@chris_j_hughes It lacks the coherence and subtlety, too.
Just saved a couple of hours of my life by giving up on this godawful A Team film after a half hour.
@hayles @guriben Gear icon -> Settings -> Subscriptions. Filter first if necessary, select all -> Unsubscribe.
logopetria @gothick “Leper messiah, moi? HAAIII-YAH!”
says_arline @gothick Miss Piggy, surely. She’d be stunning in David Bowie’s old getup.
Mistyped my search as “The Rise and Fall of Piggy Stardust”. Quite relieved to find no results for this potential Peppa/Bowie crossover.
@Ninja_lynneja Sometimes I take my rucksack out with me, empty, purely to prevent “Fuck! Where’s my rucksack!?” moments. #ssc
@hayles Actually, I didn’t. Ta!
@Thehappyfatgirl That’s because IT’S BRIGHT GREEN. Crazy unripe banana-eating lady.

The headline makes my mind boggle about what @GeorgeFergusonx is actually asking for. #bbcnews pic.twitter.com/bRqH6xOE
@stillawake I really wasn’t ready to do internet dating when they signed me up, sadly, so I didn’t really use it.
@stillawake My friends signed me up for that one once. I didn’t think it was weird because I’d never heard of Sarah Beeny.