Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

December 25th, 2012

@ckh2oman Probably my cousin Simon’s. I was a bit young for Starsky and Hutch.

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@liveindetail Huh? I dunno. Isn’t that what they’re meant to look like?

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@2MuchApplePie I *think* so. But of course, in my mind I WAS BATMAN right from when I put it on the first time, so it’s hard to tell.

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Merry Christmas, all. This is me, in nineteen seventymumble.

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@2MuchApplePie My tweets are so random I often wonder why anyone follows me…

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@hannahnicklin For a truly golden medal, deep-fry the cheese.

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@NeilCrosby I think you misspelled “exorcise”.

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Mmmmm. Caol Ila is lovely. The whisky, and where it comes from. Took this in 2008, from just outside the distillery.

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@tsunimee Huh? What was dangerous? I’ve been having Christmas dinner for about six hours…

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@garymarshall Thank you for partially supporting my Christmas :D

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Might be time for a sneaky post-Christmas dinner dram of Caol Ila.

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Hurrah! Successful Emergency Christmas Dinner all done. Parents off back to their hotel.

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Heh. Because I don’t own placemats, @netmag are taking a special role at my Christmas table.

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@andybeebristol Well, I did roast potatoes in goose fat. That made up for a lot.

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Doing my best with limited resources.

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There are elves in my kitchen making Christmas food.

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@tsunimee *Gentle Christmas hangover hug*

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Well, that’s the easy bit of the decorating done.

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(My parents are unexpectedly in England rather than Istanbul today, so Christmas is at my place for once…)

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Right. Now to improvise Christmas decor using just what I have in the house (which is not much, as I rarely “do” Christmas…)

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@Thehappyfatgirl It’s not mine to give. Cat-feeding duties in Easton :)

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