@claireellent Hurrah! Also: currently watching Kim Wilde video :D
It’s a long way down. Mmoths sounded good, though. Awaiting The XX. @ Colston Hall instagr.am/p/TOwB18pC_G/
@ninjaparade @philsturgeon Also, if you ever feel really naughty, try asking Siri to dial that contact.
@Narshada Edit the page in admin interface, make sure “Discussion” module is shown (under “Screen Options”), untick “Allow comments” in it.
(Grr. Bet I can’t swap my back-row tickets for these newly-available ones…)
gigsbristol Some limited tickets for tonight’s show with The xx have become available - please contact Colston Hall on 0117… fb.me/11lSTOYbu
Heh. Played a bit of _Wish You Were Here_ on my guitar. Guitarist in flat above now doing it, too :) Think he’s better than me, damn it!
@kayliemansfield I’ll send you my address. Problem solved.
TOO. MUCH. COFFEE. #vibrating