Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

December 15th, 2012

@stillawake @bertyc They are small but perfectly formed. Puff up nicely :) Where’s Herbert’s?

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@nickbrompton @martinroyds …but those days are a long way behind me now!

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@nickbrompton @martinroyds Well, I did observe that I’d probably have enjoyed mmoths more with addition of pharmaceutical enhancement :)

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@claireellent I didn’t even get off the bike to go round the shop.

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Just bought pressie for stepmum in Art Box Christmas shop and took my change in @BristolPound notes. Think this might make me a “Bripster”.

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@harrymacp1 @MrGreenGus Yeah. That’s why I figured it was probably the last time I went abroad.

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Hrm. Jog? Or walk? If I walk, I might get some Christmas shopping done at the same time…

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benhorsleyco I tried to bring sexy back, but forgot my receipt, so had to exchange it for “creepy” and “socially awkward”.

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 11:52 AM, Dec 15th, 2012 via Echofon)

@martinroyds @nickbrompton Yeah. Odd. Falls under pop/rock as genre but would probably be better with classical-style audience!

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@MrGreenGus Coincidence - I think the last time I saw a policeman directing traffic was last time I was abroad, too…

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I can’t remember the last time I saw a gun in real life. Probably the last time I went abroad.

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@benorgan I wonder how much cheaper the sensor was than to pay a bloke to look out of the window every now and again during flood risks…

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@stillawake (Also: I find brushing with milk works as well as brushing with egg, and 20 mins cooking time better than 15. )

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@stillawake They do plain, almond and chocolate, though don’t always have all in stock. Freezer at back, left hand half of shop.

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@stillawake It’s the croissant that was frozen, not the @extractcoffee :D

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RachaelDadd the sun`s out! all day celebrations are going on @CUBECINEMA today for FREE and me and @ICHIcreator are both playing short sets from 2:30

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(Coffee from @extractcoffee; almond croissant courtesy of The Better Food Company, who sell ‘em frozen, which is handy…)

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Mmmm. Brekkers with my morning RSS feeds.

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ShopLocalBris Markets galore today - @stnicksmarket, East St @BedminsterTT, @HarbourMarket, @Whiteladiesrd, Picton St, @BristolLocalMar

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 9:26 AM, Dec 15th, 2012 via Echofon)

@nickbrompton Still finding their live feet, I wonder? Takes a long time for some.

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@nickbrompton Though I have also seen the Pet Shop Boys at the Colston Hall, and they were a lot less introverted than I expected.

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@nickbrompton Hrrrrm. Given the albums, I wasn’t expecting anything less than introverted, I guess. Harder to tell from the back, too :D

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@nickbrompton Pretty lush. Good sound. And the brighest strobes I’ve ever experienced. Yah. Enjoyed it.

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@nickbrompton Oh, cool, you were there too? Guessing we were behind you, what with being in Row U of the balcony, and all :D

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@claireellent My pleasure. Will check viewing times for A Certain Number of Differently Empathic People, too.

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