@shezza_t Likewise!
@chubbybannister I skipped last week’s, but listened to today’s.
Been on holiday. Were there massive revelations in #thearchers last week? Or should I just skip it and plunge straight into today’s Omnibus?
@Kavey @petedrinks Um. What’s the Tufty Club?

loretobgude A Titanium-Gold Alloy Harder Than Most Steel Was Just Discovered
flip.it/u5ZFw pic.twitter.com/sqaX7isW9Z
@lilydoughball Four pains aux chocolat? D’you fancy being depressed here? I’m up to the last season of Voyager…

AngeliqueP28 I think passive aggressive signs are my new favourite thing. goo.gl/hzzjL3 pic.twitter.com/SIPRKrsOXD

ehthayer This is highly evolved dad joking pic.twitter.com/ew3wj37W5e
@RealDramRob Cool, ta.
@talkie_tim Thanks!
@RealDramRob Any Bunnahabhain is a good Bunnahabhain! Did you happen to spot it in the Triangle branch? *fetches wallet and hat*
@Bristolvor Only the finest artisan hand-knitted motorway services for me.

Membury. pic.twitter.com/cbsDixWZAY

Aldeburgh. pic.twitter.com/J8Ch0MZGuK

Brekkers pic.twitter.com/svu7OFjgs5

Sunset. pic.twitter.com/2Fbvhs7X8p

Elderberry & blackberry and the master vintner himself ;) pic.twitter.com/JkEri8ttz4

Well played, National Trust. #404 pic.twitter.com/ov8UbNJT4V
@amandavin I left Sizewell B in the background as a clue 😀

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside..pic.twitter.com/HeJR4CbOsxsx
.@ahnlak Straight from the Fuji X100T; 35mm equivalent. I ducked :D

If I were a vole I think I’d be quite scared at this point. pic.twitter.com/6jWnuT0UUz

The height of excitement. pic.twitter.com/93w89bBd0Y
daemonic3 PRIEST: Do you take Florence to be your wife?
PRIEST: Does anyone have anything-
RAGE: [from the back] I’M AGAINST THIS

Second screening. pic.twitter.com/KFkwNorWUD

Evening. pic.twitter.com/3zRunIHShD

Garden. pic.twitter.com/1gfUF7lSw6

Heresy? pic.twitter.com/UA7ZultlBH

Had to be done. pic.twitter.com/fXylXkycu5
@Hit_Delete So, er, they surprised you with their second coming?
@EffBeeee *Long distance bumps*
@mjh53 @ahnlak I’ve move to whole-disk encryption now, but to give you an idea how old this drive is, it’s 250GB!
Hrm. A drive that reads well enough to get sensitive data off, but not well enough to secure-erase. *Fetches clubhammer*
@nice_reminder I’m certain they do. Oh, right, you mean that they should take it as a *bad* sign…
@Kavey We’ll just have to see if I have enough. At least I’m already getting some usable chillies!

@Kavey (They and the basil have had a head start from my growlight setup!) pic.twitter.com/T3P8Zdr4du
@Kavey This is one from the front steps. Have higher hopes for the ones am going to put on sunny windowsill indoors.

@dcorsetto Posted without comment. pic.twitter.com/59D9bx133T
@CharlieEsq_ Ah! That makes sense. Might help me remember it, ta.
@CharlieEsq_ Ah! I’ll have to remember that; sure to come up in a crossword at some point.
@CharlieEsq_ What’s a drayman? Sounds like someone who looks after horses.

I will not be living on today’s harvest, but it might spice up this evening’s pizza. pic.twitter.com/TzqgDL0P2V
ldodds Someone should invent a world wide medium that lets us link together documents so we can find and read original sources. Could be huge.
@shezza_t Plusnet are telling me it’s part of BTs ongoing routing issues.

Hands up whose reaction was, “Huh?! How was it not already allowed?” pic.twitter.com/jL09ovkRn1
@ahnlak Mine’s getting worse. Plusnet are acknowledging, at least. plus.net/supportpages.h…

Dammit_Liz Xena Warrior Disney Princess. #SDCC pic.twitter.com/996ZJEC1sc
@archidave @CharlieEsq_ @guriben !!
@ahnlak The rest of it seems fine, though.
Why is LiveJournal running so slowly? #oldmanproblems
@Bristolvor The unconscious mind maps it out unless you actually need to get off there. The world’s better that way.
@saltwateritch Last one I saw was a secondhand bookshop keeper. Sure drug dealers would be electronic or record-free.
@HappyInWaders @FryRsquared #bandname
@amyhoy @fakebaldur Hrm. Closest thing I’ve seen is probably Scapple, but I may be wildly misinterpreting what you’re trying to do.

