about six hours…

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@garymarshall Thank you for partially supporting my Christmas :D

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Might be time for a sneaky post-Christmas dinner dram of Caol Ila.

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Hurrah! Successful Emergency Christmas Dinner all done. Parents off back to their hotel.

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Heh. Because I don’t own placemats, @netmag are taking a special role at my Christmas table.

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@andybeebristol Well, I did roast potatoes in goose fat. That made up for a lot.

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Doing my best with limited resources.

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There are elves in my kitchen making Christmas food.

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@tsunimee *Gentle Christmas hangover hug*

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Well, that’s the easy bit of the decorating done.

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(My parents are unexpectedly in England rather than Istanbul today, so Christmas is at my place for once…)

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Right. Now to improvise Christmas decor using just what I have in the house (which is not much, as I rarely “do” Christmas…)

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@Thehappyfatgirl It’s not mine to give. Cat-feeding duties in Easton :)

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nickwsmith BBC News website ‘in crisis’ as editors ‘realise’ only 8 days to ‘hit’ annual ‘targets’ for ‘use’ of inverted commas

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 11:40 PM, Dec 24th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Hrm. _Porridge_? Or yield to the idle thought of starting my annual _Blake’s 7_ DVD fest?

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@chris_j_hughes Yeah, well, didn’t know we were having a family Christmas until yesterday, so we’re going with the flow/food availability :)

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@RamonYouseph Mmmmmmm. Tip: Ashton Fruit Shop on North Street clearly makes their own (mine came in old Nescafé jar!) and they’re lovely.

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To redeem myself, though, I just made a pretty nice anchovy sauce for tomorrow (we’re having steak for Christmas dinner :) )

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PhilRodgers And in those days Caesar Augustus decreed that all must return to the town of their birth, that they might sort out their parents’ computers

via Twitter for iPad (retweeted on 7:15 PM, Dec 24th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

There’s more tweets in this month! Go up and select a date to see more ↑