Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

December 2nd, 2012

@imyke Watch _The *In*touchables_ next. No connection, no mob. Just a bloody good…oB

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Full of cold. Luckily, I’ve about fifteen episodes of _Columbo_ on the PVR.

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@EffBeeee @Ninja_lynneja You have both mentioned squinty cats within thirty seconds on my timeline. Squinty kindred spirits?

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I like going on Flickr walks. Here’s a photo of me from one of the other walkers. Nice!…

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@claireellent Exciting! I hope these executive-level jobs went well.

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@Bristol52 Did you check the back of the sofa?

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Mmm. Leftover pasta bake.

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@guriben Depends at least partly on how full of germs and coughing I still am by then.

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@marcosc iTunes uses the chess engine to calculate the most obscure place to hide the option you’re looking for. That’s my theory, anyway.

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Power Rangers Advent calendar. Niiiice.

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A shot of rum in my mulled cider? Why not, my good man, why not? @ The Lounge

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A snap from the OM-2, on yesterday’s Flickr walk.…

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@claireellent Hey, at least there wasn’t a photo…

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