At least it’s right twice a day :( pic.twitter.com/NxdQ3buXg9
hotdogsladies I can still remember, back in my early 20s, when morning coffee was optional.
That was cute.
“Attack on England” — well put, that judge. twitter.com/ASPolice/statu…
@mxcl @teabass There’s a terrifying thought, he said, dismissing an Xcode crash on one box while restarting Visual Studio on the other…
@chubbybannister Oh, wait, you said “hand”? TIL: my whole head fits through a Dyson fan.
@emmachampion6 Friend at the last job’s partner worked for Dyson. Hurrah for nepotistic discounts!
Somewhat irritating to hear more about fucking Milo now he’s been banned than I ever did since I blocked and muted him.
@spyou The log file owner didn’t change, did it? Vaguely remember that happening once after a cron process wrote log as wrong user.

I always look slightly askance at the graphic design of the John King’s flags. pic.twitter.com/Bi7pJ9zm95
@mattwritescode No, but who cares? You’re coding in your pants!
@caitlinmoran …so you can pay £25 & vote, but you won’t be a member, and you’d have to pay *again* to vote in next leadership election.
@caitlinmoran It’s confusing, but “Registered Supporter” isn’t membership. It’s a payment to vote *once* in leadership election…
@chubbybannister *Checks* No, it’s fine. Just a bit draughty.
@Picklechu I love this thing. Best feature: can actually be dusted.
Twitter client idea: see only tweets from users whose profile was created 4+ years ago.
@ruskin147 Looking fixed from Bristol, at least.
@ahnlak *sniffs packets* They don’t *smell* like your packets…
@ahnlak Oooh! I have packets now! Lots of lovely chewy packets!

This morning’s work is sponsored by iced cold-brew coffee and a Dyson fan. pic.twitter.com/0hTkpLQ6It
@ahnlak (And O2 on the phone seems fine, too.)
@ahnlak If I were desperate I’d use that 4G dongle of mine. As it is, internet lack might be good for my work discipline today!
@ahnlak If it gets any worse, they’ll be sending status updates by town crier.
@salisbury_matt Firewall.
@salisbury_matt ta!
@Kavey @goodshoeday Yur. I want to buy stuff too, so this is Not Helpful. Ah well.
@salisbury_matt Yeah, I think my Plusnet fibre will be running over at least some BT infrastructure.
@goodshoeday @CorporalKitty @markrglover @waiyeehong I and my Aeropress are way ahead of you :D
This means I should write my morning pages (which I do with a fountain pen in a book, rather than in the cloud) and try again later…
(I’m with Plusnet, who are at least keeping people informed over here: portal.plus.net/supportpages.h… )
Thanks all. Nice to know I’m not the only one having internet problems..@CorporalKittyt@markrglovere@waiyeehongn@goodshoedayay
@CorporalKitty It’s @Plusnet fibre, so I guess BT/Openreach infrastructure. Ta for the clue!
Hrm. Something is Wrong with my internets. *pokes various boxes*
@OpinionatedGeek Show title: CSI: Murder.
OpinionatedGeek The wisdom of crows… twitter.com/newsycombinato…
@chubbybannister He says, “Oh my stars!” whenever you come out at night?
@chubbybannister Who did you mean to flash?

You know those two guys who are always pissed outside Seamus O’Donnells? Today it’s me and Paul’s turn. pic.twitter.com/hLUMWlBv64
Just used new touchscreen Santander cashpoint. If you’re looking for example of bad UX for a talk, it’s a goldmine.

Heading into town, guided by a mer-sheep. pic.twitter.com/8LtwBOKv3w
Thank goodness there is at least a breeze. *wilts*
Going out in the noonday sun.

lukejerram Moon printing error, has meant I’ve spare lunar fabric. Email me if u r Bristol based&want some 2makeSomething pic.twitter.com/zPbasP6MBa

Finding it very hard to concentrate on work today. Let’s have a desk photo instead, hey? pic.twitter.com/EKuko3VBE0
@ahnlak Dunno; I’ve only ever tried them for hot drinks, where they work too damn well and mean my tea is too hot to drink for 20 minutes!
“Captain, Sick Bay is receiving widespread reports of lethargy and unconsciousness!” “Quickly! Divert auxiliary power to the desk fans!”
@ahnlak (Also, the good ones are £20, they’re fragile, and being British I only need one for a week every year :D )
*Procrastinate. twitter.com/ahnlak/status/…
@DanRebellato Pointless foil.
*Starts work* *Immediately gets distracted by idea of inventing an iced coffee glass that doesn’t drip condensation in your lap*
guardian Commons votes for Trident renewal by majority of 355 trib.al/reY2xnV

