@Juggzy Might be either 1000 or 1024, depending on who you’re talking to. 1000 probably most likely these days.
@VeraR2010 No, but I feel like I did.
Well, done, yet another restaurant website, for not putting your phone number on your home page.
Uuuuuuuuuuurgh #hangoverzombie
Big breakfast, then? ;) instagr.am/p/T3FSKapC_V/
Might be a bit hung over. Breakfast in Thali Cafe soon.
Hrm. We might be still up, drinking beer and listening to Cat Stevens.
@Thehappyfatgirl All I saw was a pub…
@VeraR2010 You say that like it’s a bad thing. :)
Might be lying on my back, drunk, on a sofa, listening to The Cure.