@shezza_t Yeah, it basically floated on the cloud of egg white, so though it looks a lot not much went in the actual drink.
@shezza_t Cinnamon.

Dents-de-lion. pic.twitter.com/30sekjDVKa

<insert fungi joke here> pic.twitter.com/IyrgupJ5zS

@_pigeons_ Narrow barrow. pic.twitter.com/NoF2KPyo5C
@lilydoughball I can just about cope with it drowned in tonic. Which is a shame, given that the Pump House is one of my locals.

Monkey Business. pic.twitter.com/fdto0pYSJe
@slicknic Stoney Littleton.

Long barrow. pic.twitter.com/xccjG9R2mC

When you unsubscribe from an email list and they send you a confirmation email. pic.twitter.com/aja46WcFBc
@lizzz_818 KERREKT!
Great to see that blogging is alive and well and happening in annoying 140-character-max fragments strung together on Twitter.

Microfarm status: A-OK. pic.twitter.com/LgAbcFZkWc