Back yard Clematis “Perle d’Azur” flowering nicely this year. Feeding it helped; who’d’ve thought!? pic.twitter.com/ZXADj4NLFt
@film_girl @raywongy It’s not just 3D. Pretty sure all printers hate *us* too. #PCLOADLETTER
That nagging feeling that the current shitstorm will one day be looked back upon as a distant golden age of humanity.
@saltwateritch *looks* *looks again* Oh! Yeah!
Reggae beats from Underfall Yard suddenly reminding me of Oldland Montano. Pop quiz: which music magazine gave away their sampler?
lucyleid Women are natural de-escalators. They have to be, or else each cat call would end with a brick through a car window.
@Bristolvor @chubbybannister I saw it as a kid. Bizarrely, only scene with contact lenses and scene with many tellies remains in my memory.

Nice finishing touch. Well done, #bristol. pic.twitter.com/SkSXGwxrq6
@chubbybannister @Bristolvor *Butts in* Oooh, been meaning to re-watch that for years…
anna_debenham A flock of Pokémon Go players cleared the druggies out of the local park.
@LeadHyperion Congratulations! Wish mine would.
Sitting in the dying sunshine reading John Brunner.

Pleasant end to the weekend. pic.twitter.com/leocxX0LpR
@SimonLandmine @20thcenturymarc I think that may just make it weirder
markpopham If you’re freaking out about adults playing children’s games holy shit my friend, sit down and let me tell you about “professional sports”
BristolFerry It’s because we care ;] xxxx twitter.com/gothick/status…
@chubbybannister My fave is when the bus app completely disagrees with the “smart” bus stop sign. How are they running from different data?

robmanuel This comment on the Guardian Ghostbusters review must win some sort of prize for weirdness pic.twitter.com/EHHJQZLzps
Following the global trend, from now on I will be communicating only through tweeted copies of Instagram pictures of text posts on Facebook.
Reckon one of the @BristolFerry skippers thinks I’ve been drinking at the Cottage for 24 solid hours. I’ve been home, honest, Neville!

Chilling at the Cottage. instagram.com/p/BH98IasjGYQ/
@ancientnmodern I’m halfway through cheese on toast just because Tony mentioned it! #thearchers #radiocalories
@yeevey I moved towards a bucket.

Other Craggy Island, er, I mean @BristolHarbFest, amusements include Wave At The Madman In A Box. #tunnelofgoats pic.twitter.com/9K75ff7og3

@domwakeling Current status: pic.twitter.com/38qCRjZDGS
guardian Frank Cottrell Boyce: what’s the point of culture in Brexit Britain? trib.al/DoBjntA

Film4 At 7.20pm, one of the funniest, most quotable films ever. We are serious, and don’t call us Shirley: it’s Airplane! pic.twitter.com/yc3MY3Butx
I am tipsy and my neighbours are away for the weekend. I am therefore singing along to loud prog rock while cooking chips.

As you do. pic.twitter.com/Rw6cZn7J6O

Oh, y’know, just hanging around at #brisharbfest #igersbristol instagram.com/p/BH7bQjVjphZ/
@Bristolvor Likewise!
@BenPark …that I needed to get a paper copy *before* I was at home at 10am on Saturday!
@BenPark I wouldn’t mind so much if I remembered *
@amandavin Big wheel near Thekla. £5. Was fun.

*Waves regally at #bristol* pic.twitter.com/aTk03TmDkk
@samsneed12 Ta, finally found one of my own!
@amandavin Yes; I read that and tried two places with no luck before finally finding one at SSGB, ta.

In full effect. pic.twitter.com/ln5HQ1fWcx
Ah, the annual saga of trying to find out when things are on at the harbour festival. I seem very unlucky on the programme-finding front.
t_pk vapes, energy drinks and legal highs all seem to use the same graphic design agency
(Although bear in mind the book fair is in Passenger Shed, and therefore has the climate of an equatorial rainforest. Dress appropriately.)

If the Harbour Festival is too busy for you, the book fair is still on :) #bristol pbfa.org/book-fairs/bri… pic.twitter.com/6VfLJJiotN

@antimitch I can usually work it out from the photos. pic.twitter.com/o0gihp7N92
@EffBeeee Last time I was flush I went to John Lewis and bought high thread count percale sheet. Awesomely luxurious! But quite pricey.
@_pigeons_ Of course you’re smiling. You’re holding cake.

@_pigeons_ An essence captured, I feel. pic.twitter.com/c4Q3bJEit6

Had a quick peek in @WildBeerCo’s soon-to-be new bar on the way home! twitter.com/WBWappingWharf… pic.twitter.com/BVzVAMjxHo

Book Fair swag. pic.twitter.com/DFFfeeYD7i
@PointyHound Needs 1-hour delivery, then I’m in :)
Does anyone do cheese on toast as a service? Asking for a hungover friend.
@EffBeeee From my perspective, yes. From theirs, probably not.

clodagh_walsh A FRIEND: Presumably PM just wrote F. Off next to Bojo’s name and some civil servant misinterpreted it. pic.twitter.com/hwnQAeVtiw
@chubbybannister Something tells me they weren’t delivering a refund cheque.
susie_dent There are afternoons when the mind just becomes ‘obtunded’: reduced to a level that sits between lethargy and stupor.

I declare my first experiment a success. pic.twitter.com/4ALpgoBY8p
MetroUK Theresa May’s hubby steals show by pouring his generous curves into a sexy suit #TheresaMayPM trib.al/twi6LJ5

May confirms new UK national anthem. pic.twitter.com/TXhfuA1VTQ
@tyronem Modern VB is basically C# with different whitespace. Older VB can be a more… acquired taste.
@tyronem I quite like VB. Though that may be a Stockholm syndrome symptom.
@danbarker Convinced, even.
@danbarker I’m not actually combined Boris *voted* leave.
@RellyAB I tried, but my bookie just said, “fuck off, mate, not even Armando Iannucci’d give you odds on that one…”
Boris Johnson? Foreign Secretary? What, was Jim Davidson not available?
@RealDramRob Ooooh. Erm. I’m not quite sure. Surprising light & grapefruity edge seems to clash with the smoke for me.

SimonNRicketts Here we go. pic.twitter.com/XQ6hIUvSwR
@GlennAlanBerry My virtual SQL Server box is running on my laptop and now I’ve fallen through a recursive hole of advice ;)

Life is just..pic.twitter.com/T4Q1ohbie1e1
@RealDramRob Have to let you know later; saving it for last.

Early dinner. pic.twitter.com/fO3RzklG9d

.@RealDramRob Your fault. pic.twitter.com/Xfk6EZQVaI
THE PRIMITIVES - Spin-O-Rama [Official] youtu.be/1fDTUhlYMdc?li… via @YouTube

The experiments begin. pic.twitter.com/0VYgXEeQ9u

A book that was very useful when I first read it, and continues to come in handy today. pic.twitter.com/GjXIsyXMi6
@laurenlaverne Yeah. You could put her in a dictionary under “poise”.
@EmergencyGlass (a) that was a joke about aggressive seagulls, and (b) I don’t live on your continent, but thanks anyway.
@technicalfault Doesn’t seem to be. And to be fair, I can see the attraction of that kind of news right now.
Hurrah! I can now support excellent sweary podcasts like @DownAndSafe without overseas card charges :D twitter.com/Webcomicscom/s…
Sean_Kemp Seriously guys just join the Lib Dems. There’s only 8 MPs and we’re obsessed by votes - you could be running the place in a week.

WBWappingWharf Pop-up can bar and sneak peak into the site for @BristolHarbFest all weekend! #SneakPeak #Preview #WildBeer #Bristol pic.twitter.com/ld2bZTcHJQ
@RealDramRob Indeed. And they are opening a bar just a pleasant walk around the harbourside from me pretty soon :D
@WildBeerCo PS: Where do I get myself a Smoke & Barrels in Bristol?
@RealDramRob @WildBeerCo @Springbank1828 Must try that. Did you ever try their Ninkasi Premier Cru? Amazing stuff.

Tipple. pic.twitter.com/rs6DOz2LTg
@galg (And frankly, as long as I can stream Netflix reliably I’m happy enough :D)
@galg Yeah; this is fibre to a box around the corner then copper from there. But the full-fibre companies had awful customer service!
@galg Currently testing as a mere 33.5Mbps. I think I’m getting a free upgrade next month, too…
Damn my fibre internet! There was a time when waiting for a 4GB download would be an excuse to slack off for the rest of the day.

@CharlieEsq_ I have a sneaking suspicion this FB ad is your fault! pic.twitter.com/dduK7tZVUW

Domestic. pic.twitter.com/Q8n3CEEKFZ

Tiny pepper! pic.twitter.com/kqihaogkLZ
@emmachampion6 Leonard Charter-Moore :D
@8EJ3 Christ, imagine what was there before if that’s already happened.